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The Bloundless Dream

The Bloundless Dream

Dâu Thích Ăn Dâu


Perhaps anyone in their life has ever "dreamed", no matter how big or small, whether short or long. At any age, we often have the desire to turn beautiful dreams into reality and leave bad things behind. Dreams are a magical, mysterious thing that no one has been able to decode until now. Dreams are sometimes clear and detailed, sometimes vague and difficult to understand, sometimes strange, interesting..., filled with colorful nuances. And of course, no matter what, we will always want to have beautiful dreams and wish they could come true. But... Think about it, what if one fine day you fell into an eternal dream loop? In that place you cannot know who you are, what kind of person you are, you are just a puppet controlled in the universe of dreams. Can't wake up forever. An uncertain world - where the senses become useless. and only human imagination can adapt to it. A strange world, but convincing enough to make us not want to return to the real world. There are trees there but we cannot see or smell them, nor can we feel them. And somehow, we still believe it's real. So strange and magical, right? Don't we often perceive real things with all our senses? The answer is: We are in the "Dream World" - where we cannot perceive all surrounding entities with our senses. Each of us has our own Dream World. When the real world doesn't let us do what we like, want, and desire. Or simply, when life is too harsh for us, we will go to the Dream World - where both dreams and nightmares exist in one world. Here, we can do what we like, what we want - things that we cannot do in real life. In "Dream World", we cannot perceive all the surrounding entities with our senses, and that is so strange and wonderful that we still believe it is real. It's the same when I write. Whether it's essays or stories, it gives me a feeling of comfort, a feeling that in real life I'm limited in every aspect. Here, whether it's a dream or a nightmare. Whether good or bad, it is what we desire in the real world. Even though it's just an illusion, it still feels very real!

Chapter 1 Remember That Day.

Spring weather is gentle on the spacious street. In the wind, the clouds still lingered in the weather of late winter and early spring. The flavor is sweet and gentle but enough to make lonely people suddenly feel sad during the change of seasons.

Unexpectedly, my mind remembered my first love.

She and I used to hold hands and walk together on winter afternoons, walking through mossy street corners. Let's visit an old cafe together, a place full of heart - wrenching love songs, as sad as a drop of pure dew falling on the soul, gentle and mellow.

Remember a long time ago, I promised you that we would hold hands through the storms of youth and give each other unforgettable memories. Or when winter comes, it seems like I never feel cold in my heart.

But finally, when winter passed, spring came, joining the hustle and bustle of people on the streets. In the sound of rustling leaves falling in the rain and the trees trembling in the cold. I suddenly felt so cold.

It's fair to think, not all love affairs can be easily forgotten, not all happy memories can be easily passed by.

Although the spring weather is still cold, from time to time it sprinkles light drizzle on the shoulders of passersby, landing on the buds that are still shyly nestled behind the green foliage.

Somewhere there is still an echo of guilt, coldness, or sometimes it's just sadness that comes from nowhere.

But the bustle of people when spring comes also warms the lonely soul somewhat, giving us the feeling of someone comforting us, being next to us and keeping us company, confiding in us, dispelling the chaos and worries. in life.

The spring atmosphere is so special, it helps to highlight the brilliant pink of peach blossoms, the pure white of apricot and plum blossoms, as if waking up the "princess" after a long winter sleep.

All of that seems to portray a heart - stoppingly beautiful "spring" picture.

I sat down by the window, leaned back in the chair, looking out to the distant horizon. Then I secretly wished that my heart could bloom as brightly as the flowers out there.

The cherry petals falling in the wind are beautiful and poetic, but they contain a bit of unspeakable sadness, a feeling of sadness, making me suddenly remember the days when we were still together...

At that time, it was also in the spring like now. We were both leaning against each other but no one said a word. It seemed like that was the fate of two freedoms - loving people struggling in the whirlpool of life despite their efforts. Tried everything to escape but it was impossible. So I chose to stay silent and then the most unexpected thing happened, you left me.

I thought to myself, if I had spent a little more time with you, cared for you, worried about you, and loved you so much, would I still be sitting here alone now?

Or finally, one rainy day poured out all the troubles in the world, drenching the whole sky. She stood in front of me, smiling faintly. Her eyes suddenly stopped on my face, but no longer filled with love like before.

Her eyes were puffy, as if she had cried a lot, looking at the ground but not saying a word, just standing there for a moment as if waiting for me to speak. Then finally after a while, the tears seemed to overflow, and I was the one who started the story first.

You talked about many memories between the two of us, and you also promised me that you would forever forget those happy moments and memories.

You asked me if I regret losing you? I don't answer. It's not because I've never suffered, nor because I've never stopped loving you. Until I think about every sentence and every word you said to me, every sentence makes the corners of my eyes sting, tears seem to flow.

