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Rejected and Pregnant: A Werewolf's Tale of Romance

Rejected and Pregnant: A Werewolf's Tale of Romance



Isabella Hart's seemingly happy marriage to Ethan Parker takes an unexpected turn when Ethan's former lover, who is currently married to someone else, re-enters Ethan's life, setting off a chain of dramatic events that deeply impact Isabella's world.

Chapter 1 Fated Mate

Ethan Parker, my husband, suddenly walked into the room. His face was a mixture of excitement and a hint of annoyance.

"What happened, Ethan?" I asked in surprise. It was unusual for him to have such an intense expression.

"I've finally found my mate," he said.

My eyes widened and my throat tightened. I hadn't expected Ethan to say something like that.

"How can that be?" I asked, my lips quivering with shock.

As far as I knew, Ethan had mentioned earlier that his mate was married to someone else.

"Isn't she married to someone else?" I asked, still surprised by his revelation.

Ethan nodded, his beautiful eyes meeting mine, but the moment felt like a descent into hell.

"Right, and she's agreed to be with me now," Ethan said.

His words hit me like a thunderbolt under a clear sky, my heart felt as if it had been pierced by a red-hot iron.

Tears began to fall from my eyes.

Looking at Ethan's expression, I could not see any trace of affection left for me.

"Stop crying. I hate people who cry easily," he said coldly.

I understood that as an Alpha, Ethan was expected to be firm, to put his duties before personal feelings.

But his heartless words cut deeply.

"Then... what about our marriage?" I asked, my voice a mixture of disbelief and pain.

Thinking back, I remembered how I got carried away a year ago. I had gotten drunk at the festival and ended up sleeping with Ethan.

We got married afterwards, but it was a marriage in name only, devoid of love - just a ceremonial bond. Still, I never expected Ethan to be so harsh.

"We will remain husband and wife... I need time," he said, his voice distant.

"Need time for what?" I asked, my lips trembling. I tried to bite them to stop the trembling.

My heart was breaking. It was getting harder and harder to hold back the overwhelming sadness.

"You don't need to know, Bella," he replied, using my nickname.

My full name was Isabella, but I was affectionately called Bella.

That day passed in silence. Ethan refused to sleep in our room. Later I found him sleeping on the couch.

A pang of sadness hit me. It must be cold tonight.

Even though I knew he was an asshole, my heart couldn't help but hurt for him.

Quietly, I entered the room and gently draped a blanket over the sleeping Ethan.

"Ethan... don't I even deserve to be your wife?" I whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear me.

I retreated to my room and curled up on the bed, burying my face in the pillow as tears streamed down my cheeks again. "Ah damn it, why do I have to be such a crybaby?" I berated myself.

"Bella, don't cry. There's no point in crying over a man," I tried to console myself.

I tried to gather my strength, but my lips trembled uncontrollably and the tears flowed even more freely.

In the end, despite my efforts to remain strong, I succumbed to my emotions and cried once more.


When morning came, I glanced toward the sofa, only to find Ethan gone. In his place was a handwritten note.

"Bella, I have some business to take care of. Don't look for me," it said.

My hands began to shake again, uncertainty clouding my thoughts.

Ethan had admitted that he had met his Mate, a Mate who was already married to someone else. And now this Mate was choosing Ethan.

"Oh God... is my life really that troubled?" I murmured softly, looking up at the ceiling, feeling as if fate was deliberately conspiring against me.

Stepping outside, I noticed that Ethan's personal driver was absent. Only my own driver was there, waiting with a reassuring smile.

"Miss Bella, where are you going today?" my driver inquired.

I replied, "Where do you think is the best place to kill yourself? The driver's face turned pale and his eyes widened in shock.

"Miss Bella..." he began, clearly alarmed.

"I was just joking," I quickly reassured him, trying to lighten the mood. I hadn't realized that my offhand remark would leave my driver so stunned and speechless.

"Take me to the beach," I requested, and he nodded in silent agreement.

The drive to the beach felt somber, devoid of emotion and desire. From the car, I watched the cheerful beachgoers, but I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to join in their merriment.

Then something caught my eye. Huh? Isn't that Ethan's car? I noticed a familiar car parked on the side of the road. I was sure it was Ethan's.

When my eyes caught the scene in Ethan's car, my heart seemed to break. "Driver, please slow down," I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur.

Obediently, the driver slowed down, giving me a clearer view. There they were, Ethan and a woman, intimately entwined, lips locked in a kiss. The sight left me speechless, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Miss Bella...are you okay?" The driver, noticing my distress, expressed his concern. Tears blurred my vision as I shook my head, unable to articulate my turmoil.

"Just drive," I managed to say, "get me out of here, as far away as you can."

It was then that a realization dawned on me. The woman with Ethan, perhaps she was his chosen partner. They seemed destined to be together, yet the injustice of it all gnawed at me. I was his wife, legally bound to him, and there he was, blatantly with another woman.

The sting of betrayal was compounded by the memory of his message, "Don't look for me. The words now echoed mockingly in my mind. Ethan, my husband, with her, in that car - it was a reality too painful to bear.

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