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The Billionaire's Curse

The Billionaire's Curse



Being the son of the wolf hunter Cage, Xander Cage was cursed to be a werewolf for 1000 years. Year after year he has sought after the cure to the curse which is falling in love and kissing a Luna werewolf descendant under a full moon. Living for centuries he has amassed a lot of wealth making him a very wealthy billionaire with businesses in almost everything you can think of. His encounter with Emma Stone, a Luna descendant, sparks love, but Emma has a heart condition and only four months to live. Xander's quest is complicated by the vengeful Lycan chief and his sister who becomes obsessed in her love for Xander and schemes to separate him from his true love Emma. However, it turns out that Lauren was also a luna descendant and the actual descendant to break Xander's curse. What will happen now, will Xander choose to live as a human and try to fall in love with Lauren the Lycan chief's sister or he will follow his heart and be with the woman he loves even if it kills him?

Chapter 1 The hunt

"Hurry up we have to leave now" Mr. Cage tells his fellow hunters, Mrs. Cage comes in heavily pregnant "please don't go, I have a very bad feeling about today".

"My lovely wife please go inside you need to rest; you are pregnant and the stress is not good for you" Mr. Cage replied

He calls out to the wife of one of his closest hunters and ask that she takes his wife inside, which she did.

Cage goes out to his frontage where the wolf hunters were gathering and he spoke to them before they headed out "Today we end the wolfs" the hunters were shouting in agreement. And they all headed out to the woods with their guns, knives and fires to end all the wolf clan's.

In the forest, all the wolves from their different clans had arrived and their Alpha the Lycan chief stood at the top of the mountain to speak to them, then he ordered the leader of the Earth root pack to make sure they secure the women and children so they took them away to protect them while the men and some of the women who were strong and capable enough to protect stayed back to fight for the clan.

A spy for the wolves came and alerted them that the wolf hunters were close by and they took their positions to defend themselves. They all transformed into wolves and were ready to fight for their lives.

At Cage's house his wife was so restless and it was affecting her pregnancy, the women with her tried to convince her to calm down, if not for any one but the sake of her child but she felt deep down inside of her that something would happen tonight and that would change not just her life but that of her unborn child.

In the woods the wolf hunters arrived and everywhere was dark so Cage ordered that they smoke the wolves out of hiding so they threw explosives which exploded their hideout and killed some of them even before the fight started, the rest of them came out and started the fight while the Alpha asked some people to take those who were not dead but injured from the location to the hideout where the women and children were sent.

The twin Luna witches were conjuring and trying to use spells so the wolves can win in the fight against the humans but they were attacked and when a hunter was about to kill them a wolf came in their defence but that would not be all for the night.

The fight got more gruesome wolves were dying, hunters were also losing their lives, until the final fight between Cage and the Alpha, they fought and fought and the Alpha could attest that a mere human engaged in a fight with him in wolf form, so to even the odds he turned back to his half human half wolf form and fought with Cage, while fighting they could see how their people were dying, and the Alpha got a little distracted so Cage took advantage and stabbed him.

He passed out on the floor and the other wolves who saw that their Alpha had been defeated tried to escape but the hunters attacked them and killed some of them.

Cage saw the witches and he went to them, he was about to kill the younger twin so her elder sister stood in the was of his sword and was stabbed but before she did, she placed a curse on him and told him;

"Your descendant I curse, will turn to the very thing you hate and wants to kill the most, they shall live for 1000 years filled with loneliness and the only cure to this curse will be to fall in love with a luna wolf descendant and when they kiss on a full moon only then will the curse be broken; for I shall join your descendant with a descendant of that which you despise the most" and she died.

Her sister cried and in anger Cage was about to kill the second sister when the Alpha came and stabbed him from behind but he still hurt her a bit which led her to bleed a lot causing her to die but before she died, she relayed the curse that was layed on Cage to the rest of the wolves, the remaining wolves succeeded in killing the hunters and for the ones who weren't dead they escaped and ran back to the village.

The wolves wanted to plan an attack on the village but the Alpha said "no! this is going to turn to a vicious cycle of revenge and when we exact revenge the villagers will want to exact revenge and it keeps going round and round, we need to think about the lives that were lost and focus in the ones that are alive so the sacrifices they made to keep everyone alive will not go in vain".

The Alpha king kept the sister's side by side each other, they also gathered all the dead bodies of the wolves, stacked them up together and performed a ritual for their souls to rest in peace and then they burned them.

The hunters who survived ran back to the village and went to Cage's house, when they got there the ones who survived met their wives and they hugged each other, the ones whose husbands died were crying some of them were rolling ion the floor crying their eyes out.

Cage's wife came out of her room and saw everyone crying so she asked for her husband and the surviving hunters told her he is dead, immediately she got into labour and she started complaining of her stomach then she fainted.

They rushed her to the room and she was bleeding profusely, the ladies decided to attend to her but for that she had to wake up so they started slapping her feet and her body, they also sprinkled water on her until she managed to come back to life.

They told her she would have to give birth now, she told them the baby was not due to come out yet but they told her she was bleeding so they have to bring the baby out.

They placed her on the bed and set everything ready for the delivery, she pushed and pushed until the baby came out, what they saw shocked them and they all ran away, the shock led Mrs Cage to go into cardiac arrest and she died.

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