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A kiss for Ree

A kiss for Ree



.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'.'*'. What's supposed to happen during the last year of highschool?!. Rihanna Akorede Bolade had imagined a full filled year with her 'sassy six', her six girls friendship gang. She had her imagination fed with a wonderful everyday adventure of parties, hang out and fun. But little did she know her perfect plans would fall right through when her very strict father shows up one week to resumption with his new wife Lila and her brother Levi who's the same age as her, and they're here to stay. To make matters worse, her sassy six friends starts to fall on the edge of dispersion when two of them decides to forgo the last year and run off to uni. Adding salts to the wound, her forever crush meets with an accident to which he almost lost his life. Series and series of many more unexpected things begin to happen, nothing like she planned. That year turned out to be nothing as she had planned, but nevertheless she pulled through the drama and disappointment in ways she never imagined.

Chapter 1 He's Levi

On a bright mid summer day, the wind blew the scent of blooming flowers about and over, light breeze cools the atmosphere, the birds chirped, happiness buzzing in every bee..

Wait...that's not how it started. Sorry, here we go again.

On a dark cloudy end of fall, a bizarre wind danced around sending shivers to whomever it came upon. Dark grey clouds bombarded the sky...

Sorry, I'm just kidding that not how it started either. We're not some fairy tale people.

Now seriously, this was how it started.

"Omarrrrrrrrr!" I roared, forgetting I had a sore throat that I was supposed to be resting. I spat out the lozenge on my tongue on the floor and dropped the popsicle I just got from the fridge to massage my throat.

I stared into my open makeup drawer in disbelief and yelled again, "Omarrrrrrrrr!!!."

"Hahaha!" I heard his annoying cackling laughter from inside my bathroom.

Struggling to breath as I was overthrown with rage, I rushed towards the open bathroom door and inside but my feet slipped on the water I'm sure Omar had poured on it and I ended up sliding and falling, my head narrowly missing the pink tiled floor by a pin.

"No running on slippery floor sister akorede!" Omar was standing behind the door with his phone pointed at me, cackling with laughter. Snap! I heard his camera click continuously, his mouth opening simultaneously to let out his annoying cackling laughter.

Every hair on my body rose, rage drowning every nerve in my body as I stared at my foolish cousin Omar in his white T shirt and shorts, taking pictures like we were doing a modelling shot.

"Omarrrrrrrrr!" I yelled again. My voice now slightly clouded.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you look when you get angry?" He slowly backed out, the idiot continued taking pictures. I began dragging myself out of the water on the pink tiled floor feeling an ache in my butt.

"Shebi it's just lip gloss" he spun around as I got up completely and made to run out of my room.

He had barely ran two steps when I heard a loud bang as he slipped and fell too.

"Pfft pfft" I walked out of the bathroom, my anger slowly leaving my body as I suddenly burst into laughter seeing Omar on the floor holding his head and a broken phone beside him, and the half dissolved popsicle at his feet.

But my laughter was short lived as I started coughing because of my sore throat. Which was a pity because I would have made the biggest cackling laughter I could utter to mock Omar.

Omar still lay on the floor holding his head, I was heck sure he was close to tears.

I stopped coughing, "that's what you get for punching holes into all my lip glosses with a stupid perforator, and I'm not giving it back to you. Now get out" I kicked his ass with my foot.

"Ye ye ye ye ah " he hissed still holding his head, "Ah my phone" he noticed his broken phone screen for the first time and picked it up.

I was too satisfied with the karma to hit him anymore, so I shouted, even though it didn't come out as a shout, "Boy stand up and get out jooor. I'm buying new lip glosses with your allowance next week" I kicked him again with my socked feet before going to seat on my bed.

"My head" Omar groaned again still holding his head with the dark brown wavy hair and kicking the little popsicle stick left but he missed it, then he hit his leg against the wall.

This time, I laughed again, but cautiously to avoid coughing. Sadly I think my sore throat had gotten worse because of my loud scream the other time.

I cleared my throat thoughtfully, "next time think twice before coming into my room to play a prank on me. Iya Iyabo" I called for our house caretaker.

"Shut up jooor, I'm going already" enraged and beyond pained, he grabbed his broken phone and slammed the door violently behind him. I hissed picking up another lozenge and my novel, Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. I sigh in satisfaction. What's a better to start a Friday seeing Omar get a taste of his own messy trap. Since it was raining today, I was completely stuck inside.

Omar is my stupid seventeen year old paternal cousin with the most annoying laugh ever. A silly prankster with no aim in life than to tease, bother and prank me.

But me, Rihanna Akorede Bolade is up and ready to finish him up.

I think I might have slept off, because I jolted to the sound of my phone ringing. I yawned but before I could pick up Henry's call, Omar had rushed into my room with genuine panic all over his annoying light face.

"Your dad is back o. Akorede your dad is back" he made himself tumble over and he stood up again and dashed out leaving the door open like the maniac he was.

