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Lora and her guardian

Lora and her guardian



Lora a teenage servant girl, unknown to her was the only surviving heir to the throne of Dawn and the only sealing keeper to the supernatural world, Alora undercovers the secrets in the woods, thereby exposing herself to unseen dangers, only her guardian can help her save herself and the real world, but the quest to find her guardian has becoming an impossible mission for her.

Chapter 1 Lora the servant girl

"how long do you plan on making us wait Lora"? Asked Mrs molly, while sitting on her old fashioned chair outside her balcony with her puppies, Mrs molly lost her family on a sunny day when they all went out to see the king's new born heir, everyone was requested to be present on that day for the king and queen longed for a child and now they have one, but unfortunately some families were killed that day due to unseen creatures that attacked the kingdom on that day, this got Mrs molly so pained that she took the king and queens only heir.

"Oh, I'm coming" said fifteen year old Lora as she carries the hot plate of soup she cooked to Mrs molly.

"Here it is mum"

"You silly child, you always keep me waiting and I don't like that, now go to the woods and get more fire woods.

Exhaling slowly Lora puts on a smile even tho she was hurt by what Mrs molly said, instead of getting angry she shuts the anger off by smiling at the situation.

"Sure mama, I'll go take the big bow at the back of the house and go fetch some woods" she said and then walks away.

"Don't forget to get some healthy fruits for me Lora"

"Of course" she replied as she leaves the house.

After getting the bow, she immediately goes to the woods, she would count her steps as she walked in other to keep herself occupied until she gets to were she was going.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten, oh yes, I have won again, more steps Lora, don't get tired, you're almost there" she would say to herself over and over again, she does this to keep tiredness away from her.

Unknown to her was an old man wearing a hoodie and holding a red rose, covered in blood, while making incantations over a dead human being, immediately Lora saw this, she fell to the ground, unintentionally throwing her bow away, the noise from the bow drew the old's man attention, before he could caught sight of Lora, she had to leave the bow to go hide at the back of a big tree.

"Who are you???" The old man asked after seeing Lora's bow rolling away.

"I can smell you human" he said as he walked closer to where the bow was, this made Lora so afraid, she was literally calling for help within her.

"I can't get caught mum help me" she said inwardly, as the old man disappears at the spot, living the red rose at the spot were Lora's bow was.

As soon as she realized he was gone she quickly ran to pick up her bow, and then saw the red rose, which had blue crystals in it.

"What a beautiful rose, but it's all bloody, I'll wash the blood away and keep it, oh I need to leave immediately before he returns" she said as she ran away, holding her bow and the red rose.

Mrs molly saw Lora coming, noticing she wasn't with the woods or fruits, she gets furious instantly.

"Hold it right there you brat" she said pointing at Lora as she tires to catch her breath while standing in front of Mrs molly.

"Mum, mum, mmm... Mum" she stammers as she tries to tell Mrs molly what she encountered in the woods.

"An old man, killed someone in the woods" she said, Mrs molly putting on a disbelief attitude immediately responded.

"Is this your excuse for not getting the woods or fruits, you go back in there and fetch the woods and my fruits if you want to have dinner this evening.

"But, it's true, I saw"

"Shut it and go do as you're told"

"But mum, I'm scared of going back there" Lora said as she runs towards Mrs molly and hugged her, but Mrs molly angrily pushes her to the floor.

"You're not coming in tonight" she said as she walks into the house and locks Lora out.

Lora, goes to the door, hitting and begging to be let in, she kept on hitting and hitting and hitting, but Mrs molly would give deaf ears to her.

"Until I get my woods and fruits you won't come in, period" Mrs molly said.


lora, turns back and heads back into the woods to fetch the woods she needed and the fruits Mrs molly asked for, it was dark Lora had to rush back to get what Mrs molly requested for.

As she approached where the woods were she began to sing,

"I'm leaving as servant in my mum's house,

It's okay but it's painful when my heart hurts,

I've tried to do my best to show her my love,

I've gone through every ups and downs to please you my mum, so show me that love, that every mother gives..

The one that's so pure, that could light up my sad world when I'm with you...

When I'm with you ohhhhh...."

Suddenly the red rose on her left arm started glowing, more and more, magically putting woods in her bows with different kinds of fruits, seeing all these, she was surprised and also terrified at the same time.

"Oh, what's this, did all theses just appear from no where"

She then looks at the rose which was red before, now is blue, she immediately drops it, and tries to catch her breath and then picks it back.

"I'm sure it was a red rose, how's it blue?" She asked rhetorically as she turns the rose around trying to look at it properly.

"Are you sure it was a red rose?" Asked a voice, but couldn't know who it was, or see who it was that spoke, cause the voice was literally coming from all angles

"Who's there?" She asked as she moves around trying to check who asked the question.

"Don't bother finding me child, I'm too far away to be found, one day you'll have to find me, cause you have taken the first step to breaking the curse Lora.

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