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Alpha's Abused Rogue

Alpha's Abused Rogue



"Strip" Her thighs were coated with arousal which dripped down as she stood up parting her long silver hair to a side, arching her back to take off the bra. She was all naked infront of him, her clothes lying at his feet when she peered at him through her eyelashes. "Rhy-" "On the bed, face down, ass up." She gasped softly when he took off his long coat throwing it down along with her clothes. "NOW" she didn't need to hear anything after that as she scrambled on the bed getting on all fours arching her back and raising her ass for him. She was completely bare to him, her body all for him to do as he wished, to play it like an instrument for himself. All ready for his punishments. "Keep your hands at the back" The bed dipped behind her as he settled on bed. He held both her wrists binding them together with a leather cloth..the rough belt he had taken off. A loud smack upon her butt made her yelp in surprise which soon turned into a wanton moan. His hands massaged her ass digging his fingers as his large calloused palms gently gave them a squeeze. "You will listen to me little girl?" His lips traced her earshell whispering it to her.

Chapter 1 CURSED

Rejection, the most beautiful woman, e quisitely carved out of stars and the most ethereal goddess to ever grace heaven, hell, and immortality of celestial beings was rejected.

Serene silver hair spilled on her shoulders, glowing, straight and thick waves falling to her waist, swaying with her each step were now stagnant. Her scarlet lips parted in shock with dark blue eyes showed nothing but fury and astonishment.

"Are you seriously rejecting me, for a lowlife who isn't even born yet?" her melodious voice that was nothing but a screech at this moment bounced off the magnanimous violet pillars adorned with black pearls and were heard by the male who was opposite to her.

Innumerable glass chandeliers embellished the dark room with the radiance of the sun.

A throne was perched at the far end of the courtroom, on the elated ivory turf. Black roses laid on its path with their counterpart silver ones.

The man to reject the woman stood from the throne in all his mighty glory with his leather black cloak trailing behind him. Grey eyes lively like thousand moons shining together stared into her blue ones making her breathing shallow.

"Haven't I made myself clear yet Selene?"

His chocolate hair with amber streaks appeared to be softer than any silk, chiseled features putting all gods....each god combined to shame- The ruler of the Underworld, the supreme power wielder-King Hades.

"No you have not! What is there in a mortal woman? What powers does she has that I- protector of werewolves don't possess?"

His crimson lips curled into distaste. "Watch the way you talk about her." his deep, cocoa-rich voice filled with chilling anger distracted her but as soon as her mind registered his words her eyes filled with malice.

"Do you even know whom you have rejected? Do you know the consequences of going against me Hades?"

He did.

He had said no to the moon goddess- Selene.

The epitome of beauty, power, and guardian of Wolves, the maker of Mates.

She was the one who blessed wolves with bonds yet this one bond she did not bless, she wanted Hades for herself and never in her dream had thought that one day a girl would snatch him away from her.

"I do, I know you better than anyone else Selene." she stared at him. Her lips curved into an evil smirk.

Despite hatred running deep in her veins if there was one person she actually respected...it had to be Hades. She hated him but loved him at the same time, comple emotions ruling her heart for him.

"Nobody can understand you like I can Hades, nobody can love you more than me. Reject the mate bond, reject her. Come with me and I, in turn, shall give your rejected mate another werewolf male....the one she actually deserves."

The sky thundered, frost forming on the floor. Her eyes widened when the silver irises of King Hades flashed in wrath making her flinch. He came close to her his jaw clenched hard.

"She will be my mate Selene, you like it or not.

I have waited so long for her, felt lonliness ripping apart my soul but now that my mate has taken birth.......how impudent of you to think that my mate can be rejected by me.

Warriors! Escort the moon goddess out of the gates of the Underworld and make sure she never returns."

Two soldiers in armor and shields came forward stepping toward the infuriated female.

One hundred e cruciating years...it had taken Selene one hundred years to gain her powers, to enter the underworld and it took him one breath to throw her out.

Her mind swirled with blinding rage, this icy terrain of Underworld never stayed at the same place in the cosmos, she had spent years of life finding it and once she did, they did not let her enter......now when all obstacles were removed why must he reject her proposal?

What if she can't have him this time, she will have him soon and there will be a time when he will call her himself...he will be her king, and she the ultimate queen of Supreme Underworld.

If she can't stay here, he will and so will his terrain....forever.

" I, Selene the creator of Mates, the moon goddess herself curse you to be trapped in the underworld till a destined half rejects his mate, remember me, King Hades it will never happen.....you will not be able to search for her. YOU WILL NEVER MEET HER!

She will never be able to find you and you will not be able to go out of your realm to find her."

The werewolf history....no wolves have ever rejected their soulmates, their other halves. It had never happened and it was more likely it will never happen in the future also.

Selene never made mates haphazardly, she made sure to couple the two souls which were similar thus it was only her that can make the rejection happen.

Those lethal words dripping with poison rang as the goddess disappeared into the air. Hell demons hissed when Hades felt the curse taking its effect.

"She will find me Selene." his eyes closed with the floor rumbling with his wrath. "And then.....I will find you."


Every fiber in the universe hears, every star in the Gala y responds and each deed has a repercussion.

When a soul sufferer the whole Creation cries, the sorrows never to be gone unnoticed.

Never curse a fair, never make their heart weep-the ultimate rule of Life.

Each breath of the sufferer had an effect and the tormentor has to pay.

Moon goddess Selene had broken the rule but time always ruled and the person to hold its reins was captured in his own world....it won't be long when his chains will be destroyed...so will the goddess' destiny.

A child was born with eyes of the ocean. Sweet nectar seemed to flow as her cry rang the first time. Dark blue eyes with an aquamarine tint seem to glimmer with joy.

Her mother clasped her mouth crying tears of joy as her father held her small wrist wondering what had he done so good in life to be blessed with such an angel.

Her brown hair in small wavy curls seem to be flowing with the wia nd, soft breeze caressing her witthe h utmost affection.

The oblivion which was roaring with thunder seemed to bow down to her, calming the catastrophic rain.

The one to command powers of life and death was born as a werewolf...a mortal herself which was an irony.

Goddess Selene watched the child from the skies as the new soul was welcomed among her wolves, that little girl was a Luna...a powerful aura that seemed vague right now would bend the world one day.

"Goddess S-Selene u-underworld has gone calm, it's g-glowing... radiating like heaven." a messenger informed with his eyes blown wide, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Radiating like heaven?....the cold place was the representation of King Hades, his emotions changed the weather....it can't be happening.

The goddess again looked at the girl in disbelief, she sure was a Luna, realization hit her as tons of bricks.....not any Luna, she was King Hades' Queen. So this was the child Hades was hiding from her and that too a werewolf under her?

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