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Accidental Surrogate For The Alpha King

Accidental Surrogate For The Alpha King



"This may hurt a moment." Antonio's breath fanned her neck and she felt goosebumps arose on her skin. "I thought about you." Davina searched into his lust-filled gray orbs. "When I touch myself, I always think about you." she gasped and her body quivered as their bodies tangled underneath the sheets. __ Meeting a pregnant virgin is a rare occasion. How Davina Gregory, a plus-sized nineteen-year-old virgin got herself pregnant remains a mystery to the Crescent moon park. Especially since she had been sold to the Alpha to merge the families. Davina must provide a name to own up to the responsibilities but in a scenario where she is as clueless and ignorant as every other person in the pack, Davina must bear the shame and backlash from her stepmother and father. Will her mate, Magnus who is her worst nemesis and biggest bully support her or will he make her life a living hell in the four corners of the palace or will her second chance mate, Antonio sweep in to save the day? Find out within the pages of this book.

Chapter 1 Betrothed to the Alpha of the crescent moon pack

♥︎Davina's POV♥︎

My head pounds like I have a toothache in my head and my whole body feels like a truck ran over me. It had all been a hollow-filled darkness till my eyes flickered open. At first, I met with a blurry sight and the lights were blinding me as I blinked repeatedly to slowly adjust my eyes to my environment.

The ceiling was white, the walls white, a monitor was beeping next to me, the whole room smelled like antiseptic and when I cascaded my glance downwards, I realized I was in a blue hospital gown. What the hell happened to me? I tried to rub my forehead but was restricted due to the drip passed into my bloodstream. The sound of babies crying caught my attention. There were baby cribs next to mine and like I had just found the missing puzzle in the haze of my memory loss, it came all right back.

"You have brought shame and disgrace upon this family." My father, Andrew Gregory had yelled at me nine months ago as tears flowed down my face while I flinched from the harshness of his tone.

"Who would stoop so low to impregnate you lowly life? You have been betrothed to the Alpha's son, what do I tell the Alpha now? And what would the pack members say about this?" My father's face contorted in rage, veins pulsating on his forehead. My stepmother on the other hand clutched her apron tightly and her lips pressed into a thin disappointed smirk.

"I think you should wait for her to give birth before marrying her off to Magnus Kane. We can put the bastard child up for adoption." Emily, my stepsister who has never turned down a chance to bully me twirled her hair around her fingers.

"She should live with the Alpha for now so she can have a change of heart and accept him as her husband in the future." Arthur, my stepbrother and the architect of my problems mentioned thoughtfully.

Fucking bastard! It was the nerve of him to sit right there and offer stupid suggestions like he didn't bring this upon me by gambling my life away.

"I don't know, Father, I have never kissed a boy, talk more of being intimate. Never have I ever had sex. Nobody likes me in the pack and the boys would rather admire a vegetable than look at me." My voice broke, tears streaming down my cheeks while I sniffled.

"Shut up! You slutty little pig." My stepmother came forward and pulled my ear while I cried out in pain. "I know you took after your mother, shameless girl," she yelled even further before releasing my ear that had turned red. It had a print of her thumb on it.

"That's enough, Anastasia!" Father growled. "I would not stand to listen to any more of this. All I want to know is who is responsible for Davina's pregnancy." He pressed further while I bit my trembling lips.

I stood there clutching the edge of my worn-out dress, feeling I was being cornered by a set of predators ready to feast on me. "I don't know, and I swear by the moon goddess. I have never slept with a boy, why can't you believe me?" I trembled from the accusations fired at me in the living room.

I was just as clueless as everyone else in the pack. I had no idea how on Earth I got pregnant.

Father scoffed in disbelief and my stepmother let out a loud hiss. "You will be married off to Magnus Kane and that's the end of this."

His words sounded fresh in my mind as they echoed somewhere in my head. I had no idea how a nineteen-year-old plus-size with the greatest insecurities ever got pregnant without a mate, a boyfriend, or a man but it doesn't change the fact that I just put to bed.

Do I hate the ultra-scan for lying to me about my pregnancy? Absolutely yes, but looking at my bundle of joys wrapped securely together in their tiny little bed made my heart swell. Apparently, I had just given birth to twins. A bouncing baby boy and a beautiful baby girl. It feels like a new beginning for me. A new chapter in my life and I must protect them with my life even though my family does not approve of them.

The door to the clinic was yanked open forcefully and there stood my father and stepbrother. I swallowed painfully as their gaze hardened but I had hoped that the sight of the pink little children would soften their hearts a little.

"Oh, poor sister, I heard you lost a ton of blood." Arthur took the first step in and he patted my jet-black hair which was all fuzzy and made me look like a witch from Azkaban.

"I'm just happy that they are alive despite all odds." I bit my lower lip, and my eyes were glazed with tears of joy.

"Have you thought of what to name them?" Father spoke for the first time in an authoritative baritone, and it sent shivers down my already sensitive spine.

"Clara and George," I answered.

"Good! That makes the adoption process faster." Father grabbed George and the baby started wailing.

"What?!" my eyes mirrored the size of a saucepan. "No!" I screamed and struggled to stand up, but Arthur pinned my already weak body down.

"Arthur, do something, please?!" I begged as tears rolled down my cheeks. My migraine had gone even worse, and I felt my whole body heating up as my temperature arose.

"I'm sorry, Piggy, it needs to be done." Arthur scoffed and watched Father turn his back on us.