"I told you to knock before you enter my room idiot" My voice had gotten worse, nothing came out all. I guess I really need medications I've been avoiding now.

But more importantly, my heart skipped and I removed the duvet on my body. My dad is back?. I quickly pulled on a baggy jean trouser over my bum short.

My dad is back!!.

My dad is back!!.

"Where is he?" I asked Omar who was still doing all sort of stupid hysterical movement as if he was covered in lice outside my door.

"We are dead o. He's still outside. Iya Iyabo and her daughter has gone to meet him and guess what?."


"He's not alone."

"Who did he come with?."

"You definitely have to see it with your eyes yourself ooo."

We braced ourselves, stood side by side and walked downstairs hurried, "You ready?" I asked Omar as we stood in front of the door leading outside. We could hear Mr Bolade's [P.s still my dad] grumpy voice outside already and Iya Iyabo saying all sorts of greetings.

Omar groaned and pretended he was going to cry. But I slapped him and held his hand, "ok here we go" I opened the door and we lifted our feet at the same time, and stepped outside into the rain together. It was drizzling slightly now.

My dad spared us a quick glance and snapped, "Come here and carry the bags!" That was the best hello we've received from him so far.

Omar let out a long breath, "See the people he came with there beside Iyabo" he whispered.

My eyes trailed around for Iya Iyabo's only daughter named Iyabo. The first thing I noticed was the big grin plastered on her face, and she seemed to be losing her mind as all her teeth were out.

Then, I noticed them. Two people I'd never thought I'd see at the moment. I was taken back that I had to blink about 10 times to make sure it wasn't my eye balls that were faulty. Or the scorching sun had bleached my eye balls.

"Are they white people or my eyes are playing tricks on me?" I whisper to Omar, "Or am I dreaming."

"Yes they are oyinbo o" Omar whispered back. There was lady and a young man. The white lady was grinning at us like we were little kids and she was about to give us candies for Halloween. She had long blonde hair that reached her stomach, she was short and chubby and held a Fendi purse in one hand.

And beside her was than man that seems not be any older than I was, he wasn't a man at all. He was beyond what I'd ever expect.

As the light rain water dripped around my eyes, I saw him, his dark brown hair in braids, tall and agile looking in joggers and a hoodie. Then, he caught me staring, his deep blue eyes shone were like sapphire underneath long lashes I could see from where I stood. Iyabo was still acting like a duck begging for bread around him but he was staring at me. Oh gosh.... his eyes....

"Are you two stupid?. Come and get these bags my friend" Omar and I snapped out of our heads as my dad's harsh voice boomed.

"Oh darling. Be gentle with your kids" the white lady cooed in a weird english accent.

"They are both idiots" my father said back.

For the next twenty minutes, i kept my gaze down and stayed quiet, as I swept through the rain to carry bags into my house, I passed by him occasionally because he was doing the same thing, but I made sure to never catch his eyes. Never again.

My heart kept thrumming heavily in my chest. Even Omar was quiet, I'd hate to admit I want him to say something stupid so I'll insult him and it'll lighten the mood.

Iyabo was tailing behind the guy like...a duck.

"Oh... Sorry."

My eyes met his again, I had to look up as I pumped right into his chest, my own chest slamming against his. He was staring hard at the twin bulge on my chest and I immediately recalled something, I wasn't putting on a bra, it was Friday and I wasn't going anywhere except at night so I didn't bother...

He smirked and averted his gaze to my eyes. "Hello."

A lump formed in my chest, "Hi."

"The last bag is at the bag seat."

Get it yourself nah, came to my mind but I nodded instead. I turned back towards the car and opened the door, bent and carried a small bag. When I turned around, he was right behind me looking down. I blinked at him innocently and walked pass him, trying to keep my breath steady.

"Hello there, you must be a... Ako..ede" the white lady my dad came back with settled down on a chair in the living room. She didn't even get my name right. Omar was standing behind her making a stupid face. My dad was seated beside her. Iyabo was seated on her other side commenting and checking out her purse. Iya Iyabo was wiping the bags with a rag.

I was still in shock, my dad left home without a word two weeks ago-not that it was weird, he was barely home anyways. But what's weird is that he's back on a Friday with a white lady and a white guy. It was the strangest oddest thing I never thought would happen.

"Can't you open your mouth" my dad's roar made me flinch.

"Yes I am Akorede" I said softly standing like a banana in front of her in my own living room.

"And you must be O..mar" she actually almost got his name right.

"I am Linda" iyabo said loudly.

"But we call her Iyabo" Omar pushed in, "That's the name she brought from heaven."

I almost laughed as Iyabo eyed Omar. Those two have never gotten along well. Infact Iyabo doesn't get along with anyone even her own mother.

"I've never heard of you. Is she one of yours too darling?."

"No. She's the house keeper's daughter" my dad replied his darling.

She seemed to disapprove of Iyabo but turned back to me,"Oh okay. I'm Lila then. And this is my brother.."

