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Everlasting Affection

Everlasting Affection

Raymond smith


Everlasting Affection

Chapter 1 1

"Every setback you face, turn it into a stepping stone."

"Miss Evelyn," calmly exclaimed Mrs. Jones, my Bio cluster and Genetics professor, a look of surprise in her eyes. I met her gaze with apologetic eyes, nervously clutching the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, professor," I stammered, becoming aware of several curious eyes on me.

Pushing her red-rimmed glasses further up her nose, Mrs. Jones gave me a stern look. "Do you realize that you are almost twenty-five minutes late to class?"

"I know, but someone-"

"No excuses. You must not be late to class. Either be on time or don't come at all."

Dropping my gaze from her to the floor, I acknowledged Mrs. Jones's reputation as a somewhat hot-headed lady. Despite her kindness, she could be intimidating. Being late to her class was unheard of, yet it happened to me. A girl accidentally spilled her drink on me before class, and I had gone to clean up. Unfortunately, I missed the bell signaling the start of Mrs. Jones's class.

"If you were just five minutes late, Ms. Evelyn, it might have been acceptable. However, you were twenty-five minutes late, which is quite significant."

"I apologize," I stammered, feeling uneasy under the scrutiny of many eyes.

"I regret to inform you that I'll have to deduct one point from your academic performance," stated Mrs. Jones.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Please, Mrs. Jones, reconsider. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't, Ms. Evelyn. Do you realize your poor performance on the last test?" she inquired.

I remained silent, recalling my struggles with difficult concepts and the limited study time due to my part-time job.

"Do you even remember terms like Centimorgan, Aneuploidy, Monosomy, and Trisomy? You studied these in your AP Biology class in high school," Mrs. Jones questioned.

I sheepishly smiled. "Centimorgan is a... genetic disorder where a person has, um, three copies of a chromosome instead of two," I answered hesitantly.

"That is Trisomy, not Centimorgan," she corrected.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I quickly replied, avoiding eye contact.

"You don't know what that is? Two points will be deducted. I don't want you in my class today," she calmly declared.

I left without further argument, spending the rest of the time studying in the library. Determined not to repeat the mistake, I made sure to arrive early for the next class.

Entering the class, I observed my classmates chatting happily. I took my seat at the far corner, away from the lecturer's view, and focused on my book. While not exceptionally bright, I performed well in most subjects except for Bio Cluster/Genetics.

As the professor arrived, I paid attention to the lecture, taking notes diligently.

Outside of academics, I considered Bella, my best friend at the café, and Mrs. Zoe, the café owner, as my family. Mrs. Zoe, having lost her daughter in a car accident, treated me like her own, and I cherished our relationship. Despite my tardiness, I felt reassured that they would understand.

I observed her scolding a classmate who had spoken rudely to her. Disliking my classmates wasn't about their wealth, as they were all affluent unlike me. It was their behavior and manner of speaking that bothered me. Many people avoided interacting with me due to my lower status, but I wasn't impoverished; Mrs. Zoe paid me well. Some seemed friendly, but I sensed it was out of pity, and I longed for genuine friends. My difficulty in reading people might contribute to this, perhaps fueled by my inferiority complex.

After an hour of Mrs. Zoe's teaching, the class concluded. As I exited, someone shoved me, causing my books to fall. I turned to glare at the perpetrator, Ashley James, who walked past without noticing my reaction. "Can't you walk properly?" I retorted, but she continued on without acknowledgment.

"You're in my way," she sneered, casting an incredulous look my way. "And did you just touch me?!" Her expression shifted to horror.

"I don't touch unpleasant things. I'm pretty sure you pushed me," I asserted. While I wasn't one to conform, I couldn't stay silent when faced with such situations.

"What did you call me?" She moved closer, gripping my arm with her perfectly manicured nails, digging into my skin.

"You're a piece of crap. Get your claws off me," I retorted, wriggling my hand free from her tight grasp.

"Shut up, you...you bitch!" She released my hand and glared at me. "You deserve what you got."

"What do you mean?"

"I firmly told her not to discuss my life, emphasizing that she had no right to comment on it. Without waiting for her response, I swiftly left the classroom.

Despite not caring about others' opinions, certain remarks stung. Losing my parents at thirteen led me to be adopted by my kind uncle and aunt. They provided a loving upbringing despite their financial struggles. Feeling like a burden, I decided to live independently at eighteen, renting a small room and working as a waitress in a café. This change occurred almost two years ago when I was a college freshman.

Ashley's insensitive comments about my life puzzled me. I had done nothing to deserve such treatment. She couldn't comprehend the pain of losing parents, and I hoped she never would. Despite the emotional turmoil, I remained resilient, recognizing my strength.

After finishing my classes, I arrived at the café around 4:16 in the afternoon. Bella, working behind the counter, took a customer's order. The bell chimed as I entered, and I walked towards her."

