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Elian's passion

Elian, a reclusive inmortal lycantrophe isolated from the world by the pain of losing his wife, goes into exile despite being the alpha pack. After years of solitude he is forced to abandon his self - exile on an island in Greece for a series of murders not only of humans but, on of werewolves as well, for which he must travel to the northwest of Mexico where he inadvertently meets his new alpha, there is only on problem, she is deadly with serious problems of self -esteem and self-esteem and from the first day they meet she rejects him. Now Elian has three problems; he finds the assassins, controls his Impulses and conquer his alpha before it's too late and he loses his new mate.

Chapter 1 Secundina

Elian's passion

Part One: "New Tie"

Chapter One


"When you are born to be a failure, no matter how hard you try, you never stop being a failure"

That is the motto of my life, I am not exaggerating, let's see when I was born many years ago, I won't say how many, but there are many, well enough, I already deviated from the narrative, the thing is that the day I was born the next day my mother he died before they say it was my fault, no, it wasn't me, the day I was born, mom found out that dad had a lover, her pain was so great that she decided to end her life, her sadness was stronger than her motherhood, for consequently dad took care of my older sister and me.

From that moment my life was marked, first by losing mom and second by the name I mean! In what head can I be named Secundina? And with the last name García Anguamea, if it's okay, I give you permission to laugh, even I already laugh at my misfortune, well let's continue, my father in an act of repentance decided to stay alone to be a decent widower, he never married and as long as he García, widower of Anguamea, was presenting, to which I was aware of that he kept calling him "ridiculous old man". As I was saying there, my life was marked forever, let's continue, elementary school, those damn Mother's Day festivals were the most tragicomic six years of my life, I really came to hate them, for eleven months I was happy, everything was that May came when my torture began, from the television commercials to the school activities, that month both Dulce and I got sick, although dad knew that it was not like that, he overlapped us during that month, I don't know why but that month it hurt much, neither the date of his death nor Christmas hurt as much as the month of May, the six years passed and finally secondary school, yes! High school, without a doubt the best time of my life, I would live it again as I lived it, although at that time my heart was broken, as a good high school teenager my body changed, but not for the better, I'm still waiting for the duck to transform swan, my one seventy-five helped a lot, yes, yes, being one of the tall ones, with care and training for the second semester I already belonged to the basketball team and not to the bench, no, to the official ones, and that's how I met the love of my life or so I thought, why not? Yes, he was the tallest in school, stocky, dark brown hair, honey-colored eyes and his way of playing basketball stole my heart, tremendous disappointment when he told me that he would never, ever hang out with someone like me, ugly, fat and stupid. nothing intelligent, with what little dignity I had left I collected the fragments of my tender heart, I really tried to glue them but I never could, no matter how hard I tried, it didn't help much that in high school Damián told me that he would never hang out with a woman so tall and That she was a champion in shot put. What fault do I have that he was six foot tall? And what was my fault for being good at sports? I mean, it must have been funny, right? If I wasn't pretty or intelligent at this point in my life, at seventeen years old, I hated my fatness and my height, and before I criticized myself and said nutritionist, exercise, etc., etc., etc. I tell her that I ran two kilometers a day, I walked fifteen kilometers, I had a good diet, but I could never lose weight, I suppose that was the way my physical complexion was, but my adolescent never understood it and to be frank, neither did my adult.

