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Petal of roses


In the near future, "Monsters of new Earth" introduces readers to a world where genetic modification has not only revolutionized humanity but also given rise to a new breed of animals designed for specific purposes. Dr. Alexis Monroe, a brilliant geneticist, is at the forefront of creating these modified creatures, each with unique abilities. All seems to be going according to plan, then a series of mysterious attacks on prominent geneticists, including Dr. Monroe's colleagues. she uncovers an organization seeking to exploit the modified animals for global domination. The organization, known as "Helix Syndicate," plans to unleash a gene-altering substance that will amplify the animals' abilities, turning them into uncontrollable forces of utter destruction.

Chapter 1 Genesis.

"Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back." - Marcus Aurelius.


In the quiet of the night, shadows clung to the edges of the scientist's house. The assassin, a silhouette of deadly intent, slipped through the darkness with a predatory grace. The air was thick with tension as he approached the target's residence, moving with a cat-like stealth.

He had come all the way from Milan to perform this act of penance.

"This is God's work", he thought. "I am nothing but the handmaid of the lord"

Inside, the renowned scientist, Dr. Emily Turner, suspected nothing. She sat in her study, surrounded by shelves filled with scientific journals and the soft hum of the computer analyzing data from her latest experiment. The only sound was the tapping of keys and occasional murmurs of approval as she reviewed her findings.

The assassin, clad in black, observed from the shadows, patiently waiting for the opportune moment. He had meticulously planned this mission, studying Dr. Turner's routines and learning every nuance of her life. His employers demanded precision, and he intended to deliver.

As Dr. Turner took a break, she reached for her phone to check messages. Little did she know that her every move was being watched. The assassin maintained a safe distance, his eyes locked onto her every action. The scientist, unaware of the predator lurking, exchanged casual messages with a friend, discussing the mundane details of life.

With the scientist momentarily distracted, the assassin seized the opportunity to slip into the house undetected. He moved with an eerie silence, weaving through the corridors like a ghost. The tension escalated as he closed in on his target, his hand tightening around the hilt of a concealed blade.

Just as he prepared to strike, a sudden ringtone echoed through the house. Dr. Turner's phone illuminated, displaying an incoming call. She picked up, engaging in a conversation that unwittingly prolonged her life. The assassin, frustrated but disciplined, retreated back into the shadows, waiting for another opening.

The call concluded, and Dr. Turner returned to her work, oblivious to the danger that lurked so close. The assassin recalibrated, adapting to the unpredictable rhythm of his prey. Time seemed to stretch as he followed her through the house, navigating the labyrinth of hallways with a deadly patience.

"it's not the thrill of the kill; it's the thrill of the hunt.", he reasoned. Move too fast, and the prey scrambles away.

In Nature's plan, there is no such thing as a good or bad animal. There are only those animals that kill to eat (predators) and those that are killed and eaten (prey). It is unfair for us to judge their natural survival actions by our own ideas of what is good and bad or to decide that all predators are villains. Today, the assasin was just a predator. The lion do not feel pity for the deer. Even as the assasin closed in, he silently prayed for forgiveness, begging the Almighty to accept the soul of the deer, The soul of Dr. Emily Turner.

Eventually, Dr. Turner gathered her belongings and prepared to leave for the laboratory complex. The assassin, now a silent wraith, trailed her as she stepped out into the cool night. The scientist hailed a cab, her thoughts consumed by the upcoming presentation at the laboratory.

The assassin slipped into the back seat of a shadowy sedan, tailing the cab with precision. Inside the cab, Dr. Turner chatted with the driver about the weather and the challenges of city life. The assassin remained hidden, his focus unwavering as they neared the laboratory complex.

When the coyote chases, catches, kills, and eats the cute, furry rabbit, it is not being intentionally cruel. It is only meeting its physical need for food with whatever is available at the time. Its meal could just as easily have been a mouse, rat, or other small creature if one of these other animals had been closer or easier to catch. Today a bigger creature was within reach, and the coyote was closing slowly closing in.

Arriving at the complex, Dr. Turner was greeted by security personnel. The assassin observed from a distance, evaluating the security measures in place. He knew he had to strike when vulnerability presented itself, exploiting the weaknesses in the seemingly impenetrable fortress.

"It is the thrill of the hunt", he reminded himself.

As Dr. Turner entered the laboratory, the assassin melted into the crowd of passersby, blending in seamlessly. He maneuvered through the bustling complex, always keeping the scientist in sight. The atmosphere buzzed with scientific fervor, oblivious to the deadly dance unfolding within its midst.

The scientist engaged in discussions with colleagues, exchanging ideas and insights. The assassin, like a phantom, observed from the periphery, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The complex web of interactions provided cover for his movements, allowing him to inch closer to his target.

As the day progressed, Dr. Turner immersed herself in her work, unaware that the shadow of death loomed ever closer. The assassin, a patient and calculating predator, continued to stalk his prey, navigating the intricate web of the laboratory complex with lethal intent.

The tension escalated with each passing moment, creating a palpable sense of impending doom. The scientist, driven by her passion for discovery, remained oblivious to the invisible threat closing in. The assassin, a master of his craft, poised for the final act in this deadly ballet, ready to extinguish the spark of scientific brilliance.

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