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Have you done an action which you regretted later? This story depicts such situation. A loving mother who watches over her only son protecting him from danger. The boy grew and resented his mother considering his now bigger than her. Did he regret his action? Watch out

Chapter 1 The Hen and the Cock

In a cosy farmyard, the nurturing hen watches over her young chick, teaching him the ways of survival and warning him about the dangers, especially the lurking hawk.

As time passes, the chick matures into a sturdy cock, towering over his mother, feeling self-sufficient, and rejecting her guidance.

The cock, resenting his mother's constant warnings, expresses his disdain for her advice, believing he knows better due to his size and strength.

Despite his mother's caution about the nearby well, the cock, seeking to prove his courage, decides to explore the forbidden area when his mother leaves for a meeting.

The cock, disregarding his mother's wisdom, confronts a reflection in the well, mistaking it for a rival. Ignoring warnings and becoming trapped, he realizes his fatal error.

Exhausted and realising his arrogance, the cock meets a tragic demise, reflecting on his disregard for his mother's guidance.

The Lesson Learned

His disappearance alarms the farmyard, leading to a frantic search. Eventually, his lifeless body is found in the well.

The hen grieves, regretting her son's prideful disobedience despite her repeated warnings.

Epilogue: The Moral

The story teaches the importance of respecting parental guidance, humility, and the danger of arrogance through the tragic demise of the proud young cock.

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