"If you take a step out of this room with my baby, I swear by the moon goddess that I will hunt you and kill you myself." mucus was beginning to come out of my pink swollen nose.

Father let out a chuckle at first and it startled Clara that she started crying too. His small chuckle grew into a full-blown evil laughter.

"That's ironic considering the first thing you did when you got into this world was kill your mother." He turned in full force to face me and I could see the hatred in his eyes.

"She died during childbirth!" I yelled back as my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"She died bringing you worthless fool into the world!" Father punched the wall angrily. His lips were twitching. "You killed my mate and since then, nothing has mattered afterward."

"It's bad enough that I have never celebrated a birthday, not once in my life because you made my birthdays her day of remembrance, making me feel bad all the time. How long are you going to keep hating me?"

"Uhm! What about my mother? You remarried her." Arthur raised his hand briefly.

"Shut up!!" Father and I yelled at him in unison before our eyes met each other again.

"What do you think she will say to you for selling your grandson?" I cocked my head to a side.

"I did what was necessary for the family and for the pack. We have an alliance with the Alpha of the crescent moon pack and the earlier we get rid of the bastard children you sprouted, the better, it's a miracle they didn't kill you like you killed your mother." Father spat at me before furiously making his way to the door and slamming it hard.

Only then did Arthur release me and heaved a sigh. "Father threatened to disown me, sorry, piggy."

"You fucking bastard." My wolf growled from within as I slapped him hard across the face.

"He was going to have my head if I didn't help out." He clutched his face and took several steps backward as I advanced menacingly.

"You should have thought of the consequences of that before obeying blindly." I pounced on him, beating the hell out of him, scratching his face, and leaving him half-dead on the floor.

Then I turned to the baby colt and saw the most innocent angelic look ever. My wolf swore at me to grab the pups and move on, so I didn't bother dwelling too much.

I stripped Arthur of his jeans and top and changed into his outfit, leaving him shamelessly semi-nude on the floor before grabbing Clara and breaking into a sprint out of the hospital.

I dare not turn back and I shall not stop till I'm far away from the Crescent Moon Pack. The beginning of my doom but they should fear my return for I will wreak havoc finding my beautiful George.

With these thoughts in my head, I ran into the night with a crying pup in my arms. The weather was a bit cold as I held her to my chest even tighter, hoping my body contact would keep her warm enough.

The dead brown decomposing leaves rose in swirls and fell to the soil weightlessly like that of a feather. I guess the cold misty weather did that to the forest. As we ventured into the thick, abundant forest, I could feel my heart pounding ferociously at what I was about to do-- but I can't afford to back down now. Running from my pack would make me a rogue wolf to other packs, yet I can't lay still while Andrew comes for Clara to sell her again while he marries me off to the stupid bully of an Alpha son all because of a magical ring.

The forest is eerie quiet, but I knew this was the only place to find her. Renee is my long-time best friend who owes me and now I have come to collect my debt in the form of shelter, food, and a hiding place for my child till I find my footing.

As my footsteps approached, crunching the twigs and fallen leaves, my instinct told me someone was watching quietly as I picked up a scent. The familiar scent of a wet dog.

I crouched, bending my legs and ankle behind a tree to steady my balance, and clamped Clara's mouth with another hand while I scanned the forest. The scent I picked earlier was gone and just as I was about to stand up, a net was thrown over me and there was a pack of wolves howling and surrounding me and Clara with bloodthirst in their eyes. It was at this moment I realized I had just crossed into another territory so I sent a prayer or two to the moon goddess, hoping she at least spared Clara's life if today would be my last day on Earth.

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Accidental Surrogate For The Alpha King

Chapter 1 Betrothed to the Alpha of the crescent moon pack



Chapter 2 A rogue in the Black Moon Pack



Chapter 3 A treasonable evening



Chapter 4 A search for the pup stealer



Chapter 5 A clash between the Alphas



Chapter 6 Turning lemons into a jar filled with lemonades



Chapter 7 A theft or a set up



Chapter 8 Shush demons! time to be tried



Chapter 9 Break a bread or lose a head



Chapter 10 Hunt or be hunted, which will it be



Chapter 11 Overflowing shitstorm in the Black Moon Pack



Chapter 12 Excited libidos vs the blazing truth



Chapter 13 Do we have a crush on the Alpha King or not



Chapter 14 Any last wish



Chapter 15 The moon festival



Chapter 16 A passionate night with the Alpha King



Chapter 17 Little blondie didn't take it well, I suppose



Chapter 18 From runaway scorned omega to Queen Luna to be



Chapter 19 Is this fate



Chapter 20 Meeting the royals



Chapter 21 Get creative, Davina



Chapter 22 The family dinner



Chapter 23 Mate to the Alpha King, my foot!



Chapter 24 May the best girl win the man



Chapter 25 Hey love birds, screw protocols



Chapter 26 Why are you staring at me like I'm dinner



Chapter 27 I honestly don't care, I'm just curious



Chapter 28 Have fun running off like a fucking coward



Chapter 29 Speak of the devil



Chapter 30 I owe you two dozens of Victoria secrets lingeries



Chapter 31 Don't tempt me, Davina



Chapter 32 You are mine tonight



Chapter 33 Unwelcomed guests from the Crescent Moon pack



Chapter 34 Thank goddess, you are back



Chapter 35 Magnus Kane, the wedding crasher



Chapter 36 The vacant throne



Chapter 37 The rejection



Chapter 38 You are one cold bitch, Davina



Chapter 39 A whirlwind of battered emotions



Chapter 40 What a twisted bitch!
