When the future of your pack gets taken away, the logical thing to do is find another pack to join or wait for the inevitable end to happen. Luckily for our pack our Alpha is determined and ready to fight to get back what we lost.
Chapter 1:
White claw pack has the reputation of being the best trainers of protectors in our country. Packs from all regions send their team of wolves to be perfected there in combat and organisation to admin and welfare of the pack.
The only way to get on our lands to be trained is by approval from the King , our old Alphas brother King Lykaia .
To be considered you have to show that you :
- Have an issue with your training or rogues in your area.
- Pledge your loyalty to the King by cutting your hand and binding your pack to the crown.
- Show you have tried to advance your pack on your own by showing your schedules of training , results and schooling agenda to start from the youth up.
- Complete a trial of minds, it gives you scenarios like to self-sacrifice without real world consequences and 3 other hard tests but while you're in it you don't know that it's not real.
This way we know they will succeed in retaining the information they get and implement it into their packs & they are trustworthy to allow into the pack lands.
So you'd think that stealing from them would be impossible , stupid and a death sentence without the fact that it would be the worst idea that anyone could think up.
Unfortunately it happened and the world will be flipped upside down , turned inside out and burned if they don't get back what they lost.... But I'm getting a head of myself aren't I ... let's go back a month before .
15th September
We have 4 pack members coming today from the Blood Moon Pack . This pack is 3 hours away from our lands , they are a medium sized pack 200 members at the last census to be precise.
They come to hone their skills for their patrols and border , they have rogues visiting more often and have had a couple slip through , so far they have only taken food and items over pack members but the possibility is there and needs to be handled before they diminish numbers.
They are a close Allies to the crown and to our pack . They helped during a time when Alpha Lucien was just building up the White Claw pack with the Kings permission of course . Starting with and idea to have some land to take in the rogues that didn't want to be rogues but felt they had no other choice over staying in their original pack and then it grew to include mates from other packs , then again when packs got destroyed and only small numbers were left .
The Packs that come to us only send a small amount of members 4 to be exact for us to train, then they go home to show what they learnt and make whatever changes they need to so they can protect their pack. This allows us to monitor the outsiders in our lands and make sure that nothing goes on without our knowledge, it's a way of protecting our own when we've worked so hard to get what we have now, and the trust we've built together with our own members .
Usually they send the Chief patrol agent leaving their senior behind , a border officer of an area so their second in command can step up while they are gone , one of their packs trainers most packs have two one female one male so a trainer stays behind to keep the workouts and senarios in practice going and a warrior of high rank someone who has shown great leadership and is a role model for the others . This way their packs are protected while the 4 members are away on their advanced training course .
But this time the kin of Alpha Aiden was coming his name is Carter , 17 so a year maybe less away from starting the process of taking over from Aiden and he's got a bad reputation with Females leaving his room continuously , some in a hurry some with their heads hung low from what I've been informed & and one nasty bitch called Serina who seems to think she will be his true mate when he turns 18 .
I've been personally requested to do a favour for Aiden by subtly correcting this behaviour while they are in our lands. I'm unsure what the fuck I'm going to do about it over his own father but according to Aiden I'm Carters role model .
I'm sure it's more for my strength and pack over my resistance to temptation. How the fuck am I going to deal with this? Maybe I'll have a whiskey on the rocks with my father tonight , after all, I have a non existent sex life.