What was a good athlete was bad in love, so resigned to the fact that this area was not my thing, I concentrated on continuing with my training, both basketball and shot put, even going to the nationals and belonging to the official team of my city and my state with pride I can say that I belonged to the red wave, at university things did not change so much, with my sports history I tried out for the basketball team of the Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition of course and As expected, I was among the starters, things changed when the selection for the official team of the University was made, then if I was left on the bench I was player number eight but I did not care, I was from Las Adelitas for me it was a lot, between training, classes I didn't have time to think about love, anyway, that man and I didn't get along, one day I was very comfortable doing a difficult anatomy homework, when a classmate sat next to me, for Of course I didn't pay attention to it, believe me when I say that the peripheral nervous system had all my concentration, you will understand my astonishment when the boy in front of me told me "you are the prettiest girl in the entire college" I looked up, I don't know what a look I gave him that I saw how he backed off, but I remember well that I grabbed my things and got up from the place but not before telling him "go make fun of your fucking fucking bitch." The next day half of the faculty was amazed because I told him that Prudencio, who by the way was a model, drummer in his rock group and was studying nutrition, but come on, who can blame me for not believing his words? Or yes, as you already know that I am "tall" and fat, white, large eyes without exaggerating dark brown color, wavy dark brown hair, straight nose, full lips and natural eyeliner that if the lips and my eyes were my greatest pride, like I said fat but not the pretty ones, yes, you know the ones with a marked waist, good chest and a good buttock, no, rather I was or am like a round cylinder, flat with concave curves, yes, that's how I am, Since I think about it, I think that the only beautiful thing in me was or is my face, let's continue, hardly and after four years I finally finished my degree in nursing, from there to my internship year, practically being a slave to the base staff and I have to say that that year was a good year, I think it is the second best thing that has happened to me and I would live it again, there I met my best friend Esther Cantú better known as Tete or yes, the famous Tt, we live together We went to the movies, danced everywhere, we walked together, and in my social service I met Doctor Rojas, I literally drooled when I saw him and that made Tete laugh a lot, to my misfortune the doctor found out that I was drooling on his lips. little bones but! Unlike other occasions, he didn't call me ugly, stupid, or fat, nothing like that, he just said, you're too young for me. What? For God's sake, you're only ten years older than me, he never stopped being kind and gentle with me, not in fact we became friends, also with Lujan, although I was never a doctor's girlfriend if I made good friends, they even helped a little with my car He estimates that the truth was that he was on the ground mmm... yes... I think he's still down like this, I ended that year with good friends that I still have to date.

Three years passed and I met the cause of my misfortune, if my heart was stuck he ended up breaking it, also my emotional stability, what happened to me that, to many, I fell before his smooth talk, his handsomeness, believing it was love, and! saz! He left when I was six months pregnant, devastated, defeated, I no longer wanted to know anything about anyone, nor about life, I think that's how my mom must have felt when dad broke her heart, drawing strength from weakness, with the help of my sister, my dad and my granny can come out I went ahead, the big day arrived, and after three and a half pushes Emilia was born or yes hahaha if I have an exotic name my daughter too, I said thank you and I keep giving them because she doesn't look alike to his father, although there are days when he is his spitting image, but hey, nothing is perfect, is it? put me in front, my life turned into chaos, when my daughter turned seven I met a man two years older than me, named Fernando, who sang it to me face to face "I'm married, I like to walk cobrón, are you going in or No?" and I play, well, we dated for three months, during that time, he paid my house bills, bought groceries and even bought clothes for my daughter and he never set foot in her, because I will be or rather was the The most whore of whores, but no one other than my father or my uncles entered my house. I cried bitterly with Fernando because of that misbegotten, but he always found a way to raise my morale "I don't know why you cry to that asshole having me "That still makes me smile to this day, although we don't walk anymore, we never stop talking, no, since he's a lawyer, he helped me when the sperm donor wanted to take my daughter from me, Fernando went out of his way and almost sent him jail just because I didn't want to and as a nurse I have had to help him when his children have a fever or things like that and no, it's not that I enter his house no, no, it's more than I don't even know the wife everything is by phone, WhatsApp, working in a private hospital I have to attend to his parents in the operating room, first his father underwent surgery on his gallbladder, then his mother for a fracture in her left arm, as you can see we are more friends than anything else, although sometimes Sometimes I don't get risqué messages.

My daughter is already sixteen years old and I am almost forty-one, we are still alone, at this point in my life I pray every day to whatever pantheon they tell me so that she has a better life than mine, I ask that she not be a failure of A woman like her mother, everything indicates that she is on the right track, she is doing well at school, she is a geek, she cosplays that before the fucking pandemic although it fell like a glove on her, she does not leave the house and I am thankful that I inherit a body that is not from me, I suppose that he owes that to his fucking father, if I never speak badly about his father, what for? Enough with what she has suffered with the ridicule of her partner for me to hurt her by speaking badly about him, something that I must also be thankful for is that since she is only mine, she does not have her paternal surnames, I do not struggle at all, we already have passports and visas what we don't have is money and that's why two years into the pandemic I'm still working double shifts and that's the summary of my life, what do you think of Doctor Makris?

