Why do we cling to what is bad for us? Helena is desperate, she needs money to pay her growing debts as she has become an orphan and must take care of her younger brother who is frequently ill. A position as presidential secretary of INDUSTRIAS ALLER S.A. could change her life, but Helena never thought that an indispensable requirement would be having to put up with the company's CEO, Sebastian Aller, the eldest son and heir to almost all the wealth, as well as being an arrogant and narcissistic ogre. Helena's desire for a better life will intersect with Sebastian's desires, who rejoices that his wealth is going to increase by joining in an arranged marriage with his new European wife, until a new clause in the contract that his lawyer forgot appears as a stone in his path, Sebastian fears he will not be able to comply with this new requirement, losing everything and leaving as new CEO his envious and resentful younger brother Alan, who will do the impossible to destroy his life. Will Helena be the one to help Sebastian comply with this clause? Helena doesn't know how far she will go to help her brother have a better life.
- This is ridiculous! - shouted the youngest son of the important Aller family to the lawyer and his older brother, Sebastian Aller, who was smiling with pleasure at the new news as he watched his brother turn as red as a tomato with anger.
-I'm sorry little brother, but they are the last words of our dear departed father. - He mocked him.
-But this can't be true! Dad was crazy if he thought it would be a good idea to leave his job to you," He protested, "You're useless, you spend all our money on women, alcohol and luxury cars. You have no idea how to run a company! I should be the one who should have that place! - He shouted, banging on the glass table of the law office.
Sebastian, the eldest son and new heir to more than half of the wealth his father had acquired with his technology company, smiled amusedly without saying anything, he knew he had won this battle. He didn't care if his brother cried and kicked, he wouldn't give him a penny more.
-I'm sorry Mr. Aller- the frightened lawyer replied to Alan- But it is your father's wishes, for you 35 percent of the income and for your brother Sebastian 65 percent and the position vacated by the late Mr. Aller. - He said, reviewing the documents.
-Do you see, little brother? Father knew who was the more competent of the two," he said, widening his smile even more and showing his shiny, gleaming teeth that looked like ivory.
-There is one more thing," said the thin, scrawny gentleman, who looked like an insect next to the two adonis in front of him, fearfully.
-What is it?" asked the older brother impatiently, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, he hated meetings and paperwork, they simply bored him. He couldn't wait to have everything under his control and in his wallet.
-In order to collect his inheritance and keep his position as CEO of Aller Industries, he would have to marry the woman his father had agreed to in his will. He was a firm believer in family and custom, not wanting to leave a bad image for his company.
Both brothers were astonished, but more so Sebastian, who had never been a one-woman man, and had no plans to be chained in an arranged marriage to an unbearable and capricious woman who would surely make him miserable.
-This is getting interesting," Alan exclaimed in amusement, knowing that his brother could not accept that clause.
-Shut up," growled the older brother.
-In the event that this should not come to pass, Mr. Alan would inherit the position and the lion's share of the profits.
-Stop talking and tell me once and for all who is going to be the lucky woman to marry me.
Alan rolled his eyes, the lawyer grabbed the will and read aloud:
-Miss Katlyn Walker, heiress and owner of the largest cosmetics company in Europe.
Both brothers gasped when they heard the name of Sebastian's fiancée.
For the new heir, now they were not such a bad idea to get married, that woman slept on mattresses of euros, if he joined his riches with hers he would be a filthy millionaire, he would have no limits. He thought savoring and imagining his new acquisitions for when he is married.
But Alan, who thought that finally his brother would get the punishment he deserved, now wanted to murder him. Because he knew perfectly well who this woman was, he had loved her for as long as he could remember, and he had imagined, once his father was dead and with the power in his hands, to ask her to marry him. But now his brother was going to take her away from him, the woman of his dreams! He couldn't let that idiot get his hands on a woman as beautiful and prestigious as she was.
Alan got up suddenly from the conference table, knocking over the chair with abruptness.
-Where are you going, little brother?" he asked in an unbearable and irritating tone.
