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Eternal Beauty

Eternal Beauty

Author Harry


Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the pages of "Eternal Beauty," where love transcends time, and passion paints a canvas of everlasting enchantment. Lose yourself in a tale that weaves the threads of desire and destiny, exploring the timeless allure of the human heart. Join us in this captivating exploration of beauty that defies the ages-a story that will linger in your soul long after the final chapter.

Chapter 1 Love at first sight (prologue)


Maya Lee sat on her bed when she heard a scream from her mother in-law.

She was pregnant and its just a month to go.

She ran out of her room to the living room, what she saw broke her body, heart and soul. She couldn't move, she stopped breathing, she felt dead both inside out. Her mouth was wide opened, this can't be real.

Lying lifeless in front of her was her husband. He was bleeding from his groin which means its been cut off. His chest was cut opened and his heart was gone, this is the same way all males in the family where killed. Their hearts where found missing.

Maya's body hurt at that moment, she couldn't feel anything. She lost her balance and fell on her bulging stomach.

She screamed with all her might.

She couldn't take it, it was too much for her. She might loss her baby at this point. She just lost her husband and her only son died yesterday, now her baby...... No this can't be. Why don't God just take her life, this is not the life she planned for.

She closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

The Lee's family is the most famous and *rich family in the whole of Korea. Their company manufactures computers. But things soon change in the family, all males began to die, they where k,illed the same way, even a new born child, no matter where that child is hidden, it must be killed, but by who? Why just the men? What is this person motive? Different questions have been asked.

Maya was getting weak, she have been trying to push the baby out but it wouldn't come out. She woke up immediately after, she fainted in her bedroom and now she feels like death is close to her. No she can't die, not now, she have to avenge her husband's death. She have to k,ill who ever k,illed her husband and sons.

With all her might, she pushed so hard.

Immediately after she did that, she felt relieved.

A cry of a baby filled the room.

"Congrats madam, its a boy." The nurse said.

Maya was so shocked, "what?"

"Its a boy madam."

"NO it can't be, it can't be a boy, its a girl, please its a girl."

The nurse just stirred confused, what does she mean by its a girl?

"I need to announce to others, they have been waiting eagerly."

"No, don't tell anyone." Maya said and looked at her baby, she can't believe he is a boy, she can't believe he will die, no, no, no, it can't be she will have to lose another child again?

The baby, he is so cute, like really adorable. Maya have never seen such cuteness before. Like was he an angel sent from heaven? Was he the angel of beauty? His eyes where shut, his lips where pink, infact he was so perfect.

She smiled at the nurse, "my baby is so adorable isn't he?" Maya asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"He shouldn't die right?"

"Yes ma'am." The nurse replied confused.

"Now don't tell anybody its a boy, tell them that he is a girl."

"What? No ma'am, I can't lie."

"It is just a little lie, I will take the blame for anything that will happen, just do as I say."

"No ma'am, I can't."

Maya stirred at her baby again, she looked at the nurse angrily.

"I will tell them myself. Come and help me with my baby." Maya said.

The nurse heaved a sigh of relief and went closer to take the little baby at least she won't have to lie now. Immediately she bent to carry him, Maya covered her mouth and took the nearest scissor, and stab her in her chest. She stabbed her multiple times. When she was sure the nurse was dead, she let go of her mouth. The nurse fell down lifelessly, with blood on her white uniform

This was Maya's first k,ill, this was her first crime all because of her son. She don't regret a bit cause she knew she was protecting her child. She won't hesitate to k,ill anyone that finds out, she will k,ill that person who tries to harm her child.

The door was flung opened, Mrs. Lee, Maya's mother in-law came in with her hand on her mouth. Lying right on the floor beside Maya was the dead nurse, and the child in Maya's hand was a boy.

Maya got her scissor ready for another crime.

Mrs. Lee quickly ran and locked the door, she came close to Maya and smiled.

"You did the right thing and I am with you on this. We won't let anything happen to this child, we will protect him together and anyone that pose as a threat must be k,ill like this nurse."

Maya was shocked cause she never expected that. She dropped the scissor. "I will hide her body, no one will ever know about this."

"Where will you hide it?"

"In this very room."

"But everyone will find out."

"Don't worry, I am Nanhee Lee, I can do anything perfectly. No one will find out."

"So what are we going to do with my son?"

"Wear for him any female cloth. From now henceforth, he is a girl, no one will know he is a boy cause we are going to make him a girl. His name is Tanya Lee, I mean, her name is Tanya Lee." Mrs. Lee said.

She hide the body under the bed and lied to everyone in the family that the baby is a girl. They can't take any risk cause the k,iller might be among their family.

A week later, they all left for USA. Before they left, Mrs. Lee gave an instruction to burn down the house with the week old dead body which was decaying. Bye bye to Korea, till we meet again, Mrs. Lee thought.

"I will be back to k,ill all those who k,illed my family. I will protect my baby with my life. That is my promise." Maya said with anger on her face.

This is just the beginning.

Daegu province.

A year ago.

A cry of a baby could be heard in the kim's family. They where poor and farmers so their house was old and tattered.

Happiness suppose to be seen in all their faces but no, it was sadness, another girl have been born. A single boy wasn't born in that family. It was all girls, they need boys not girls.

The little baby grandparent and uncles threatened to throw her out, but her dad, Kim seek mi, developed this liking for her, she was different from other kids, she was the most beautiful baby he have ever seen. She was made perfect like a goddess. Infact she was out of this world and special.

He wanted her, he don't want any harm to come her way. He don't want her thrown from the house. He came to his parent.

"Omma, appa (mom, dad) we are not throwing my daughter out of this house."

"She needs to leave." His mother said.

"And that means all the girls in this house will go too. Why only her? She is so adorable that I can't let go of her. Don't worry, i will teach her to do things as a boy, she will be a boy in a girl's body. I will not kick her out of this house."

"She is bad luck, the day she was born, fire burnt half of our farm, and her mother died. She is e,vil." His mother said.

"No she is not and she will never be, so am not letting her out and that is my final decision." He said.

His father, sighed, "we will let her stay but as you said, a boy."

"Honey." Mrs. Kim called.

"Let's watch what happens next." Mr. Kim said.

"Thank you father." Seekmi said.

The beginning of a very tough life for both ethereal beauties.

Will they ever find peace?

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