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The Hybrid Alpha

The Hybrid Alpha

Deizy fabulous


On her 25th birthday Mia, is forced by her own paternal family to get married to a blood thirsty Prince of a hundred years , but as soon as she arrives at her new house she realizes that she has been sold , Will she survive or die let's find out.

Chapter 1 The unwanted marriage

In a fresh morning with birds sorounding her window and singing as usual Mia, opens her

striking green emerald eyes , with a smile curved on her beautiful Rosy pink lips , she stretches her arms and drags her body upwardly descends from her bed and open her window , smiling to the birds which she had all named, they always made her to smile and forget all of her pains , she went to her toilet to take a bath while waiting for her food that was always delivered by maids she never saw . After her bath she heard a knock on her she usually waited five to then minutes before opening door. After five minutes she opened the door and saw someone she least expected .

" Gr .. grand ma" Mia stotles

" Mia" she puts a fake smile on her face but Mia, notices it.

"Good morning Grandma "Mia, greeted her and her grandmother greeted her back.

" Well I have a great news for you " her grandmother spoke still with a fake smile on her face.

"You're already very old for a lady of your age to be single and I think it will be better for you to get married as soon as possible"

" But grandmother you know very well just like me that no one will accept to get married to someone of my kind " Mia spoke .

" Yes that's what I thought till this morning " her grandmother spoke . Mia was shocked she knew that it was nothing good maybe another plan of her uncle to get rid of her .

" What do you mean " she inhaled deeply before asking.

" You're getting married tomorrow so get ready " her grandmother spoke.

" No ! Grandmother, please don't do this , I will do what so ever you want me to do I will even disappear if that's what you want " Mia spoke with tears striving to fall from her eyes.

"No ! Dear grand daughter ! As you can see the Time of your offer has passed already and by the way I will not gain anything from you disappearing from my life" her grandmother spoke and continued "I have been feeding you almost all of your life and your marriage will be reward to me and to my sons ,I have so many things to do " she said those last words with a faint smile and left.

" Grandma , Grandma ," Mia , shouted in tears but her grandmother never came back.

Mia, was a fruit, of a forbidden love between lovers of two different species vampires and werewolf and because of that Mia was hated and rejected by everyone including her own maternal family. She taught of running but unfortunately the castle was sorounded by a spell that prevented beings with vampire blood from entering nor going out its true that her maternal family, hated witches but they hated vampires more than anything else that's why they kept contact with some few witches that were of use to them .After crying out all the tears of her soul Mia , slept off and woke up the next morning but very late . Some one was in her room, a maid , and she could sense that it was a witch, . She took care of Mia, dressed her perfectly after that they went downstairs that leaded to the Grand pallour , Mia had not seen it for about nine years , it was beautiful just like in her memories she remembered her days with her mother and grand father , a little smile on her face but disappeared as soon as her two uncles with their wives and children surfaced in the pallour and each of them sited on their chairs like royalty with mischievous smiles .all of them were looking at her but no one uttered a word some few minutes later her grandmother the mistress of the house entered into the Grand pallour with a young handsome man which all the young ladies if the room including old ladies eyed with desire ,they knew he was not an ordinary Man , they knew he was not a man for them and all started at Mia with hatred.

Her grandmother spoke and brought all the attention to her.

" Good morning my dear sons and grand children we are giving Mia's hand into marriage to day and I am sure it will bring great happiness to everyone" she equally spoke to Mia and told her to be strong and started leaving for her room ,Mia kept calling her but she didn't look back at her , Mia's first uncle took a bag fool of gold from the young handsome man and called for a party , and Mia was pushed by her second uncle towards the to go out , he pushed her for the second time and she fell down bruising her hand , the handsome young man helped her up and went straight into what seemed to be a royal chariot with her .


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