"Hey, you took quite a while," Bella greeted me with a smile as I joined her.

"Not everyone has your fancy car. Some of us have to walk or take the bus," I replied.

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Don't forget, I practically stole it from my parents."

"Lucky they haven't reported it."

"A parting gift for disowning me, I guess," she said, clearing her throat. "Anyway, I'll handle the cleaning today. You take care of the registers. No mistakes, okay?"

I nodded and got to work. The day wasn't too busy, and by closing time, I had finished the records and even found time to study.

That's the perk of this part-time job-lots of free time, even while working. Plus, the pay is good. The only downside is the long hours, from four in the afternoon to nine at night.

"Dora," Bella called out from behind me.

I turned around to see her leaning against the counter, holding a coffee cup. She took a sip, her tongue gliding over her lips as she wiped away the coffee.


"My friend Alex is throwing a big birthday party this Saturday. She invited me, and you should come too."

Bella loved parties, but I didn't share the sentiment. Parties made me uncomfortable, and I felt out of place amid the loud music, wild dancing, and alcohol. I declined.

"I can't, Ava. I don't enjoy parties. You know that. But don't worry, go with your other friends."

"No one else is free. It's not a typical high school party. Please, come on. We won't stay long, just a couple of hours. Please, for me," she pleaded, giving me puppy eyes.

"I have to study. Why don't you go alone?"

"It would be awkward. I don't know anyone but her in her entire family! I won't leave your side. You'll be fine. Please."

She persisted, and despite my dislike for parties, I knew she wouldn't give up easily.

"Fine, but just for a few hours. We must be back before eleven. Stick by my side the whole time. Agreed?"

Excitedly, she nodded. "Yes, yes!"

"Good," I said. As she turned to leave, I remembered something crucial.

"Ava!" I called out.

She turned back with curious eyes. "What?"

"No drinking. Absolutely not."

"What? No way. I'm going to have a bit. Who says no to free drinks?" she whined as I walked away. But there was no way I'd let her drink.

"Nope," I said, ignoring her complaints as I headed towards my apartment.

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Other books by Raymond smith

Unconditional Romance

Unconditional Romance



Beginning: Juliet Heatherway, the youngest scion of the affluent Heatherway family, is not your typical heiress. Smart, compassionate, and hardworking, she dreams of following in her family's legacy as a successful architect. Her aspirations collide with fate when she encounters Sam Knight, the enigmatic and cold-hearted CEO of Knight Inc., at a night club. Despite the stark contrast in their personalities, there's an undeniable intrigue that draws them together. Development: As Juliet and Sam's lives continue to intertwine at various events, their interactions become a captivating dance of opposites. Juliet, with her warmth and determination, clashes with the icy exterior of Sam. Yet, beneath the surface, there are glimpses of vulnerability and complexity in both characters. Sam's devilish good looks and billionaire allure create a magnetic pull, while Juliet's intelligence and genuine nature make her stand out in his world. The unexpected connection deepens as they navigate family gatherings, business functions, and the complexities of their respective lives. Juliet's dreams of architectural success are challenged by the realities of her family's expectations, and Sam grapples with the burden of running a powerful corporation at such a young age. Amidst the glittering facade of their lives, a genuine friendship begins to emerge, creating a bridge between their worlds. Conflict: However, as their connection deepens, so does the complexity of their emotions. Juliet finds herself torn between her family's expectations and her own desires, while Sam is haunted by the shadows of his past, creating barriers to true intimacy. The conflict escalates when Juliet's brother, Matthew, disapproves of her growing friendship with the formidable Sam, fearing the impact on the family's reputation. The clash between their worlds and the external pressures threaten to unravel the fragile bond they've built. Misunderstandings, secrets, and societal expectations create a storm that tests the authenticity of their connection. Climax: The climax unfolds at a pivotal family event, where Juliet's architectural achievements are showcased, and Sam faces a critical business challenge. The collision of their personal and professional worlds forces them to confront their true feelings and the sacrifices they are willing to make for each other. It's a moment of reckoning for Juliet and Sam as they stand at the crossroads of their intertwined destinies. Ending: In a surprising turn of events, Juliet and Sam must navigate the aftermath of the storm, making choices that will redefine their futures. As they confront their fears, confrontations, and vulnerabilities, a revelation about Sam's past sheds light on the complexities that shaped him. Against all odds, Juliet and Sam forge a path that defies societal expectations and family pressures. The story concludes with Juliet realizing her dream of architectural success, standing alongside Sam, who has undergone a transformative journey. Together, they create a new narrative that challenges stereotypes, celebrates individuality, and proves that love can thrive in the most unexpected places. The ending leaves readers with a sense of hope, highlighting the power of genuine connection and the ability to overcome societal barriers.

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