I don't know if it's because I'm too weak and weak, or because I broke up when I was still in love, so I just stand there frozen, not knowing how to respond to your feelings right now. Then I had to watch her turn around and walk away, gradually sinking into the hustle and bustle of people on the crowded street. Even though the weather at that time was cold enough to cut her skin, her small, thin back suddenly made the scene. At that time, it was nothing more than a painting, so beautiful it was heartbreaking.

The rain seemed to be falling gently, like my arms embracing myself. Each step was heavy, each drop of rain was like tears rolling down my cheeks.

Rain is very beautiful, each drop of rain glitters like glass, but it is a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid that does not make people bleed when touched, but rain can sympathize with people. Cold rain when someone is lonely. Rain cries when someone is sad. You are like the rain, strong, a little cold, but inside you are so soft that you break easily.

Rain, a natural phenomenon, is very beautiful and contains many delicate emotions. When people see rain, they can feel each drop of water falling gently from above, creating a sound called "rain sound". The cool feeling of the air also easily blows away worries and stress in life.

Falling water drops look like romantic music, taking us into another world, away from busy life and social pressures. Rain also makes everything more lush and vibrant, trees are watered like dancing, and home gardens look brilliant in green light.

However, sometimes, rain can make people feel sadness and despair mixed with extreme loneliness, just like beautiful flowers endure drops of water falling on their heads, yellow and withered trees, creating so the scene was so heart - wrenching.

Shades of gray from the sky also evoke unhappy thoughts in our minds.

Perhaps when we see rain, we also see a part of ourselves. Although humans have a lot of joy and happiness, they also carry sadness and loneliness.

It's raining in Saigon again today...

The rain wasn't heavy, but it was persistent and soaked in every pain just like the last time we met.

Under that stormy weather,

I know this time we really broke up. How gentle was the farewell!

No more noise, no arguing or exhausted crying. But gently accept leaving each other, giving each other the opportunity to meet better, more suitable people.

She said: "We broke up not because we stopped loving each other, but simply because there were many reasons why we couldn't be together anymore. After the times you hurt me, I will love you a little less. Then I finally had enough courage to say goodbye to you. Even so, I still thank you for the happy times that have passed. You must be very happy with someone new, the boy I once loved."

I wish.

If, just if at that time I had just been a little more delicate, lowered my ego and held you in my arms, would you have left me?

If only, just if I could turn back time, return to the moments we threw away, pick up all the happiness and give it to you. As for the scars that have appeared, I will try to hide them and put them in a corner of my heart.

But the truth is that memories are sometimes the thing that can kill a person's emotions. They are still there, forming scales, forming clumps, and dying in the soul. Because the past is eternal, even though you are no longer by my side, I believe that what we gave each other, the most beautiful memories between you and me, will never fade away.

It's raining on the street today. I put my head down on the table again after a night of running to meet the company deadline. Listen to the instrumental music, immerse yourself in the rain that is blurring the rush of people on the street, wetting the old mossy green roof tiles, fluttering on the street corners we have passed.

Random encounters on the street, dates under the sparkling moonlight. Footsteps walking together through fields of bright red poinciana flowers, hasty hugs.

Then my heart skipped a beat, falling in love with someone...

The sound of wind chimes rang softly. As usual, I didn't pay attention to the flow of customers coming in and out of the restaurant or the polite greetings of the staff. Surprisingly, the footsteps suddenly stopped right next to my desk.

The white, slender hand tapped on the table as if trying to attract my attention. Although I didn't care, I still lay there with my head on the table.

The coffee shop in the morning is not too crowded at this time. The knocking finally stopped, but not a single footstep left. It seemed like this guest wanted to play mind games with me. Honestly, I don't have the patience to do these three useless things that don't bring any benefit to myself, so even though my mind still has the echoes of last night's deadlines, I have to chase this person away so I can have a good night's sleep.

Before I could say anything, my mouth stopped at the smile of the girl standing in front of me.

"Hello Bao"

Is it you? Is it really you? The girl in front of me from the past has changed so much, so much that if it weren't for her sunny smile and characteristic dimples, I probably wouldn't recognize her anymore.

She sat down on the chair in front of me, still smiling brightly as usual, only after all this time she had more personality. Her long hair has been cut shoulder - length and then styled and colored. But now I still think that face is only for long hair. I didn't expect that when she cut it, she looked much prettier.

You, a girl who made an impression on me from the first time we met. I still remember vividly the time she shyly went to the shop to apply for a job. At that time, i don't know how many guys came in and out of the extremely busy shop just to ask for my Facebook. I'm just sorry that at that time I already had someone to love. Knowing that, I could only silently stand from afar and watch her happy with that person.

Until I broke up with that guy, I was sad and came to the shop more often, and then I don't know when I became a regular customer here. Suddenly one day you said maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore and then disappeared. Even though I went to her house and waited for hours just to see a familiar figure, in the end I found out she had moved away a long time ago. No matter how many times you call the phone number, the only thing that comes back is the voice of the operator girl speaking as if answering an assignment. After days of searching in vain, I gradually accepted and kept your image deep in my heart. But unexpectedly, now, you come and appear before my eyes.


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