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The way you make me felt 1

The way you make me felt 1

Violet blue


Alexander a lone wolf type of guy. He likes things his own way in his own time, there where very few people around in his life that he respected or even had time for. He always kept his private life private and done everything he could to keep it that way but something was missing in his life he just couldn't put his finger on what that was until a chance meeting with cece Evans.

Chapter 1 The beginning

It was 2:30am on Christmas Eve when Daisy James felt the first pains of labour. In a panic she woke up her husband to tell him it was time and that their first born son Alexander was on his way.

Daisy's pregnancy was not an easy straight forward pregnancy. She had nothing but sickness and pain from the start. The doctors had diagnosed Daisy with gestational diabetes " Mrs James this can be a very complicated pregnancy we need to keep a close eye on your blood sugars and make sure we maintain a healthy and well balanced diet" Dr shueman explained

"Please don't sugar coat things Dr Shueman we need to know how this effects all of us going forward" Henry James looked the doctor straight in the eyes knowing that there was more to this than just checking blood sugars and maintaining a healthy diet.

"Complications what are they?"

"Well Mr James hypoglycaemia is one complication that we need to look out for, Mrs James Sometimes babies have low blood sugar shortly after birth. episodes of hypoglycemia may cause seizures in the baby. But Prompt feedings and sometimes an intravenous glucose solution can return the baby's blood sugar level to normal.

Daisy looked at Henry and could see the pure panic in his eyes which then in return started to make her feel uneasy.

"Mrs James please make sure to not skip any meals, and refrain from any intense exercise as these can drop your sugar levels. May I suggest you keep a bottle of fizzy pop and or a packet of jelly babies just in case your levels do drop to dangerous levels. I do have to inform you that gestational diabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes later in life but we will cross that bridge if and when we get to it"

Daisy's head at this point started to spin with all the information that was being thrown at them in their first ever doctors appointment.

She thought to herself " how the hell am I supposed to take all this in? What is going to become of me and our child? Thank god Henry is brilliant at keeping things together asking the right questions getting the right answer's"

Henry James had a thirst for knowledge especially when it came to his wife and now unborn child. He had to know the ins and the outs of absolutely everything pros and cons.

"The baby may at birth have a very excessive weight If your blood sugar level is higher than the standard range, it can cause your baby to grow too large. Very large babies those who weigh 9 pounds or more are more likely to become wedged in the birth canal, and or have birth injuries so you may need a C-section birth."

The doctor did not want to worry the James's at all but mr James was adamant he wanted to know everything about his wife and unborn baby's condition. Henry was silent taking in every little bit of information being given by the doctor he was going to do everything in his power to make sure his wife and unborn baby was safe

"Now there is a very good chance your baby could be preterm. High blood sugar may increase the risk of early labor meaning delivery before the due date. If this is to happen baby will have to spend some time in neonatal ward. In some case's early delivery may be recommended because the baby is large. As your pregnancy progresses we will know more so again we will cross that bridge if and when we get to it"

The doctor wanted to give them as much information as possible without over loading the James's with to much but he was now committed to giving them both all the information he possibly could.

"Babies born early may experience respiratory distress syndrome a condition that makes breathing difficult. In such case we will take over breathing for the baby to make sure they have the very best chance of thriving and surviving."

Daisy suddenly felt her chest get warm her head was spinning from this recent bit of information. As she clasped her hands over her tummy Henry could feel the sheer anxiety coming from his wife and his heart sank. He instantly hugged Daisy looked her in the eyes and said " we got this! I promise you now as on our wedding day I'm going to protect you and our baby by every means possible you are not doing this alone" as he kissed her forehead. This instantly calmed Daisy she knew Henry meant every word.

"Now there is just one last thing I need to inform you about. High blood pressure and preeclampsia. I don't want to worry you anymore than what I just have but I really do feel that even though this may not happen at all there is still a chance Gestational diabetes raises your risk of high blood pressure, as well as preeclampsia a serious complication of pregnancy that can threaten both your life and your baby's life. But Mr James, Mrs James we will most definitely again cross that bridge if and when we get there.

You will have regular check ups with me here at my office and also with the prenatal diabetic clinic. I will do what I can here and your midwife will do what they can their end but please know you are in good hands Mrs James from all ends. I'm going to book you in for your first scan. You should receive the appointment via post. You will have more scans than a typical pregnancy so if anything is going not the way we would deem safe for you and baby we can intervene at the very earliest.

Daisy and Henry left the doctors office that morning not know what the future held for all 3 of them. Daisy was constantly asking herself and wondering if it was something she had done. She was worried this medical condition would consume all of Henry's time. She did not want him making a fuss of her and treating her like glass even though she knew very well he ment well and was just trying to make sure they was both safe. Sometimes Henry could be a little overwhelming to Daisy but she loved him no less. They where each others world and now they where bringing in a precious 3rd person into that world that they would love unconditionally for the rest of time. They just had to get through the pregnancy .

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The way you make me felt 1

Chapter 1 The beginning
