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Collided Fate

Collided Fate

Leumas Mot


Five years ago, Lisa reveled in the splendor of her seemingly idyllic life, complete with a genuinely caring best friend, a dream career, and a boyfriend who appeared to embody perfection. However, the harmony of her existence shattered when an unforeseen betrayal cast a dark shadow over her happiness, drowning her in the tumultuous waves of unexpected pain. Half a decade later, in a world where the betrayal lingers like a haunting melody, Luna, now Lisa, finds herself entangled in the harmonic clash of vengeance and love. Resurrecting after that fateful night that prematurely ended her life, Luna now harbors a strategic plan to destroy her betrayer and expose her for the fraud she is, choosing the path that promises to inflict the most pain. Gifted with a second chance at life, she stands poised to confront the challenges that lie ahead. The man who once held her heart captive now stands engaged to her former best friend, and Luna now grapples with the realization that the love they once shared may not be as enduring as she once believed. Luna's intricate plan unfolds within the rich tapestry of this narrative, woven with threads of revenge, resurrection, and unexpected alliances. The pivotal question remains-will Luna's meticulously crafted revenge strategy succeed? Or will pursuing justice blur the delicate lines between love and vengeance?

Chapter 1 Nightmare

"If there is a next life, remember not to ever try crossing my path. There's only one ending for anyone who does; death! I always get what I want!"

The malicious words coming from the mouth of the gorgeous-looking face that hovered above Lisa's generated shivers down her spine, even in the freezing water. Those piercing blue eyes were watching Lisa drown at this moment, joyfully too, and this utterly crushed her heart. This was someone Lisa had thought to be her best friend for the past couple of years.

Lisa wanted to challenge Ruby, to ask her why she was doing this. She wished she had the strength to fight off the paralyzing effect of the drug, to leap out of the water and look Ruby straight in the face. To shake her best friend-or was it her 'best enemy' now- vigorously to confirm if she was under a spell. But she couldn't. Helplessly, Lisa struggled furtively to stay afloat, but her body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Her figure slowly submerged in the water.

Lisa gasped for air but ended up gulping salty water instead. SHE COULDN'T BREATHE! Her legs kicked furtively in the pool, trying to propel her body back to the surface. But alas, Lisa had no strength left. As water rushed into her nostrils, Lisa could hear a demonic cackle ringing in her ears.


Luna's eyes fluttered open as she abruptly awakened from the nightmare, breathing heavily. It took a couple of seconds before she could regain her bearing, after which she heaved a sigh of relief. She relaxed her hands which were balled into fists as they gripped the bedsheets. They were soaking wet with sweat.

Luna gingerly got out of bed, slipped into her fluffy-bunny slippers and turned on the bedside lamp, feeling a sense of security as the orange glow lit the room.

A glance at the clock revealed that it was 3AM. The silence in the room was stifling, and Luna's wandering thoughts did not make her feel any better. She made to leave the room, stopping halfway through the door as she caught a reflection of herself in the mirror on the wall.

Even now, Luna was still awed by her beauty. The cute panda pajamas she wore that added a cheesy aesthetic to her appearance did not hamper her angelic features at all. Luna took in the view; her long, chestnut-coloured hair that reached up to her waist, her pale delicate skin, her rosy lips, and those pointy ears that resembled the elves depicted in cartoons. But it was Luna's eyes that caught her attention, those beautiful green eyes that were clouded with unknown worry. She looked troubled. And Luna was, indeed.

Luna turned away from the mirror, leaving the room. She didn't want to think anymore. It made her head hurt.


Tyler took in Luna's appearance as she entered the kitchen.

Luna did not notice Tyler, her attention captured instead by the plate of omelettes, brown bread, and tea-all on a tray that sat atop the kitchen table. The steam from the tea and eggs suggested that they were prepared not long ago. For a moment, Tyler observed Luna as she cocked her head, her lips set in a pout. Luna seemed to be questioning why there would be fresh food on the kitchen table by this time of the morning. It was too early for the cooks to have made breakfast.

Involuntarily, Luna took a whiff and realized she was hungry. Her stomach rumbled audibly, and she heard a snicker. Luna turned to see Tyler smirking as their eyes met. She blushed.

A part of Tyler's heart warmed at the childlike innocence of Luna's embarrassment.

"Why're you up so late, and cooking too?" Luna asked.

"I only made enough for one person, but I could conjure another. "Would you like some?" Tyler offered, eyeing her surreptitiously. Luna looked like she would refuse, but eventually nodded.

Tyler shooed Luna to a chair and got to work. In less than fifteen minutes, he placed another plate of food in front of her.

"I look extra charming when I cook, uhn?" Tyler teased, flashing his signature smirk.

Luna scuffed, "Extra delusional is more like it. Was that what the extra smirks were for, the ones you threw at me while you were flipping the pan? To showcase your charm?"

Tyler studied Luna for a moment, saying nothing. She raised a questioning brow.

"Something is on your mind. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Luna forgot how perceptive Tyler could be, "It's nothing."

"A nightmare?" Tyler guessed. "You couldn't sleep well? What is it, Luna? C'mon, hit me."

Luna looked at Tyler straight in the face, "I'm fine, Tyler. I guess I'm just a bit stressed out about tomorrow's-today's shoot."

The look Tyler gave Luna conveyed plainly that he did not believe a word she said. But he did not pursue it.

"Well, you have nothing to worry about. The cast and the crew are going to love you. YOU ARE PERFECT," the final words were spoken very firmly.

Luna chuckled fondly. Tyler was such a nice guy.

"I got to use the loo," Tyler got up and left the kitchen, leaving Luna alone with her thoughts.

Events from that fated night, the one from five years ago that marked her death as Lisa-and resurrection as Luna-streamed into her mind.

Luna remembered how desperate she had felt while drowning, knowing that Damian was right inside the villa and would come out to meet her bloated corpse.

She couldn't use Tyler, no. She had thought she'd be able to, to be the heartless person she had resolved to be. But, these six months, Luna had gotten to know Tyler-His charm, empathy, and healthy narcissism. Tyler was not his sister. She couldn't hurt him. But his sister-that bitch who so happily watched her die- Luna wanted to hurt her. But even more, Luna wanted to cross Ruby's path and let her know how it felt like to be second best. That would hurt Ruby the most. And this shoot that would start in a few hours, this would mark the very beginning of Luna's plan.

Her plan to doom Ruby to hell.

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