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From Boardroom 2 Bedroom

From Boardroom 2 Bedroom



When two cold and domineering CEOs meet unexpectedly at a business meeting, arrogance and pride is tamed while they are forced to work with each other. Especially when they discover why they were delegated for this deal and their scandals forced them into a relationship they were not willing to embark in. Arrogant billionaire CEO, Steve, and headstrong CEO, Alexa Stones, both children of influential business magnates, are forced by their fathers into a surprising business partnership blurring lines between work and romance. Initially at odds due to their competing business interests and contrasting personalities, Alexa and Steve are plunged into an intense rivalry, which eventually transforms into a burning passion that neither can deny. This journey of hatred to love is a long and strenuous one.

Chapter 1 The First Chapter

Alexa's POV

From the moment I received the call from my father, I knew this week was not going to work out for me.

I am Alexa Stones, the only child of my parents. I worked in their company as their interior designer and of course I loved my work.

I decided to go on a solo vacation to Paris as I have been working round the clock all year. I arrived yesterday and I have really enjoyed every moment. I went clubbing, had a nightstand, and I was getting ready to tour Paris this morning when my dad called.

" Hello daddy".

" Good morning angel" he responded, he was sounding hesitant.

" What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked a bit concerned and worried.

" Yes, I am, it's just that my health is really disturbing, I know you are on vacation, but I'll need you to...."

" You'll need me to come back and attend a meeting?" I said cutting him short.

" Yes, I'll need you to come, I'm really sorry I promise after this one, I'll not disturb you again " he said.

I knew that he would not bother me if he was strong enough, I owed him this favor, he's been the one closing deals all I had to do was get the job done.

I was pained and annoyed but there is nothing I can do.

" Are you there??" He asked.

" Yes father, I'll make it to the meeting, when is it??"

" It's tomorrow by ten" his voice was low.

" Really??" I was speechless.

" I'm really sorry angel"

" It's fine dad, I'll take the next available flight "

" I'll send the necessary documents through my personal assistant to you, bye"

" Bye" I ended the call.

I jumped on the bed screaming into the pillow, this was frustrating.

I threw my clothes into my box and tried booking a flight.

Just great!!! The next available flight is in five hours.

How frustrating a day can be and to think it is just ten in the morning, a bright sunny morning, I booked the flight anyways.

I did not have it in me to go for the tour anymore, so I ordered room service, had my bath, ate and went back to bed after setting my alarm.


I woke up to my alarm beeping, I showered, ate and left for the airport.

I did the necessities, boarded and got ready for the long ten-hour flight to Seattle.

I got settled in, thank God I was in the business class, it was so cool and quiet with everyone minding their business.

The air hostess announced we were taking off and thus we should buckle our seat belts, turn off our mobile and put on the air pods.

Immediately we took off, I had a great sleep.

Few hours later we landed, and I got my luggage's, I was expecting my driver to be here waiting but here I was stranded.

" Can't you get out of the way??" A voice bellowed.

I'm not the quiet type and as annoyed as I was, I wasn't ready to swallow that.

" And is this the only space your little assed brain could see to pass?" I bellowed back.

I mean men these days try to look down on women and that is one thing I'll not take, I become short tempered when I sense disrespect.

I thought he would exchange words with me, but he moved away, he was tall about 6"2 with jet black hair putting on a suit.

It was quite very expensive, but I do not care about their wealth.

I waited for long, but my driver did not show up and his phone was not going through, everyone's phone was switched off too.

I doubt the possibility of that, but how would my father know I will be here without making adequate provisions for me.

I was really pissed and frustrated, I had to use the airport's cab.

Immediately I reached my apartment, I laid down and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I realized I had less than an hour to get to the meeting.

I was not bothered, I could always apologize to Mr. Anderson Lakewood, he is my father's best friend and business partner.

I laid out a black flared skirt that stopped a little above my knee with a white roll up sleeve and heels.

I dashed into the bathroom to shower quickly, dressed up and made myself up.

I was already behind time as I reached the great Lakewood building, Lakewood is an architectural building and we have always done most of their interior designing.

I greeted the lady seated at the entrance of the door as she showed me to the room.

" I'm so sorry Mr. Lakewood, I'm late", I said as I entered shutting the door, when I turned around, I was met with a different pair of eyes and a younger face.

I was shocked, like who is this and why was he sitting on Mr. Lakewood's seat.

I turned to the other members, and they seemed comfortable.

I walked out of the door to class the receptionist if I was in the right place and she nodded.

I went back into the room.

" You would have been an actress," a deep voice boomed, oh, it was the young men.

I decided to ignore him as I took a seat.

" I apologize for coming late everyone, we can begin now" I said.

" And who are you to tell when to begin this meeting" he said yet again.

I took in a deep breath, this is a business meeting Alexa, don't mind the fool.

I kept saying inwardly. I was quiet.

" I asked a question," he said again.

" And you expect an answer to that question Mr. no name?" I blurted out before I could even stop myself.

" Steve is the name, and this meeting is adjourned " he said with a smirk on his face.

They all stood up leaving the room, I was dumbfounded,

" You can't possibly adjourn this meeting after everything I've been through to meet up??"

" Oh! You can go ahead "he said standing up from his seat.

" You wouldn't dare leave!!" I said, walking to the door and locking it securely. I lifts the keys up letting it dangle.

His grey eyes became fiery, darker with a touch of blue.

No one tries without getting the bitter taste of my craziness.

" You're so childish, how would you run the company this way? It's so sad that dear uncle stones have to endure this" he said sarcastically.

I decided to ignore him else he would have received a slap right now.

I sat comfortably stretching my legs and texting on my phone, we could as well stay here for the rest of today after all I had nothing on my schedule.

He was pacing back and forth texting on his phone too.

I laughed inwardly, " you could call your staff back and save yourself this stress, you know, oh maybe you weren't prepared for this you would've said so" I said trying to piss him off, while I was still texting on my phone.

" It would be best if you keep your wide mouth shut, else you'd regret this silly decision you made" he groaned.

I laughed loudly with no care in the world.

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