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The Nights of the full moon.

The Nights of the full moon.



The nights of the full moon. Is a story of a teenage boy of 17 year old who fell in love with Lilly a young teenage girl who helps her father to sell herbs, Jason has family secret which he has been keeping from letting people know about. Meanwhile, Jason was bitten by his own mother, who was a werewolf in order to get his son healed, which eventually turned Jason into a deadly werewolf but he was filled with love and compassion, Jason never attack for no reason, he loves Lilly and over time Lilly became his weakness because of the strong love and emotion he had for her.

Chapter 1 The encounter

Lilly Brian was riding on her cart, transporting some herbs useful in curing sicknesses during the day time. Lilly's dad Sir Lucian Brian is a physician who supplies his city and the neighboring city, Lucian has become old and have no much strength to travel around supplying his neighboring cities. Lilly his only daughter has been with him helping him in supplying his goods around. Of course Lilly was a young girl of 20 year old.

Who has the dream of becoming the wife of a prince someday even though the hope and the dream doesn't certain, because of the the dark shadow crises happening in the city and in other neighboring cities. Lilly was already on the road that leads to Argatus, the city where people were seriously dying everyday. Hence, Lilly wasn't actually going to Argatus, she was traveling to the city of Tanstonio , where she have to deliver her father's goods, but She has to pass through some valley pass through waters before getting there. But on her way to her destination, her cart's wheel stopped, her mind cut into pieces, at first she thought it was the shadow that kills people that has actually followed to attack her, she waited for some time, but her horse didn't give any bad signal, so she came out of the cart and checked what could have happened, " oh It was the wheel", some rope grasses has coiled round the wheel which didn't make it rotate and move again, she removed the grasses although it took her much time before she could come through it, when she was done, she rise up and realized that it was really getting late, and fear overshadowed her mind, she thought that she won't be able to make it down to the Tanstonio city, then she decided to stop and sleep over in the Argatus city as she moved. Then it was getting darker and the more it gets dark the more Lilly's heart breath fast, now she saw the city of Argatus in a far distance, "but it is still a bit far" she said to herself, if champ can run fast we will get there in no time! "Champ" is the name she gave her horse, champ is her favorite.

As they approach the Argatus city, she saw a road by the left, it was a shortcut to the city of Argatus, she followed the road and suddenly she saw a dark figure a bit far from her, she was totally scared and suddenly a young handsome guy jumped to her and she screamed. "No no no, don't shout am here to rescue you, just do as I say, he took her and jumped on the horse and cut off the rope of the cart and smack the horse, the horse ran faster and entered the city. In the city all doors were closed already which got Lilly to be more scared when they got home, he took her in and kept champ safely.

The heard a sudden noise in the wood, "Arh oooooo" that noise sounds like a wolf. Lilly looking everywhere and walking around the house. " thanks for saving my life, I don't know what could happened if you didn't show up" and by the way my name is Lilly, what's your name? My name is Jason he said..., and my horse, I call her Champ, said Lilly. And I want to ask a question, what were you doing out there in the moon seeing that a shadow killer is walking around the wood looking for who to devour! He could kill you!

" yes you are right Lilly, Jason said, but that is my job, to safe people from been killed by the "Mon! Mom!! Monster" Jason look so worried and he wasn't feeling okay while responding to Lilly. Lilly felt it and she asked him if everything was alright... yes everything is alright Jason answered

Do you care for a cup of coffee and some cheese,, asked Jason! Oh yea answered Lilly., Jason prepared the meal and served Lilly, but Jason was worried.

Back in the wood, the giant shadow was roaring, it got to the cart and when it didn't see anyone in there, it left and was roaring and roaming in the wood, the whole city got inside and no one opens their doors except for the hunters that have tried many times to kill the monster devouring everyone in the city, although it wasn't one, because sometimes ago, one was killed by a great hunter who was a passerby and had an encounter with the black shadow, he eventually killed one of them that fretful night which makes the people the people recognized that it was a werewolf.. and non of them knows who he was among the people in the city, And ever since then, these werewolf's kept increasing and never stopped coming out especially when it is the full moon period. Those period has been a hard time for everyone in the city and the neighbor cities. People who has seen one of the werewolves and escaped gave the name black shadow because it is the shadow that appear first.

Later in the middle of the night, Jason rushed to Lilly and took her to another room. Later after Jason had left him, he went o hide himself in a room beeping through the window, it was around 3:30am to 4:00am. Suddenly the noise was getting nearer and sounds Creaaaaaaaaaak, Creaaaaaaaaaaaak, "Ahhhhhhh, Urgh ooooooooooooooooo!" Then they heard chirps like scary bells jingle and jingle. Lilly beeped through the window at the top floor of the house where Jason took her to, there she saw clearly a werewolf coming out of the wood and entering into the same house she was, Lilly's heart was in a great shock, and she started looking for a place to hide herself as she was hiding, a sound was coming from the door, she rolled under the bed in the room, the door opened and then it was Jason and his mother Erica. They entered the room together, " Lilly! Lilly!! Where are you? Jason started calling. When Lilly was aware that it was really Jason but the woman she knows nothing about and then she could tell that there was no noise of whatsoever, she came out of her hiding place. Hey Jason, am sorry I,I was scared of the voice that I heard, but it's fine now.

Jason smiled at her and this time around, Jason seems to be okay, Lilly, meet my mother! Oh Lilly answered " hi mother, how have you been" oh am fine my dear, you might have traveled this far to be here in this city, how are your parents" very well ma'am.. lily noticed a stain of blood on her palm when Erica shook her and on her shoulder when she parted her on her shoulder. Lilly felt suspicious and surprised she called her attention, ma, you are bleeding, are you alright? Argh!! Nope, am alright my dear, I have a cut on my hand, I will be okay, Erica said and she immediately left the room. When it was morning, Lilly and Jason went to the wood took her cart together with her horse champ. She left to her destination. Lilly and Jason since then had never contacted each other, because there was no means but Jason had already being in love with Lilly, and in other round, Lilly could not get Jason off her head, she kept thinking and feeling she could see him again to hold him tight.

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