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The Shadow of the Moon

The Shadow of the Moon

Cara Santos


Mork was wronged, imprisoned for thirty years he finally sees his opportunity to free himself, his revenge will finally begin and everyone will feel the bitter taste of pain, he has long stopped thinking about friendship and love, his life revolves around only his revenge. But in the midst of his bloodlust he finds himself trapped by the beautiful Elena, now his heart is divided between loving Elena, or seeking revenge. Elena lived in a world where they despised her, without knowing her true origin she was nothing more than a servant in her pack, but when one night her path crosses with a mysterious man she finds herself trapped in a web of hatred and revenge.

Chapter 1 The seal

He was the darkness that no light could pass through, his destiny had long been sealed, he was the personification of evil, the dark lord known as The Shadow of the Moon, nothing would give him more pleasure than to make the world burn, his hatred had long been rooted in his chest and had reached an unimaginable level, the only thing that appeased his fury was the desire for revenge.

While his enemies, who were once called friends, celebrated his defeat, the world had been cruel to him, but he wouldn't regret his fate, for him it was only for the weak who didn't know how to deal with their problems. His power could be considered both a blessing and a curse, and it was because of it that he was defeated.

He was a man of slender build, tall, with pale skin, eyes as blue as the waters of the ocean, with an aquiline nose and thin, small lips, he was considered a handsome man by those who were bold enough to look at him more than once. An angel's face for a demon, he was feared everywhere, but it hadn't always been like this, he had once been kind and good, always concerned about people until he was betrayed by the one he trusted the most, from then on his heart darkened and the feeling of love for others was replaced by power and revenge, and so he was imprisoned. Through a lie they lured him into a trap, and with the help of fifty witches with superior powers they sealed him in a cave, with a silver chain that feeds on his power day and night, he was foolish enough to believe his enemy and blamed only himself for the situation he was in. His body was in a state of dormancy, it was the way he had found to conserve some of his strength, and for the last thirty years he had overloaded the seal with small fluctuations of energy, every magic had a weakness and his seal would be no different, no matter how much they strengthened the seal year after year it wouldn't last much longer, over the years he had learned to channel his power by accumulating it inside him, he just needed a small chance to break the seal once and for all.


Meanwhile, in the kingdom of the alpha king Marui, an emergency meeting was taking place.

"We need to find another way to restore the seal," said the elderly witch Marie.

"If we reinforce it once more, how long will it last? asked Queen Olisa"

"A few months, Your Majesty," said Marie.

"We need a new form of containment, the seal is already at its end, it won't do any good to reinforce it, we have to make a new seal " says Alpha Marui.

"It's the best solution, my alpha, in the current state the seal could be broken at any moment" replies Marie.

"Are there any witches left alive from those who sealed it?"

"No alpha, when they did the spell to seal it, they used up a lot of vital energy and that drastically reduced the lifespan of all of them, the last one died a year ago" says Marie.

"Then we'll have to find a new sealing spell, gather the witches Marie and find a new spell."

"Or we could just kill him, that would save a lot of headaches," says Queen Olisa with a cruel smile on her face.

"You know better than I do that if we kill him he'll be reborn, so it won't be possible, sealing is the best option," says Alpha Marui. "Gather some witches, Marie, and we'll reinforce the seal one last time.

"As you wish alpha."

The situation was not at all favorable for Alpha Marui, he knew that if Mork returned he wouldn't stop until everything turned to ashes, his hatred had increased after they sealed him, he could feel it every time they went to reinforce the seal, in the current situation Mork wouldn't hesitate to wipe out the entire king of the silver moon to get his revenge, his time was running out, he needed to find a solution now, or everyone would be lost. Even with the silver chains feeding on Mork day and night, their power had increased enormously, something he still didn't fully understand, Marui only knew that if he broke free even he couldn't stop him and that frightened him terribly, there were too many flaws to analyze, if they broke the seal to make another one, the chains probably wouldn't be able to hold Mork, they were at a dead end, the only option was to cast a seal over the one that already existed, but that wasn't so easy to do, it required a lot of power and life force.

With his head full of worries, Maruí decided to pay a visit to an acquaintance, it had been a few months since he had been to her cabin, whenever he wanted peace he remembered Elena, she was his resting place in the middle of the cause, entering his room he opened a portal to the forest, this was one of the advantages of being a pure-blooded werewolf, you received many gifts, he walked at a brisk pace and soon spotted the small cabin in the middle of the forest, from the smoke coming out of the chimney she was home, before he could reach the door she came out with a wide smile, Elena was a short girl with a pale complexion and long black hair, her brown eyes showed all the affection she had for Marui, her heart-shaped lips wore a wide smile.

"How did you know I was here? "Maruí asked, approaching her.

"I felt you as soon as you passed through the gate," she said, giving her a hug.

"I'm still amazed at your ability to find me."

"You should be used to it by now Maruí" she pulls him in and pours him a cup of tea.

"Your skills are improving."

"You know I don't have any skills, I'm a lantern, remember?"

"Yes, but you do more things than the other lanterns."

"The only difference is that I can sense people's vital energy, I think it has something to do with my healing abilities."

Elena was a lantern, that is, a werewolf without a wolf, but because her mother was a healer she inherited her abilities and that made her very special. The alpha Marui was the only one who visited her in the whole kingdom, people usually ignored her, thinking that a werewolf who couldn't transform was useless, so her only friend was the alpha.

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