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Forgive me and love me again

Forgive me and love me again



Forgive me and love me again. I was forced to marry my boss, an eccentric billionaire, a man who didn't even notice my presence for over five years. He was an egocentric monster, obsessed with order and discipline, cold and calculating. This marriage separated me from my great love, and my initial plan was to set a trap to take his fortune. I pretended to love him, but over time, something changed within me. Not only did I fall deeply in love with him, but he also showed me the deepest pleasures of life. However, everything fell apart when he discovered my deceit. I'm not evil; I was just manipulated by my ruthless ex-boyfriend, a man without scruples. Now, I long to regain Jordan's love, to be by his side again. How will I manage to earn a second chance in his heart?

Chapter 1 1

The Offer


"Father! Please, I don't want to do this. Why are you doing this? Jordan is completely out of control, and I don't want to marry him. Why are you forcing me to do this?" I lit a cigarette in an attempt to calm my nerves; my father despised my smoking, but I believed I had the right to make my own decisions. Now, not only did he want to stop me from smoking, but he also insisted on me getting married.

"Put out that cigarette, Megan!" My father urged me firmly. I stood up and exhaled smoke towards his face, defiantly.

"What if I don't, Dad?" My father's gaze filled with fury. Unexpectedly, he slapped me, causing my cigarette to fall to the ground. Tears welled up involuntarily; the blow hurt not only physically but also emotionally. Never before in my twenty-three years of life had I received a slap from him.

"You're disobedient, Megan! I'm tired of your wrong decisions. Dorian keeps you employed as Jordan's assistant out of sheer compassion for us. And now, when an important opportunity arises, you choose to act this way. What happened to the money you earned?"

"You hit me, Dad! I don't think I can ever forgive you," I yelled through tears and pain.

"I admit it was wrong, but I can no longer tolerate your rebellious behavior, your slip-ups, and, above all, your lack of interest in your own future. Well then, go and find that worthless boyfriend of yours. The one who only takes your money from you," my father was speaking to me like he had never before, and though it tore me apart inside, I wouldn't allow him to treat me this way.

"I'm leaving this house, Dad. I won't come back ever again," I stormed off to my room. Since my mother's death when I was only 8 years old, we had been living in extreme poverty. Our surroundings were filled with antique furniture and unpaid bills. My mother had been my only companion, and after her departure, I had practically raised myself under my father's constant work, who had never considered remarrying.

Three years ago, Harry burst into my life, bringing with him an explosion of color and joy that revitalized my existence. However, now my own father was willing to separate me from the only source of happiness I had ever known, all with the absurd intention of marrying me off to the unfamiliar and unpleasant boss that was Jordan Frederick. After over five years working in his garden, he had never paid any attention to my existence.

I filled an old suitcase with my meager possessions, determined to leave. I had no doubt that Harry would take me in. I could no longer bear my father and his absurd rules, and I was ready to quit my job at the Frederick mansion; that place was not suitable for someone like me.

My father was sitting in front of the television, holding a coffee cup. I wanted to see his reaction when I left, but he didn't even look at me. Without further ado, I opened the door, determined to leave, when suddenly I heard his words.

"Megan, if you walk out that door, never come back. This house deserves respect. I won't allow you to come and go as you please."

"You won't manipulate me, Carlos. You've kept me a prisoner within these four walls my whole life. I'm leaving with Harry; he's a real man."

With a resounding slam, I closed the door behind me, not giving my father a chance to respond. I swallowed the lump in my throat and hailed a taxi. Minutes later, I stood in front of Harry's trailer, where, as usual, he was drinking with some friends. His face changed completely when he saw me; it was evident that he was furious.

I approached him with a smile, trying to dissipate his anger, but he stood up abruptly and grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing here, Megan? You're making me look like a fool."

"Harry, what do you mean, a fool? We've been together for three years; I'm going through a tough time. My father kicked me out of the house, and I have nowhere to go. I need you to take me in."

"Are you an idiot or what?! There's no room for you in the trailer; three people live there. It's not possible," Harry exclaimed with exasperation. I didn't understand his reaction; I had done everything I could for him, and at that moment, I needed his support more than ever, but he was simply rejecting me.

"But, darling..." I couldn't understand why Harry was acting like this. I had given everything for him, and I needed his love more than ever.

"There are no 'buts,' Megan. Go back to your father; you have no place here." Harry started pushing me to forcefully get me out of the trailer. A taxi passed by, and without letting me speak, he practically forced me to get into it.