The named was looking at the paper that comes out of the electrocardiogram, he takes the piece of paper with the results.

_Time of death - check the time-_ Four thirty in the morning. About what you have told me you are very broken. Nobody is going to love you like this. -she hugs her from behind- but for that you have me.

_I know I'm broken - he lets himself be cuddled by the doctor- thanks for being my friend.

_You know I think you must be born again so that the perspective of life changes you.

_I suppose - she begins to remove probes and catheters- the labels, I do them or you.

_She already has them-if she gives them to her-_Now you can call the orderly to take the corpse to be cremated, I will notify her relatives.

_Yes doctor, another one that is leaving us.

_So is this. What are you thinking about?

_In that I envy her she wanted a corpse.

_Want to die?

_With all my heart. - the doctor's black eyes see her sadly-

_Secu, my dear, think of Emily, that girl loves you.

_She will be happier without me, she adores her aunt, if she saw her when she is with her she would agree with me.

_I don't think so, I've already seen her and she goes out of her way for you.

_If it weren't for the fact that suicide isn't given by life insurance, she would have done it a long time ago.

_For whatever you want, do not say that, even if you do not believe it, there are people who love you, care about you, it is true that it is not a love like the one you would like, but it is love.

_ If that's true, why do I feel empty?

_I don't know my love, but we are going to find out, I will take you to a professional, but I want that idea not to appear in your head anymore.

_A year in psychiatric treatment paid off, although that idea is always latent in my head.

I hope you don't.

_Humanity will not even feel my loss, I am not a good mother, nor a good daughter, nor a nurse and not even a woman, so if I am useless, what am I doing stealing oxygen? what do I do here?

_Wait for something surprisingly good to come into your life, something to fill that void.

_I'm just waiting for my death, it's the only thing I'm waiting for. - sighs- let's go out and we must deliver shift.

_Yes of course. Secu, leaving we go for Emily to your father's house, take the laptop for her classes, my house is very big- She is the one who hugs him-_ As long as you live I will always be by your side.

It's time to leave, everyone at the check-in counter waiting anxiously, it's seven thirty in the morning, the night shift leaves exhausted from a long day of work, Secundina leaves later after bathing, headphones come out of her ears at all volume, she sings not at the top of her lungs, but if for her, she passes by several workers, says good morning, waits for Darío Makris to arrive, friends for eight years now, from the first night they met they had chemistry and that was something very notorious. He sees his friend coming, thin, tall, one meter and ninety two centimeters, white, black hair and eyes, straight nose, thin lips with a natural pale pink outline, he has a scar on his right cheek that was like a scratch, but that does not detract from his beauty, on the contrary, he drew attention to either men or women but he had no eyes for anyone, they were all his friends with the only person he had some intimacy with was Secundina, Darío arrives in his car and tells him opens the door for her friend makes a caravan for her, she answers get in the metallic red 2020 BMW sedan. As Darío said, they go for the teenager who, as soon as she sees the doctor, runs to hug him "dad Dario" he picked her up a little and kisses her on the right cheek, he has that confidence since she has known him since he was almost six years old and already he is sixteen years old. The three of them go to Dario's house, when Emily arrives she goes directly to the library to start her online classes, Secundina to the kitchen and Dario to bathe.

_ - Dario enters the library with breakfast for the girl - _You eat everything, and your mom goes to sleep, I don't want you to be bothering her.

_ Yes dad Dario, no dad Dario. Rest you too.

_ I will do it, thanks.

_ Dario - closes the laptop, the young man sees it- _ What are you and my mom, friends, friends with benefits, boyfriends, lovers?

_ Just friends.

_ You don't like why she is fat, right?

_ It's not that, your mother is a wonderful woman, but she didn't love him that way.

_ So? I don't understand.

_ Your mother awakened in me the desire to take care of her, she has already suffered too much, she has gone through a lot on her own, it was time for her to have someone to offer her sincere support and affection and I offer her that with my friendship. I don't care about her physique, but she does.

_ Good answer. Thank you for loving my mom like this.

_ You're welcome daughter Emily, by the way, I love you too, how my daughter really forces.

_ I love you too dad.