-I have nothing to do here anymore, enjoy your riches brother, I hope life gives you what you deserve.
-I hope so too, little brother. -
Alan left the office closing the door tightly.
-Take care of all the paperwork and the engagement," he ordered the lawyer, "I must go tidy up my new office," he smiled victoriously.
After all, that arrogant, narcissistic old man had been good for something. He said to himself, thinking of his father whom he had never put up with in life.
-Thank you for taking care of him, really, the nanny didn't want to come because it was unannounced and....
-It's ok Hele, don't worry, and go quickly, you're not going to make it to the interview.
Helena De Luna smiled at her best and only friend David, she didn't know how to thank him for agreeing to take care of her little brother at the last minute. Since their father had died of a serious illness it had been just the two of them against the world. Lucas had become a son to Helena, but this responsibility had also been very difficult for her, because the little boy was a very delicate child who got sick regularly, having to run to the hospital several times a month and owing large bills that she had no idea when she would be able to pay.
But today she had some hope, because she had found on the internet that they were looking for a new secretary for the new CEO of a tech company that she had no idea about, but they seemed to give good pay, and she really needed the money.
-Thank you David," she said, jumping on top of him and hugging him tightly.
The young man laughed at her friend's childish attitude, but enjoying the hug, then he let her go, even though he really didn't want to.
-Hurry up. - he ordered with a smile.
Helena gave a kiss on the forehead to her little brother who was on the floor playing with his old toys.
-Be good to David, okay? I'll be back in a little while.
The boy nodded without stopping playing.
-Anything you want to do, call me," he said to his friend before leaving.
-Yes, yes, go away at once!
Helena smiled at him and ran out of her small studio apartment in the center of the city.
The young woman was running with her heart in her throat, the bus had taken longer than expected to arrive and she was running on time.
She spotted the large building with thousands of windows and many floors on the sidewalk in front of her with a large illuminated sign that read "INDUSTRIAS ALLER S.A.".
She crossed the street, but as she had always been a clumsy and distracted woman, her ankle buckled because she was not used to high heels and she fell on all fours on the hard concrete of the street, scraping her knee and staining her resume with dirty water.
-Damn it!" she shook the now ruined and unpresentable paper.
She tried to get up in pain when she heard the screeching of tires.
Everything happened very fast, she saw how a high-end black vehicle was approaching her at high speed and it seemed that it would not be able to stop.
Helena did nothing but close her eyes tightly and think that her little brother wanted to be without anyone in this world.
Chapter 1 Between life and death
Chapter 2 Secretary or maid
Chapter 3 You are useless!
Chapter 4 I do it for love
Chapter 5 You think you're a big thing
Chapter 6 Katlyn the envious
Chapter 7 Cheated
Chapter 8 Helena surrounded by predators
Chapter 9 What if we have a little fun with her
Chapter 10 Corrupted
Chapter 11 Broken
Chapter 12 Removing the marks of pain
Chapter 13 Something in her changed
Chapter 14 Your days at the company are numbered
Chapter 15 It's just the beginning
Chapter 16 Lucky
Chapter 17 It is too early for a decision
Chapter 18 Early marriage
Chapter 19 The wrong people
Chapter 20 I'm going to take everything from you
Chapter 21 You can call me Sebastian
Chapter 22 Like a zombie
Chapter 23 As if it were mine
Chapter 24 Bastard
Chapter 25 Everything will be mine
Chapter 26 A Saturday like any other
Chapter 27 Infiltrated
Chapter 28 With the wrong brother
Chapter 29 The new couple
Chapter 30 Public humiliation
Chapter 31 Allies
Chapter 32 Resignation
Chapter 33 Helena
Chapter 34 Where is my secretary
Chapter 35 Wolf dressed as lamb
Chapter 36 An unexpected clause
Chapter 37 Sterile
Chapter 38 Rental belly
Chapter 39 I have no more use for you
Chapter 40 Fired
Other books by Luly Rose