"Harry, wait, please, Harry..." I tried to reach him, but he closed the car door and left again with his friends. I gave the taxi driver the address, and he took me back home. My heart was broken, my future was uncertain, and it seemed like I would have to submit to my father's will. My insides were flooded with conflicting emotions; at that moment, I wished I could disappear.

I cried throughout the entire journey back home. Now I would have to face my father as if nothing had happened.

Jordan Frederick

"You have no other choice, son. That was your parents' condition for inheriting your fortune, and you only have to be married for two years." My executor, Dorian, had been insistent on finding me a contract wife. In six months, I would turn thirty, and according to the provisions of my will, I had to be married by then. Although I was sure my parents would have accepted any decision of mine, their will was clear, and if I didn't marry, the money would go to my distant relatives, a gang of money-hungry hyenas who had always been lurking since my parents' death.

"I have no one to marry; I won't do it without love. I've been single for eight years; why do you think I'll find a girlfriend now?" I poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"I've explained it to you. We'll have a marriage of convenience until you find the right person. You can't do this, Jordan." Dorian's voice broke. "Many people depend on your company. If the Fergusons get all the money, everything will fall apart, including your foundations."

I looked at myself in the mirror. Since that fateful November, my life had changed completely. I walked slowly to the mirror to inspect my reflection more closely. Although I was still an attractive man from the waist up, the prosthetic that replaced my right leg completely transformed my image.

I angrily threw the wine glass against the wall, and it shattered into a thousand pieces. Once again, that day came back to my mind, and I knew that my guilt had brought me to this situation, with my family in the cemetery.

"I don't want to marry anyone; I can't stand anyone. If the Fergusons want the money, let them have it, I don't care."

"Jordan, please, calm down. I know this is very difficult for you, but I have the perfect candidate in mind. Her name is Megan Parker; she works as a gardener in the mansion and has been with us for five years. She's the daughter of my best friend. She'll sign a contract with clauses, you'll receive a substantial sum, and you can continue to enjoy everything that belongs to you."

I pondered over the name that Dorian had mentioned. I had no idea who Megan Parker was, and I didn't even know we had a gardener. I peeked out of the living room window, pushing aside the heavy curtains that covered it, and realized that I was surrounded by a beautiful garden of roses and gardenias. How absurd! Only my mother had liked those flowers.

"I can't believe it, Dorian. You've made decisions without my consent, and now you want me to marry someone I don't even know. This is unacceptable."

"It's for your own good. I'll arrange for her to come and talk to you tomorrow during her work shift. She's not the perfect woman, but we can trust her. She's a good girl."

"You can say whatever you want, Dorian, but you're far from convincing me of this madness. No matter the cost, when I do get married, it will be with someone I truly love, and on my own terms. No woman will be interested in me under these conditions, you'll see."

My executor shook his head in disagreement. I headed to my room in my huge and luxurious mansion. Any woman would feel fortunate to be there, but unfortunately, the house was empty, just like my life. I was surrounded by money, properties, and employees, but I didn't have a single true friend, I hadn't experienced love, and worst of all, I had lost my family.

That night, I found it impossible to fall asleep. I didn't want to lose the money my parents had left, which I allocated to foundations for needy families, especially animal welfare foundations. Besides, nearly 200 employees worked for my company, and they would be left without livelihood because of me. My relatives only cared about money; perhaps Dorian was right, a marriage of convenience was a solution, I just needed to get to know the candidate.

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Other books by LauraC

Don't break the contract

Don't break the contract



Harry Adams is a young millionaire orphan, who has sunk into the solitude of his mansion since his parents died, so tragic was the death of these, he suffers from a depression disorder, so he lives away from absolutely all the outside world, becoming a sullen and insensitive man, but that deep down he needs love. In his parents' will, so that his family can give him a large inheritance, they leave as a condition that he must marry before the age of 30, or else he would lose all his fortune and it would be donated to a foundation. But he has not bothered to do anything about it, who he is really worried is to Ernest Samuelson, his faithful friend and caretaker since his parents died, so he proposes Harry to get a wife by contract to avoid losing his inheritance, and although it sounded crazy it was a good option to avoid being left on the street. Ernest in his search for the ideal woman, can only find Diane Saenz, daughter of his best friend, a humble girl, who leads an unimaginable mess of life, her father accepts the contract without considering her opinion, as they are about to lose their house. For Diane this drastic change in her life makes her more rebellious and daring, the idea of leaving her current boyfriend to marry a millionaire she does not know, makes her make the worst decision, so in the company of her current partner they decide to form a macabre plan to kill Harry, but over time, those feelings of hatred turn into love, thus giving a twist to the story, as she must prove her selfless love to Harry so that he does not break the marriage contract.

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