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Carrying the Billionaire’s Heir

Carrying the Billionaire's Heir



Hot Billionaire Series #6 Carrying the Billionaire's Heir Binge and read more with the hot billionaire series! Find out how the second daughter of the Heartwell family fight for her life and correct her past mistakes.

Chapter 1 I

Sammy's POV:​

"Sammy, what kind of grades are these!? We're not pressuring you, but you should fix your studies! You're a girl, you're all about partying and rebellion! I think your friends even know you better than us!" dad yelled at me in annoyance.

He sent my card flying, which was caught by Sebastian, my twin. He looked at my grades and shook his head. Because it's all line of 7 and I only got two lines of 8. That's 80 and 81 so they're angry now.

"Dad, my friends are not at fault here. Besides, dad, the exams are really hard. We are always trying to pass the projects," I excused myself.

"But why is your brother still in the pilot section with a high grade? Sammy, you're a young woman! you're a girl like that, think carefully! I know grades won't define your future, but fix your studies. I' m watching you," dad said angrily and walked out.

I turned to mom who was sad. She just stared at me and sighed. Mom just smiled at me and went up to follow dad.

I always feel sadder when mom is like this. He always cheers me up even when dad scolds me. She says it's fine and I can do better.

Brother Sebastian approached me and took a sip. He handed me my card which I accepted.

"Sammy, I know you're still going out with Jasmine. Stay away from them, Sammy. They're not a good influence on you. They're dragging you down and letting you get into bad habits like drinking. For fuck sake Sammy, You are just 15! Find smart friends," Brother Sebastian exhorted me.

"Brother, I am happy with them. I am happy with the friends I have," I told him.

"Actually, it's not their fault because they only invited you. You're a game and neglect your studies. Can't you see that they are all achievers? Jasmine is even an honor! As long as Sammywarned you. It's up to you if you still go with them," BrotherSebastian said and left me alone.

I just got tired and went up to my room. I went in and put my card on the bedside table. I lie down on the bed.

"It's unfair of you. It's always Sammy, what the hell! Sammy, fix that! Sammy, you should be like this!" I complain to myself.

I stomped on the bed while crying. I drink because I want to forget my family problems. I've always been considered a black sheep. I want to be happy while studying but they are never satisfied with my grades. Mom is fine, she understands me. Dad wants me to be perfect which I can't.

I used to be in the second section. I don't even have a line of 9 like Brother Sebastian, but I do have a line of 8. If there is a line of 7, it is only one and usually 79 more.

That's when I got discouraged and gave up on raising my grade. I'm always crying and being compared to Brother Sebastian. I know they only want the best for me but it hurts me. I'm sad.

Ever since I met Jasmine, Avianna, Nico, and Kriz I've been happy. I forgot my problem and I enjoyed life. That's all, for everyone they are a bad influence. Because we are the richest in Montana Heights. I think us three girls are bitches, especially Jasmine and Avianna. Although it's quite true, I'm different from them.

I'm the youngest in our friends because I'm only fifteen. Jasmine, Nico, and Kriz are sixteen while Aby is turning 16. They are all in grade 10 while I am in grade 9.

Suddenly my cell phone rang so I wiped my tears. It turned out to be a call from messenger and it was Jasmine calling. Looks like a nanny again.

"What the fuck Jasmine?" I opened to her.

"Hi Sammy, miss you sissy! There's a party later here at our ranch! Come and go here bitch!" she greeted happily.

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