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It all started when a cruel old man named James Nicky got entangled in debt with an equally ruthless billionaire. The young billionaire, inheriting the family power, was Milan Rogers. Since James couldn't pay the debt, he gave away his stepdaughter, Chyntia Valencia Davis, known as a girl with beautiful bright eyes, but no one dared to propose to her because of her family's bad reputation. That's where the decision of her stepfather truly changed Chyntia's life.

Chapter 1 Trying to Run Away

Chyntia's footsteps continued forward, without any intention of looking back. This time, she was fed up with what her stepfather did to her.

No one knew what kind of man would marry her, if he agreed with all her stepfather's wishes.

Chyntia chose to run away after hearing James Davis, her stepfather's evil plan.

His stepfather was a greedy man who promised his stepdaughter to pay off a debt to a notorious man leading a great company.

Cynthia's injured feet from the whip given by her stepfather every time she made a mistake weakened her strength and made her unable to run far enough.

Cynthia can't even run using her strength, so she is very slow in avoiding and staying away from the city where she is imprisoned with a stepfather and two equally cruel stepbrothers.

But unfortunately, these barefoot running feet couldn't go any further because of the weakened strength along with the eyes that couldn't distinguish the tree pole from the others. She could crash at any moment.

Then, unexpectedly, her body was thrown towards a tree trunk by a strong hand choking her delicate neck. Her sharp black eyes looked at Cynthia, whose body was trembling heavily.

Her fingertips clung to the tree trunk, her eyes looking fearfully at the sharp eyelids that stared at her with hatred, irritation, and anger.

Who could have done this heinous act, choking Chyntia with his strong hand mercilessly and making this girl feel suffocated.

"Please let me go, please ..." she begged in front of the young man who now choked her, Chyntia almost lost her breath due to the tightness of the hand that held her neck.

"Where do you think you can run? Do you think you can escape from us?" Liam Davis, was the eldest son of James Davis, and stepbrother of Chyntia, the unfortunate girl who was now trying to survive.

"Aaa ... I just ..."

The young man's strong hand became rougher and tighter in choking Chyntia's neck, so the fine veins on Chyntia's face that groaned were visible.

Chyntia's small and gentle hands pounded her neck while she was gasping.

"You won't go anywhere if my father doesn't allow it, my sweet step-sister." A sinister smile appeared on his face, his lips seemed to be about to curse this girl.

"Aaaa!" But Chyntia screamed, because that was the only strength she had, trying not to give up. Even the feeling of fear, this girl felt that she had to fight Liam even though her hands and body were certainly smaller and slightly more delicate than how handsome her stepbrother was.

That rough hand slammed Chyntia's body to the ground, and the small body fell onto the wet grass while Cynthia was motionless, feeling helpless.

"Ian!" Her voice echoed among the trees, calling her brother to come. Ian Davis was the second child of James Davis who always showed his hatred for Chyntia.

But there's another feeling that this young man holds for the unfortunate Chyntia, something that Ian has hidden so far, and Chyntia doesn't know, not even suspecting.

Ian, who heard it, suddenly walked slowly, trying to understand if that voice was indeed from his older brother.

It didn't take long before fast-paced strides were heard among the winds, and there stood beside Liam was a figure with a slightly slimmer body compared to Liam but slightly taller.

It's true that Ian's body is taller but not stronger and more muscular compared to Liam because Liam is known to be the strongest among the two.

"I found this bitch, tie her up, and bring her to my father. I will not go home tonight. There are many girls waiting for me. It's up to you what you want to do with this bitch, who cares just bring her back to my father!"

He slightly shook Chyntia's body towards Ian, his younger brother. And Ian caught her gently, Chyntia was like something precious but not appreciated well by her greedy stepfather and stepbrothers.

Compared to both of them, Chyntia was like a diamond among the wicked and evil men like James and his two sons who could only do bad and evil things, everyone knew how wicked Ian and Liam were.

