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Whispers Of Forever

Whispers Of Forever

Iris Joy


Must heartbreak and unrequited love go hand in hand? Scarlet is madly in love with her best friend's brother and childhood friend but shockingly, she finds out Jaxton her forever love is coming back to town after two years of playing professional football but not alone, he's returning with a brand new trophy in human form, his Girlfriend. Completely stunned by this news, Scarlet is overwhelmed by heartbreak and makes a difficult decision to move on. But fate has different plans for her when trouble knocks on Jaxton's door and the only person who can redeem his name is Scarlet and her Agency unknown to him. As the story unfolds, confessions and secrets are unveiled but one thing is for sure Jaxton's heart belongs to Scarlet and has been since the beginning. Will he fight for her? or will they leave everything to chance?

Chapter 1 The Surprise

Hey Scarlet, wait up! my best friend Viola calls out to me from the window of her car.

a little surprised, I turn around to find out where she is as I stand at the entrance of the pancake shop.

V, hey? what are you doing here? I just saw you a few minutes ago or do you just miss me that much'' I ask her curiously since we just met a while ago.

I have the best news ever scar, you won't believe it, she says giddily, showing off her perfect dentition that I may or may not be jealous of sometimes.

Okay, hold up tiger! I say knowing fully well that Viola gets overly excited over the littlest things.

Hmm, it had better be that good, if it had you coming all the way here just to tell me, I say again to her now my curiosity peaked.

Well, let's go in first, feed with some sugary goodness and your fluffy pancakes and I'm going to spill all the deets, she does a fake salute.

We enter the cozy pancake shop, the scent of warm butter and maple syrup enveloping us. Viola leads the way to a booth by the window, where we settle in with the menus.

As we browse through the extensive pancake options, I can't help but notice the sparkle in Viola's eyes. She's practically bursting with excitement, barely able to contain herself. I can't help but smile at her infectious energy.

Finally, our waitress came over to take our orders. Viola, true to her nature, chooses a stack of pancakes loaded with berries and whipped cream, while I opt for a classic buttermilk pancake with a side of crispy bacon.

As we wait for our food to arrive, Viola leans in closer, lowering her voice as if sharing a secret. "Okay, Scarlet," she begins, unable to contain her enthusiasm any longer. "You remember Jaxton, right?" she smirks knowingly

I nod, memories of our childhood hometown flooding my mind. Jaxton was Viola's older brother and the one who I've had a bothering crush on, more like been in love with him for the longest. He has been away for over two years, but it felt like forever honestly. He was a football player in London and yeah, I hate to admit it sometimes but I did miss him.

Viola leans back in her seat, a smug grin playing on her lips. "Well," she says, drawing out the word for dramatic effect. "Guess who's coming back to town?"

My heart skips a beat as her words sink in. Could it be? Could Jaxton be returning to Eden Vale? The thought alone sends a wave of excitement and nervousness coursing through me.

"Wait, are you serious?" I ask, unable to hide the hope in my voice.

Viola nods vigorously, her blonde curls bouncing with each movement. "Dead serious, Scar. He's coming back next week for good!"

A rush of emotions floods over me-happiness, anticipation, and a tinge of anxiety. Jaxton was more than just Viola's older brother; he was the boy I had grown up with, the one who had unknowingly stolen my heart since we were kids. We shared countless adventures, secret hideaways, and chemistry, I hope.

But there is a little problem, Vi says smiling sadly.

Okay, way to go, there is bad news also, I say to her. I hope it isn't what I'm thinking, I think to myself.

Vi, honestly, you're giving me a heart attack right here and you know how much I hate being anxious, what is the little problem you speak of? I ask her honestly anxious to know her reply.

She leans in closer, her voice so light, intertwining our fingers. ''I heard he is coming back with his girlfriend and from the looks of it, I think it's quite serious. I'm so sorry Scar, I know how you feel about Jax. I've known it for the longest.

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