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Using her seductive abilities on a millionaire Alpha, an ambitious woman with a modest upbringing and breathtaking beauty, is determined to turn her life around. ------------- Rubi is a young woman who captivates many with her beauty and charm, which girls envy and guys desire. After attending a dinner party with some friends, Rubi meets Christian, the Alpha of the Knightwing Pack. He is everything a man should be: rich, tall, and handsome. Just the man Rubi is determined to have in her life, even if it means betraying her own pack. Seducing the Alpha might be a little fun; all's fair in love and war, or so they say. But what happens when Rubi finds out the Alpha is hiding a dark secret of his own, one that would shatter everything Rubi thought she knew? Will Christian prove to be the Alpha she dreams of after she has risked everything to be with him? Or will he turn out to be the nightmare she hoped to avoid meeting?

Chapter 1 Prologue

"I'm sorry, sir, but is it possible for you to drive faster? I don't want to be late," I said as I glanced at my watch.

I had an interview with Estelman & Associates-an international law firm owned by Christian Diaz, one of the wealthiest men on the planet. As rumor had it, his law firm was expanding, so they needed twenty new employees to fill their vacant positions.

Lisa, one of my best friends, pulled some strings and got me an interview at the company. Working there wasn't my first choice. However, due to the fact that my mother and sister were unable to make ends meet, I was forced to find a job in order to survive. It was enough to make me shudder just thinking about it. Sitting in an office was something other than what I saw myself doing, at least not long term, but girls got to do what a girl gotta do.

From a young age, I always felt destined for something more than living in squalor. My father skipped out on us shortly after I was born, leaving my mom to care for my older sister and me. After my father left, my mother made it a point to become more in touch with her human side; being a wolf, in her words, was a curse. As a child, she did not regard being a part of the supernatural as anything more than a nuisance, so she would switch the topic whenever it came up.

I love my mother, no doubt about it. However, the mere fact that she allowed herself to be dragged along by this mediocre life, which I despise, makes me angry. We lived in a small two-bedroom, one-bath apartment in the Lightborne pack, and we were not on the best side either.

I know it sounds like I'm being a bitch, but honestly, who doesn't want more in life? The idea of not pursuing your goals or dreams has never appealed to me. I busted my ass to get a degree in both business management and business administration; I sought something to fall back on. My ultimate goal was to be wealthy, rich, and powerful. Although I know it sounds wrong, if it meant betraying my family and pack for what I wanted, I would. After all, no one ever gets anywhere in life without having to step on some toes.

On the other hand, my mother was content with what we had. Whenever I would tell her about my goals, she would smile lovingly and then say, "Rubi, sometimes it's the simple things in life that mean more than big houses, fancy clothes, and jewels. That materialistic stuff doesn't always bring happiness but pain; trust me, I should know."

Although I know it's wrong to frown upon our living situation, and one should always be thankful, I can't help but wonder if there was something more to my family. And for whatever reason, my mother just gave it up. Regardless of the underlying cause, I would change that, no matter what it took.

As I stared out the window, I saw old, decaying bodegas crumble away and be replaced by brand-new, shiny buildings. This was a clear indication that we had moved from the poor side of town to the rich side. This was the side of the city I longed to be a part of, and someday, no matter how much it cost me, I would.

For some reason, it doesn't make sense to me how some people, like my friend Lisa, get up every morning and have everything they want. In contrast, I have to scrounge around for pennies to buy the food I need. If it wasn't for Lisa and the hand-me-downs she gave me, it's highly likely that I would end up dressing like my sister.

Honestly, there were so many aspects of Lisa's life that I was envious of, except for her looks. That's the one thing I had over her; that was the only card I had in my favor. Lisa wasn't that unfortunate; she always kept her shoulder-length, mousy-brown hair neat and shiny, and her brown eyes were always warm and caring. Lisa stood five feet six inches tall and had a very petite athletic figure. Her naturally tanned skin was golden and held a dewy, light appearance.

I was grateful to the moon goddess for blessing me with long black hair, stunning blue eyes, and a figure like no other. Although I was only five feet five inches, I did not complain when every guy wanted my attention. The saying says that sex sells; well, I made sure my appearance and sexiness worked for me. Taking that into consideration, today, I was going to use all my assets to ensure it worked in my favor.

"We have arrived, Miss," said the driver as he pulled up to a five-story building.

"Thank you," I said as I exited the car. "For driving so fucken slow," I muttered under my breath, closing the door. I know it wasn't the driver's fault, but with all the new technology, the cab company would likely invest in better navigation systems. After taking a look up at the building, it was impossible to resist sighing and shrugging my shoulders. "Here we go," I thought as I approached the double doors and entered the building.

As soon as I stepped inside, I looked around for a moment before approaching the reception desk. In spite of my approach, the receptionist was so focused on typing that she did not look at me.

"Excuse me," my voice trailed off.

"Is there anything I can assist you with?" the receptionist asked, not even looking at me as she continued to type on her keyboard.

"I have an interview with Estelman & Associates," I responded as I looked around the reception area, noticing that there was no color on the walls and everything was white canvas.

'Odd,' I thought to myself as I returned my attention to the receptionist, who had not bothered to look up from her screen.

"Name?" the receptionist asked.

"Rubi Salvatore," I replied.

"You are interviewing with Erin on the third floor. Take the elevators on the left," she said, gesturing in the direction of the elevators.

With a smile on my face, I thanked her and made my way to the elevator as quickly as possible. As soon as I stepped inside the elevator, I inhaled deeply and tried to calm my nerves. As I straightened my blazer jacket, I thought to myself, how did it come to pass that I, Rubi Salvatore, ended up failing miserably to the point where I had to interview for a job at a law firm? It was okay, but law wasn't my forte. I shook my head to clear my thoughts of all that. Now was not the time. I needed to make sure I kept my head in the game. Taking a quick look at my reflection, I tugged my hair behind my ear and nodded at myself just as the doors opened. Placing a smile on my face, I exited the elevator and walked straight to the reception desk. I was just about to greet the receptionist when I heard my name called.

"Rubi Salvatore?" called a woman.

It wasn't until I turned around that I saw a woman in a gray pinstriped suit walking towards me. Her blonde hair was neatly combed into a low bun, and her brown eyes were hidden behind reading glasses. In response, I smiled at her and gave her a nod of my head.

"Yes, that is me," I answered with a polite smile.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Erin. I will be conducting your interview this way," she said as she turned and walked down the hall to the interview room.

"Fantastic," I replied while mentally facepalming myself in an attempt to hide my frustration. So much for using my assets to weasel into this place, I thought as we rounded a corner and walked into a conference room.

"Please sit where you like, and we will begin," Erin said as she pulled a chair and sat down.

Taking a deep breath, I sat down and tried to remain calm and professional as Erin cleared her throat and began the interview.

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