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The mafia king's wife

The mafia king's wife



Valentina has been chosen as the wife of The Butcher, the most feared man in the Rossi mafia. Despite having the options of any woman, he specifically chose her, even after being overlooked by Thomas Rossi's son due to her broken and damaged state. Giovanni Romano, a ruthless individual, has gone through life training to become a ruthless killing machine after witnessing the death of his family. He pledged loyalty to Rossi and desires Valentina more than anything. He saved her life and now offers her an opportunity to flourish. Valentina never anticipated falling for her husband. Although he instills fear and poses a significant danger, being near him ignites a passionate flame within her. In his presence, she feels whole and never wishes to be without him. Now the responsibility falls on Giovanni to protect his wife during crucial moments, or he risks losing the only woman he has ever truly loved.

Chapter 1 1

Valentina Romano, formerly known as Valentina Berlusconi, felt the pitying gazes of everyone in the room. She awkwardly held her champagne glass and forced a smile to mask her discomfort, hoping to deter the pointing and whispering. It was widely known in their circles that Giovanni Romano, also known as The Butcher, had chosen her to be his wife, leaving Valentina perplexed as to why he had chosen her out of all the eligible women in the Rossi circle.

With her father being one of the capos in the Rossi family, Valentina was involved in the selection process, but Giovanni had shown no hesitation in choosing her, without even considering the other candidates. This unexpected attention had made Valentina the subject of gossip within their social circle once again.

The whirlwind wedding ceremony had been both overwhelming and terrifying for Valentina. She wasn't accustomed to being the center of attention and preferred to go unnoticed. In the midst of her "husband" engaging in conversation with her father, Valentina found herself standing alone, which she was fine with. She had never really fit in with the inner circle of women who were not seen as valuable in their world, but merely as tools for business contracts and family alliances to prevent conflicts and rivalries. Throughout her life, she had been constantly instructed to avoid attracting attention, to blend in, and to remain unheard.

Valentina couldn't comprehend why Giovanni, a menacing and imposing figure, had chosen her. Her gaze involuntarily shifted towards him, observing his large build and numerous tattoos peeking out from under his clothes. Rumors circulated that his body was entirely covered in tattoos, but Valentina dismissed them, knowing better than to pay heed to idle gossip. She couldn't help but smile at the irony of her situation, considering the horrific incident that had befallen her in the past, transforming her into a social outcast within their community. The kidnapping had left her scarred, resulting in her inability to wear the backless wedding dress her mother had envisioned. Her mother had even suggested plastic surgery to conceal or alter the scars, as if it were a solution to all their problems.

Valentina had to hide her scars, but at least her mother had stopped criticizing her weight. That was one less thing to worry about. Giovanni's appearance sent shivers down her spine. She stole another glance at him, noticing that he stood out among all the other men in the room, not just in physicality, but also in presence. Valentina, however, firmly believed in not judging based on appearances or paying attention to rumors. After all, her own horrifying experience had made her realize the danger of painting someone with broad strokes.

She smiled, although it seemed out of place. Women within their mafia families rarely smiled during weddings, especially when it involved an arranged marriage. Valentina had experienced such a marriage before her abduction, which had been a momentous event celebrated by her proud father. Her mother had been terrified of losing her social standing and had forced Valentina into strict diet and weight-loss regimens. It was these measures that ultimately facilitated her kidnapping, as her vulnerability became apparent to her captors. They had taken her and subjected her to unimaginable horrors, leaving her disfigured and damaged. When she returned, nobody wanted her. Rossi, her former betrothed, had discarded her and married another woman, someone unblemished and slender.

Valentina caught sight of Rossi and his new wife, seemingly a perfect couple despite their physical differences, while she herself had raven hair. She disregarded them, turning her attention back to Giovanni approaching her. The mysterious man, her husband, remained an enigma to her. She tilted her head back and forced a smile.

"I believe it's time for us to dance."

Valentina had hoped to decline his request, as she despised being the center of attention, especially on her own wedding day. Nevertheless, she replied with a convincing lie. Her heart raced as she placed her champagne glass on the nearest table. She had never been a drinker, as witnessing one of the women in their circle face the consequences of loose lips due to alcohol had resulted in severe punishment and fear. Her mother had emphasized the importance of vigilance at such events.

The women in their world unfairly judged one another, always placing blame on the woman rather than holding the man accountable. This was the harsh reality of their lives. Men were allowed to mistreat their wives as long as they didn't cause irrevocable harm. Valentina had lost count of the times she had witnessed bruises, broken limbs, and casts, all in the name of marriage. Love was absent in these relationships; pain was the only constant. Despite her resentment and disdain for these traditions, the women had no choice but to endure it.