The adults sleep while the teenager is in class, the afternoon comes, they wake up, while Dario exercises, Emily does homework, Secundina reads a book, night falls quickly, mother and daughter go to sleep, Dario makes sure that they both sleep He goes out to the backyard to wait, his gaze travels from one side to the other until, his ears change, protruding from his head, he closes his eyes and waits patiently, minutes later he hears the neighborhood dogs bark, a roar that silences them, a malicious smile appears on his face, when he sees them he removes his clothes already naked, he raises his right hand, one of the newcomers takes it from the doctor's hand and throws him into the air when a white wolf on all fours falls on the floor appears joining six others, the six accompanied by a man in a white-skinned loincloth, honey-colored eyes, slightly slanted boys, bushy eyebrows, light brown hair, one meter eighty centimeters tall, on his back several swords as well as his bow and arrows.

_ The howls come from the north. – He points out, starting the six of them- _ I hate that they do this to me- he takes a breath and in a two by three joins them-

A tired-looking brown wolf growls, in response more grunts indicating a change of direction, the wolves led by that old wolf follow instructions, upon reaching the outskirts of the city, to be exact, they pass the Sonora baseball stadium and stop when they see with which they face a kind of greyhounds with super developed xoloitzcuintle, tall, skinny, emaciated, without hair giving a kind of sick appearance, the white wolf stands in front giving the order to attack, but the "enemy" points out the real danger to the hearing the howls of pain, frightened the strange creature flees the place giving way to the real enemy, a huge lycanthrope, bloodshot eyes, like rage the foam comes out of the mouth, its musculature is impressive several of the wolves stick their tails between their legs, the white wolf walks towards its opponent, appearing a two-meter white wolf, its musculature does not resemble that of its opponent, even so it does not show fear, it growls, and without giving time to react, it attacks the creature, other huge wolves appear the remaining five make a team attacking the others.

The white wolf fights hand-to-hand against the beast, his opponent sinks his teeth into his left shoulder causing him to howl in pain, the white wolf plunges his claws into his back making his way up and down from left to right, thanks to the pain that he felt the white wolf loose, it is when the white one uses his right claw to rip the throat of the beast which falls lifeless to the ground becoming a man on his back in the skin of a man, the white beast changes to a man, leaving Dario in instead, he picks up the human skin, he recognizes the tattoo on his back, a bowling ball inside the howling moon with an olive garland, the tattoo of the first herd, the one that has lived since the age of myth, he does not realize that one of the beasts are going to attack him, receiving a dry blow, throwing him into the air, losing consciousness for several minutes when he comes to, several men are already fighting, the man in a loincloth is taking care of him.

_ Don't worry, we're winning, my brothers are fighting well, and there's Jon-Jon.

Darío gets up, doubling over in pain, he puts both hands to his abdomen, which is still bleeding.

_ May your brothers not expose themselves. – stands up- _ They are not natural werewolves, they are magical.

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Elian's passion

Chapter 1 Secundina



Chapter 2 Elian & Dario



Chapter 3 Yes, it is my alpha



Chapter 4 Accepts job



Chapter 5 Jealousy



Chapter 6 The attack on Secundina



Chapter 7 I will take care of you



Chapter 8 Coexistir



Chapter 9 Disgusted



Chapter 10 Elena & Emilia



Chapter 11 Zinerva



Chapter 12 Back home



Chapter 13 Scolding Secundina



Chapter 14 Rage



Chapter 15 Alliance



Chapter 16 Sierra madre



Chapter 17 Giving



Chapter 18 interruptions



Chapter 19 An unexpected visit



Chapter 20 The nature of Elian



Chapter 21 I'm going to save you



Chapter 22 Elian & Secundina



Chapter 23 Secundina's decision



Chapter 24 Elian's contained fury



Chapter 25 Ciro Licaon



Chapter 26 Keep a promise



Chapter 27 Jonathan's feelings



Chapter 28 The hunt begins



Chapter 29 The Celtic William.



Chapter 30 William's magic.



Chapter 31 The attack on the Licaon town.



Chapter 32 Emilia's journey.



Chapter 33 Emilia wakes up.



Chapter 34 Alf's daughters



Chapter 35 The Lilin



Chapter 36 Ramses



Chapter 37 Second attack on House Licaon



Chapter 38 Petra



Chapter 39 Confrontation



Chapter 40 End
