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The Crown And The Flame

The Crown And The Flame



Following the death of her father and fiance following the invasion of the kingdom of Irina. Lyanna will be claimed by King Keiran as his slave and a spoil of war. The last thing that Lyanna expects is the forbidden connection she would begin to feel for her captor. But soon Keiran will be forced to make a choice between saving the woman he loves or betraying all he has ever known.

Chapter 1 Glossary

Parnethia is the continent in which the story takes place it's a vast and diverse and rich continent filled with scorching deserts to lush and fertile farmlands and treacherous seas and was the home of five kingdoms.

The Five Kingdoms that make up the continent of Parnethia are Irina, Nirnunia, Lumar, Elantris and Drakonia

Irina is the smallest and the fifth richest of the five kingdoms thanks to their strategic possession at the mouth of the great midland river which was the main and largest waterway of trade on the continent. Irina is a kingdom of beauty and knowledge and was widely regarded as the most beautiful of the five realms.

They are ruled by King Alfred and his wife Queen Erica they currently have two children Princess Liana and Prince Philip.

Nirnunia more commonly called the kingdom of the farmers was the second largest of the five kingdoms in landmass. It's a kingdom filled with fertile farmlands and forests for timber this was the third richest of the kingdoms only barely beating out Lumar for the position of second place. While not wildly known as a military powerhouse they boast some of the best archers in the world equipped with the powerful dark oak wood bow.

Currently ruled by Queen Ingrid and her lord consort Lord Edward of house of Haren they currently have two children princess Serena and Kiara.

Lumar was the third largest of the five kingdoms it was the second richest of the five kingdoms thanks to gold and silver mines. A proud and mighty kingdom sitting on the mountainous side of the continent.

It was ruled by King Valdr they were the natural enemies of the kingdom of Irina over many issues but the main one was a failed marriage that resulted in the death of a Lumerian princess years ago. The kingdoms of Irina and Lunar have been enemies ever since. While direct conflict has stopped.

The relationship between the two remains tense to this day. They currently boast one of the strongest armies on the continent.

Elantris is the fourth largest kingdom and is situated on the coast of the continent. They are a people who spend most of their time on the waters and are widely regarded as the most skilled seafarers on the continent. While they might not be a traditional land power. They currently have the most powerful navy of any of the five kingdoms only their northern neighbour the Kingdom Drakonia can match their naval prowess.

They are currently ruled by seven noble families that took over after launching a coup against the royal family centuries ago.

Drakonia or the Kingdom of the Dragon is the largest, the richest and the most powerful of the five kingdoms, while it may be the youngest of the five kingdoms it more than makes up for it with its size and military prowess.

Home to the mysterious dragon lords these once revered figures once brought both awe and envy but since their downfall after the black water rebellion that led to the death of all known dragons. But despite this, the ruling family the royal family the Rhy's still managed to hold onto power despite the loss of their dragons and have been doing so for over 1000 years

Drakonia is a vast land of varying diversity from both inactive and active volcanoes, to lush farmlands and forests but their most precious resources and their main source of wealth are precious gems and dragon glass that can be found near volcanos.

But also from their iron mining and steel production that not only gets sold but also to equip the most powerful army on the continent only the threat that this army poses keeps the Jalathyan empire from invading and assimilating the rich and fertile continent into their vast empire.

Although their power has declined greatly after the last dragon and flame wielder perished during the rebellion. But despite this they are still feared by the other kingdoms and rightly so for they are a warlike people and have Invaded the rest of the continent many times before and have taken from much from the other kingdoms.

The kingdom of Drakonia is ruled by King Andus the cruel. He currently has two sons Prince Xander and Leon. And a secret bastard son Prince Keiran.

So that a general idea of the setting that the book takes place in until next time.

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