"Levi" the voice sounded right into my ears I had to turn around. He was so close to me, literally standing behind me, I meant Levi.

"Levi. Nice to meet you" Iyabo chatted, "Where are you from Lila."

"We're from Germany" No wonder her english sounds weird but Levi's sounds perfect though.

"Ehm Iya Iyabo. This is my new wife. I hope the rooms I told you about are read?."

Wife?. What?. He was taking a wife?!. Why?. How?. And...a white lady!?.

Omar threw me a questioning glance, I stared back with my eyes wide open, indicating I don't know what's going on too. He mouthed Oda and fake smiled towards the lady.

"Yes ma" Iyabo's friendly behavior is still choking me o, "I like your hair and your nails."

As Iyabo starting warming up to Lila, I went to stand by Omar. Her supposed brother was staring at us with his blue eyes, strange and rather charming, they were like two glow bobs on his face. I glanced occasionally at Omar to avoid staring at Levi too much.

"E fine small sha" Omar whispered to me.

"Whatever" i tried to sound unimpressed.

"Levi" Iyabo cooed with a little laugh "how was your journey?. Hope the wind is not too turbuleee... turbulet?"

Now Omar was sniffling laughter, Iyabo was trying to show off the English she couldn't speak. I'm embarrassed for her.

"Turbulent!" I pinched Omar.

"Ah shit" Levi cursed stomping his foot on a luggage. Iya Iyabo glanced at him with disapproving eyes.

"Let me help you" Iyabo quickly offered. She immediately went down to check if his leg wax hurt.

"No I'm fine. I'm good" Levi told her off.

"No let me take and see it. I fit help" iyabo insisted.

"He said he's fine aunty Iyabo" Omar shouted loudly to everyone's hearing.

My dad's head turned back towards us. We stumbled back in fright. If there was something Omar and I were scared of, it was my strict unbearable father. The man hates our guts to stupor and only finds faults in us no matter what.

"Go and help them sort out the bags, you useless children" he said to us, eyeing us with disdain.

Like robots, we made our way to Iya iyabo and began fiddling about with the bags. Iya Iyabo told us who's room was who's and we checked the tags on the travel bag to know where each would go. As expected, iyabo only picked Levi's bag.

I dropped the grey bag on the bed and cleared my throat,"What's your name again?" Levi asked as he walked into his own room..

"Its Akorede or Rihanna but my friends call me akorede but some people call me Ree."

"Ah yeah."

I faked a small smile, funny how my voice was normal again, "Yeah" I pushed passed him and down the stairs, just as Iyabo climbed up the stairs with a smile.

"Why don't you just kiss their ass!!" I muttered. Iyabo hissed and walked away.

I went into my own room and slammed the door. Gosh!. That was hectic!. Lifting bags up and down like I was exercising.

I stayed inside my room for the rest of the day. Omar came into my room to gossip and bring me toast bread at 4 pm and left before 7 PM after Magrib to pray in his own room.

That's the life we live whenever my dad came home, sneaking about the house and trying as much as possible to avoid him at all cost.

By 9.00 i had completely forgot about my dad and the new family, i was tipping over with excitement?. Remember what I've mentioned before?..

What happens on Fridays?. What happens at clubs?. What happens at night?. Well me ands friends are about to find out because we got invited to this birthday party at a club and we've been planning it since forever.

Since we're all officially almost 18 we're doing new things. And tonight it's late club Party time. I had planned everything perfectly, the only thing that ruined it was my dad arriving but I can't miss it. I'll have to sneak out but he won't notice since he doesn't care about me anyways.

Ashley's brother was driving us to the party, and he'll pick me up too. I dressed up in a short blue body hug dress, I grabbed my short crazy jean jacket, did makeup complete with cat liner and lashes, then held my heel in my hand to ensure smooth slid out.

Okay here I go. It was 9.30 already and that was the time they were supposed to pick me up. I snuck out of my room and down the stairs very quietly. I smirked at my victory.

"Nice dress!."

My body slammed against the door as I jumped forward in shock almost knocking my heels out of my hand.

My brain froze and I couldn't regain composure from the shock as I turned around to see who it was.

For the first time it wasn't Omar, it was... Levi.

"Sneaking out at night ehn?. You don't look like someone who'd do that!."

I choked on my breath mint but covered my mouth to avoid coughing and waking anyone else up, "I just wanted....wanted... To grab... something outside..."

"Dressed this hot?."

"Hot?. I mean...I had been playing dress up and ....I forgot to take it off."

"Let me go with you to this party and I won't tell. I really wanna see how the parties in Nigeria. Tonight would be okay" he sipped water from a glass up.

"You!. You don't have a shirt me on" I took a quick glance at the body I had imagined from underneath the hoodie he had worn before. Man! Those abs are hotter?.

He pointed to the shirt on a chair, "Shall we then ree?. Let me come with you and I'll keep my mouth shut."


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