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My Mate Is Unique

My Mate Is Unique



In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, a young woman named Emily discovers her unique ability to communicate with animals. When she crosses paths with a wounded wolf, little does she know that he is the powerful Lycan King in disguise. As their connection deepens, Emily must navigate the challenges of a town suspicious of the Lycan King's presence and a rival clan threatening their love. Together, they must battle for peace between humans and all supernatural beings, and in between of it all, their romance blooms, against all odds. Prepare to be swept away in a tale of love, loyalty, and the magic

Chapter 1 One

Chapter One

Emily could be seen walking around with the animals surrounding her.

It was three years ago, Emily discovered her ability as the only human to heal and also talk with animals.

She was extremely shocked and scared when she found out about her powers, but her father had assured her that she was a special being.

She had learned to live with it and surprisingly, her father was with her throughout guiding her through the process. She had thought thoroughly on why her dad was able to guide, but she gradually forgot about as she got used to training.

She also didn't know why she had to train, but she was glad she did because she was now able to treat animals as well as humans. She was known as the miraculous doctor in her hometown, and she was always busy treating diseases of all her types.

This aroused jealousy from her female peers due to how she was revered in the town. She had a gentle but fierce personality.

She was gentle to the people who respected her, but was fierce towards the people who hated her, and talked ill of her. She didn't consider herself a pushover and she always fought back when needed.

She also hates bullies and would always fight against them if she encountered one. She was the most loved as well as the most hated in the town. What an irony, right?

She loved animals, and always hated people who ate them. She had always called them inhumane for eating animals. Even before she got her communication powers, she had affections for animals and always wished to be able to communicate with them.

So when she was found out about her powers, she was ecstatic. She could finally talk to animals. She had a cat for a pet named Sky.

She had found it wounded when she went to gather herbs and she felt pity for it. She healed it, and decided to take it in.

"Emily, let's go out to have fun." That was the voice of Marisa, Emily's best and only friend. She was the only girl that could relate well with Emily without getting jealous. She was a true friend.

"Risa, I'm coming. You don't need to yell." Emily said as she emerged from the stairs looking ethereal. She was donning a simple white gown but because of her beauty, it made her look noble instead of simple.

"Why are you silent? Weren't you the one screaming then why are you silent?" Emily asked seeing Marisa silent. Marisa came out of her reverie as she heard her.

"Oh my goodness!! You look stunning." Marisa exclaimed excitedly. She circled round Emily which scared the hell out of her.

"What the heck are you doing? You are making me want to change my dress." Emily said as she folded her arms. Marisa rolled her eyes at her immediately.

"If you dare change out of these clothes, I promise you that our friendship would end." Marisa threatened, and those words made Emily stiffen.

"Fine, I won't change out of it. Happy now?" Emily said with a smile and that satisfied Marisa.

"But strictly speaking best, you look stunning, and I'm sure you would be the center of attraction at the festival." Marisa said as she stroked her chin. She always did that whenever she was thinking so hard.

"Thank you, but you know I'm not interested in being the center of attraction. I would rather talk to my animals to now but the festival is important, so I have to go and besides not everyone wants me there." Emily said flatly.

It was the truth. While there were some who adored Emily, but there were some who couldn't stand her and had always schemed against. Of course, it was unsuccessful, but it was tiring to know that you might be hated for just being alive.

Marisa sighed out because she also knew, but she felt her friend should be more outgoing and to slap those haters in the face. She was a blessed being.

"Come on. Let's go. Your dad said you must be present at all cost, or he might have my head. I don't want that." Marisa said as she rubbed her exposed arms.

It was no secret that Emily's dad, Antonio, was one of the most scary man in the town as he was the most successful hunter. After the mayor, Antonio came next in power and Marisa was in awe of him.

"Come on. My dad isn't that scary." She said and they both walked out of the house. Emily bolted the door, and she didn't forget to go with her trusted companion, Sky.

"You are his daughter. You don't know how scary your dad is." Marisa said as she shivered. She was really afraid of Antonio.

They walked for about 10 minutes before they arrived in the town's center. They had talked throughout the walk because Marisa was really a talkative person.

"Oh. Isn't this the divine doctor? I thought this festival was too big for you, so why are you here?" A sour tone came from the girls' backs. They turned to look at who was speaking and Emily shook her head seeing who it was.

"Tatiana, what's wrong? Am I not welcomed here? The last time I checked, I was still a native of this town and I have every right to participate in this festival." Emily said. She didn't really want to argue but once she was forced, there was no stopping her.

"Oh. Yes but with the godlike character you always had on, one would think that you are not one of us." Tatiana said as she clicked her tongue. She was one of the people who hated Emily and always found ways to embarrass her.

Marisa rolled her eyes at the words that she spewed. She honestly didn't know why Emily was always hated. She was meant to be respected.

"Let's go Emily. I'm afraid, I won't be able to keep my anger while staring at this fool." Marisa said and dragged Emily along.

Tatiana stood there stunned due to the words uttered by Marisa. She stumped her feet before leaving there also but not without cursing them under her breath.

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