They often committed mischief and always escaped punishment, because maybe James had a bad reputation but with good money.

James may be happy to owe money, but he also loves possessions, so he rarely pays off his debts with possessions but something valuable, and Chyntia is his valuable asset that can be sold for a lot of profit.

After saying that, Liam immediately walked away leaving Ian and Chyntia there. Ian had a dark look in his eyes that haunted Chyntia. Ian's gaze was the most disturbing to Chyntia.

"I know you hate me, Ian. But please, this time show me mercy." Cynthia begged but Ian stood upright beside Chyntia's body, which was still lying on top of the hay.

This girl couldn't do anything but cry and not resist at all.

"Do you think I have mercy?" A sneering smile appeared on his thin lips, which looked evil. "I am the son of Ian Davis, I have no mercy! Now stand up, or I'll drag your hair in front of my father!"

Ian was so rough that it made Chyntia feel incredible disgust inside her. Chyntia cried and her tears flowed as quickly as possible.

Chyntia's eyes became teary as Ian spoke roughly. With tired legs from running and nothing left within her except fear and a desire to leave the area of the residence occupied by her greedy stepfather, plus her stepbrothers, Chyntia was nauseated and wanted to escape.

But what could a helpless, tortured girl like Chyntia do? She had no strength even to stand. So, in that moment, Ian had to force her to drag her.

That beautiful leg now stood weakly in front of Ian Davis because Ian could not bear to see Chyntia's eyes crying, even whimpering. This cruel person then dragged Chyntia's hair and took her away with high-speed and high-strength to a small hut, where a mature man was waiting.

This man was James Davis, Sophia's stepfather, a cruel old man.

"Father, I brought what you were looking for," Ian said in a low voice.

James Davis is now facing away from Ian and Chyntia. Both of his hands were behind, and James slowly turned to face Chyntia and Ian.

Towards Chyntia who was slumped on a pile of hay, and animal food waste.

"Is she tortured enough, my son?" James asked, looking at Chyntia like she was a helpless baby who didn't have anyone but misfortune, that was what James believed and knew nothing about luck.

"If you want, father, I can torture her right in front of you," Ian answered.

"No, my son, she must appear beautiful, without injury and pain in her eyes. This bitch who tried to escape from me must face the powerful, majestic, and magnificent Alpha.

She must be eligible and worthy to be a bitch on a leader's bed!" That voice was so cruel in Chyntia's ears.

"Don't you have any mercy!" cried Chyntia, who was now whimpering and still sitting on top of hay and food waste.

"Even a puppy is worth more of my mercy than I give to you! You bitch!" James spat in front of Chyntia.

He then turned to Ian and said, "Take her inside, lock her up, and let her lie down with the filthy animals! Then prepare her tomorrow at eleven o'clock to be presented to Devino.

"All right, my father, I will do as you command."

Ian dragged Chyntia's body. Chyntia in that dark night, just curled up crying on a pile of hay with filthy animals in a hut.

"I can't say yes until I see your stepdaughter!" The man's voice with sharp eyes, Devino Milano Rogers, was seen sitting on his throne and his face looked so pretentious as he desired the unfortunate girl who was still pure and untouched.

"We will bring her to you, it only takes a little time and a little patience."

"Patience? A little? Listen to me James, you useless old man! If you don't bring that pure girl in front of me, then I will drag you and sacrifice your position and everything you contribute!"

Hearing that, of course, James panicked, he used a thousand ways to persuade the great businessman Devino to stick to the original plan and not deviate from all of it.

"All right, James, it's better to bring the girl to me immediately!"

And not long after, in a gentle way, not at all rough, Chyntia's stepbrother brought her in front of the great businessman to kneel and present herself.

Chyntia knelt before Devino, and he looked at her with eyes full of desire.

When he saw Chyntia, he spoke loudly, "I think James, what you have now will be safe, but this poor girl will moan on my bed tonight."

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