Valentina detested this way of life. Biting her lip, she tried to ignore who she was with as Giovanni slowly led her onto the dance floor. His arm encircled her waist as he drew her close, although not too close to be deemed inappropriate, allowing her to feel his warmth. Their bodies barely brushed against each other.

"You look incredibly attractive," she stated.

Her mother had instructed her to always compliment his appearance. He had a certain intimidating handsomeness. Something about him felt different from anyone else, even her ex-fiancé Leonardo Rossi.

"And you look absolutely stunning, just as I expected. The perfect bride."

She wanted to ask him why he chose her. He had the rare opportunity to pick any woman he desired, yet he chose her. She still didn't understand it.

The scars on her back, as well as the few on her stomach and thighs, were very real. She had lived in fear for a long time. Some nights, she still suffered from nightmares. They never went away.

She had wanted to seek help, talk to a therapist or anyone who would listen, but her father had refused. She couldn't discuss family matters with anyone.

This wasn't about family matters. To her, it was about dealing with the fact that she had been kidnapped and tortured by unknown men who wanted to know every detail of her life. It had been too much for her to handle. She wanted it to all stop.

Instead of seeking help, she had guards stationed outside her doors. Extra protection. The nightmares continued for several months, until finally, they seemed to lessen. Valentina only hoped they wouldn't return on her wedding night.

Her mother had told her that she was expected to willingly give herself to Giovanni. She shouldn't resist. As a wife, it was her duty to serve her husband, and she shouldn't worry because he would find other women. Prostitutes and mistresses to fulfill his basic desires, leaving her alone, only needing her when he wanted children or more.

The life her mother envisioned for her terrified her. There was no joy to be found in that type of life. None at all.

The mere thought of it filled her with remorse.

Looking up at her husband's face, Valentina didn't want a loveless marriage, or to resent or fear him. She had lived in fear for too long. But how was it possible to have a happy, loving marriage with a man known as The Butcher? She didn't love him, nor did she truly know him.

Could it be possible to find love with him?


At that moment, Giovanni considered himself the luckiest person on earth. Holding his wife in his arms, finally able to have her close.

The past few months had been agony, watching her, being close but never allowed to touch. He didn't know how he managed to endure it.

All eyes were on them, and he desired nothing more than to take her away from their prying gazes. They had no right to look, or to even be near her. None of them knew what this woman had endured, but he did. At eighteen years old, she was promised to Leonardo, the son of the Rossi empire, the Boss of the Rossi mafia. Leonardo was soon to become a leader with a volatile temper and a promiscuous nature.

Poor Valentina had been kidnapped.

Rossi had contacted Giovanni to find and save her, and bring her back for his son. Giovanni had accomplished that. It took him three days to locate her. She had been hidden in a small, dilapidated ranch house, chained up, with severe whip marks on her back. They had also targeted her stomach and thighs.

She remained a virgin. They hadn't taken that from her, but they had cut off her beautiful long black hair, and the wounds they inflicted became infected.

They even urinated on her, playing some sick game.

The three men at the ranch had died at Giovanni's hands, and after rescuing her, taking her to the hospital, and hearing about her fight for survival, he went on a killing spree, eliminating everyone connected to the men who took her.

She was taken because of a drug debt. Rossi had refused to pay for a shipment, and as a consequence, they took someone important to him. Valentina paid the price.

When he learned that Leonardo had called off the wedding and demanded his ring back, Giovanni was furious. He overheard the jerk saying he didn't want a wife with scars that would be permanent, according to the doctors.

Leonardo wanted a showpiece. A trophy.

Rossi had caused this, but they turned their backs on her.

He kept up with the idle gossip. Listening to what people said about the Berlusconi family angered him. For the past three years, he had kept an eye on her. Watched her from a distance. Seen her suffer in silence.

Just like in their world, she had nobody to turn to. Nobody to hear her. Even her screams were confined to another wing of her home, with just a couple of guards to listen. She had been discarded like trash.

Rossi gave him the incredible opportunity to choose his own bride. Giovanni had proven his loyalty and dedication for nearly twenty years. At the age of forty, he had served Rossi faithfully.

After his family was killed, it didn't take long for him to earn the title of The Butcher. The name suited him well, especially in his younger years. He didn't handle his torture well back then.

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The mafia king's wife

Chapter 1 1
