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Devin Wayne Romanov: The Alpha's Obsession

Devin Wayne Romanov: The Alpha's Obsession



Devin Wayne Romanov was the alpha of his pack. What he wants, he will always gets - either he gets it by force or not. He is well known as the most arrogant and dangerous leader of his pack. But there is something he never gets or have even if he wanted it so badly. What is it? Who is it, rather? It's his childhood friend - Eliana Amaris Lockwood. The woman he's so obsessed with. But unfortunately, Eliana hates him because of what he did to her family that he never meant to happen. Can he ease the pain he inflicted to the woman he's in love with? Or, will it get even worse? Not just the hate Eliana have for him, but also the obsession he also have for Eliana. It's either his obsession with her will turn out good or bad.

Chapter 1 Found


"Miss Lockwood, would you like to answer my question?"


"Miss Lockwood!"

'I should convince father to leave this place as soon as possible.'

And then I felt someone poke me from behind – that's the time when I came back to reality. And then that someone even whisper behind my ears.

"Are you daydreaming again?"

It's Victoria who poke me and asked me that sarcastic question. 'Tss! Why do she even need to care?'

"Miss Lockwood! Are you with us?"

And then I almost jump when I heard our professor, calling me and she seemed so annoyed already. 'F*ck! Is this the reason why that b*tch sneered at me?'

I turned my head to see Victoria who is now sneering more at me and I just rolled my eyes at her before I face our angry professor, again. 'Sheesh! We better leave this place already!'

We do not belong here – I do not belong here!

"What is it, Miss?" I asked our professor that question.

And then, it didn't escape my sight when she suddenly rolled her eyes at me. 'Is she really that mad to do that? She seemed childish for a professor here in the university – well she does look like young to me than our other professor.'

I even catch her eyes glancing at my whole body and when she met my eyes, she gave me a b*tch face. 'Really? This is too much for today.'

"You look stunning at your outfit for today, Miss Lockwood." Our professor said as she once again raids my whole body with her eyes, and then after that she looks at me again. "Didn't the guard told you that, that kind of clothes isn't allowed inside the school premises." She said again.

Actually... I am not intimidated to her. I can handle her just fine just like how I handle that b*tch Victoria every single day.

"I am wearing a proper dress code, Ma'am."

And right after I said those words to her, her eyebrows started to furrow. 'Is she starting to get annoyed by what I just told her?'


Well... that is partly true... I mean, I am wearing a crop-top white polo shirt and a high-waist trouser. And as for the footwear, I use my ankle boots. So... I don't see any wrong to my clothes for today. So why is she making it a big deal?

I mean... if my clothes violate one of the school rules then I shouldn't be here. The guard shouldn't let me in, in the first face. 'Sheesh! I am sensing that she just wants to make me feel bad in front of my classmates.'

'I remember Victoria to her when I first came here.'

"Oh really? Should I call the head then?" She asked me that question with so much sarcasm in her voice while also raising one of her brows at me.

"Try me!" I said to her while giving her a slight smirk on my face.

Sheesh! This getting exciting – more exciting perhaps?

"You insolent woman!" And then she suddenly raise her hands to slap me, I guess? But even before she could do that, she managed to calm herself down. I even notice how she release some deep and heavy sighs. "Let's have a deal then," she announced out of a sudden right after she calm herself – I think?


"Enlighten me." I said to her while still wearing the same expression on my face – the one that will definitely annoy her more.

And it's working because she rolled her eyes at me before throwing me her question.

"If you get to answer my question right... I'll let you stay at my class but I am so sure that you wouldn't even get to answer it since like what Miss Smith said here, you always daydream." She said to me. "And if you wouldn't get the right answer, you will leave this university for good." She even added.

She even looked like she'll win against me, this time.

I get to raise one of my eyebrows at her because of what she said. 'Really?' I didn't know she was always looking at me. Sheesh! 'Creepy, isn't she?'

"Try me... then." I said to her.

She rolled her eyes again before finally throwing her questions at me. "Since we are talking about mythological creatures, I want you to define a werewolf?" she asked away those question.

That's an easy mark. Sheesh! I'm smart – the only reason why this school accepted me. Tsk!

"Werewolf are mans who turns into a wolf – some are at will and some are not." I said to her. "They are man who turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, people, or corpses but returns to human form by day. Some werewolves change shape at will; others, in whom the condition is hereditary or acquired by having been bitten by a werewolf, change shape involuntarily, under the influence of a full moon." I added.

And as I look at her, she seemed at awe because of what I am saying. 'Let me empress you more then.'

"They also have a superior strength that surpasses humans, they have these sharp fangs and claws, and when it comes to their sense, it is sharper than humans. They can also infect others by biting them so they turn into werewolves at the next full moon." I paused again because I want to see their faces as I reveal those things to them, well except for Victoria whose now smirking and seemed like she's so proud at what I am doing.

"And because they have an incredible strength, they also have weaknesses. It is said that, if you pierce a werewolf through its heart with a silver bullet, it'll die. And a 'Vamptonite' is known to kill werewolves along with vampires and ghouls." I looked at our professor who's now at awe at what I just mention.

'Sheesh! Her mouth is partly open too.'

"That's all, Miss." I said to her that actually help her come back to reality that I did answer her question, excellently.

"I didn-"

"Ah... Miss?"


Someone suddenly cut her off and tried to get her attention and f*ck – I somehow hate it. Well... I'm just getting into the exciting part. And I guess our professor got annoyed too at that interruption between our conversation.

"Yes?" She said as she walk towards the door to attend with the new comer – well... he wasn't a student here.

I sense it. He even smells different. He smell like – our eyes met and he actually gave me a smirk in his face. F*ck!

'They found me already. Sh*t!'

"I'm looking for Miss Eliana Lockwood."

To be continued...

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