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Fallen down the stairs. That's how Kyle, or Kyle as he's affectionately known, describes himself. Kyle is a high-profile model who recently suffered a fall from grace due to the media brutally exposing her with negative headlines after she caught her boyfriend, Jackson, cheating on her with a fellow model. Kyle and Jackson have been dating for two years. They got the title of couple goals because they always appear romantic on various occasions. The media always highlighted Kyle's love life. However, Jackson has been having an affair with a fellow model who is none other than his nemesis. Of course, after catching his girlfriend with another woman in a hotel, Kyle suffered a tremendous heartbreak, his emotions overflowing to the point that he couldn't think long enough to teach Jane - his nemesis - a lesson. Not to mention, Jackson chose her over him. Not only that, amid heartbreak, the news of his father's disappearance in a plane crash completes Kyle's sad story. As if Goddess Fortuna had not been on Kyle's side, unexpected things changed the whole 360 degrees of Kyle's life. Can Kyle survive the onslaught of twists and turns coming his way?


"Miss, please take your hands off me," a man said as he brushed Kyle's hand away from his collar.

Kyle responded with a crisp laugh to the man's low, heavy voice. With a roll of his eyes, Kyle closed the distance between them to less than ten centimetres.

"You reject me? Ha-ha-ha!" Kyle joked back. The wine he drank earlier had made him drunk. "What am I missing?"

The man before Kyle did not answer. His expression grew colder by the moment.

Unfortunately, Kyle did not care. He just tightened his grip and started babbling incoherently again. In fact, the sound of the bar music playing behind me lost them in Kyle's voice.

"You're no different from Jackson!"

"That bastard, daring to play with fire behind my back and choosing that woman over me!"

"How pathetic of me! Ha-ha-ha!"

The man finally sighed and waved his hand at the two men in black uniforms behind him.

"Take care of this lady. She's drunk, take her home."

"Yes, sir."

With that, Kyle, still babbling, was immediately forcibly pulled away from the men.

While the man continued to walk away, Kyle, now led away by the previous two men, immediately rebelled.

"Let go! I'm on my own! No need to feel sorry for me! That's not required! I have no pity on my vocabulary! Go away, go away!" yelled Kyle as he chased the two men away.

Once they departed, Kyle fixed his hair and hailed a taxi. Once the cab arrived, Kyle quickly got in and requested the driver to take him home.

Thankfully, even though he was very drunk, he gave his address accurately.

Yet, Kyle was unaware that the paparazzi had recorded all his actions with their camera hidden in the dark.

"I have a terrible headache." Kyle gripped his throbbing head.

It's unclear how often Kyle has been drunk like this before. He didn't see himself anymore.

The person known as Kyle, a famous top model, had disappeared. A new Kyle, who enjoys getting drunk and angry with many people, replaced him.

There is a reason for this change.

It started when Kyle caught her boyfriend, Jackson, cheating with a co-worker at a fancy hotel on the same day they were supposed to celebrate their second anniversary.

Kyle was angry and upset.

She hurt and blamed Jackson's girlfriend. He held her and clawed at her, making Jackson angry. Instead of supporting Kyle, Jackson stood by his girlfriend.

Kyle was rudely ended.

The intense heartbreak left Kyle anxious and confused. He found solace by locking himself in his room for a week, then drinking and playing outdoors. He didn't care about his modeling career.

Kyle's reputation took a massive hit after the biased news about him was made public. From Kyle's violent behavior towards Jackson's mistress and his frequent visits to bars, it became headline news worldwide.


His life fell apart. His career and reputation were damaged, and he lost popularity and many fans.

So now, Kyle wanders in and out of bars every night, crying about his fate.

"We're here, Miss."

Kyle exhaled roughly. He nodded in understanding, got out of the taxi, and walked to his terrace with unsteady steps.

The taxi driver who saw her leave like that immediately shouted in annoyance. "Miss! You haven't paid for your taxi!"

Kyle stopped walking suddenly. He absentmindedly turned his head, and a foolish grin spread. "Oh, yeah!" he exclaimed.

He returned to the taxi and gave the driver a hundred-dollar bill. Only then did the driver drive the cab away.

Kyle wondered, "I didn't get a chance, did I?" He wasn't fully focused and shrugged before walking into the house.

As he approached the door, someone rushed over, saying, "Kyle, this is bad news!"

Her sudden outburst caused Kyle to abandon his attempt to open the door. He let out a frustrated sigh and looked towards the person who had arrived. After realizing it was his groundskeeper, he furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Is everything okay, sir?"

"Here, Miss!" "Bad news about Tuan!" panted the groundskeeper. "He had an accident, Miss!"

Kyle's face fell.

"What kind of accident, sir? What happened?" Where were you?

The groundskeeper appeared stunned by Kyle's questions. He couldn't comprehend why Kyle was unaware of his father's whereabouts. Additionally, Kyle's response differed from what he anticipated.

"No way, Miss! Mr. Martin was on the plane to South Korea that crashed! They're reporting it on TV now, Miss!"

Kyle's mind, which was unfocused and his thoughts scattered, was now devoid of ideas. The silence and stillness that followed was eerie.

The groundskeeper suggested, "You should go inside and check for yourself to find out the truth, miss."

Kyle hurriedly opened the door and entered the house upon hearing his words. He was only half-conscious and struggled to process his thoughts due to his dizziness.

Once inside the house, he quickly turned on the television and searched for the news channel broadcasting the accident report.

A plane crash occurred this afternoon on a flight that traveled from New York to Seoul. The plane sank in the East China Sea, and the search for victims is ongoing.

Kyle's legs grew weak as he heard the news.

Cried out, "Dad!

No, this can't be happening! Please tell me you're okay!"

With a loud wail, Kyle collapsed.

Kyle had been sad for two weeks and couldn't take it anymore. Jackson's pain and the terrible news about his father had added to his heartache.

Kyle shook his head, looked at the TV still showing the plane crash news, and cried out loud, "Why is this happening to me?"

"Why did everything have to go wrong? Dad, why did you have to leave for Korea today? Where are you now?

Kyle can't be alone here, Dad!" Kyle's sad cries made all the household assistants bow their heads in sadness and confusion.

Tonight, Kyle felt like his life was falling apart. It seemed like the sun would never rise again tomorrow, but unfortunately, that was not the case. Kyle encountered an additional problem the following day.

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