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Fatal revenge

He came in the form of her husband, he came in the form of a son in law to ruin Gerald and his family. He came in the form of Alexander chase to make Gerald pay for the massacre of his family ten years ago. Giving up is not an option Taking revenge is what he solely lives for.

Chapter 1 ONE..

The time was already past eleven when the guests began to disperse, it was a fun filled party and everyone enjoyed it especially Alex. He was happy that he was able to make his father's house lively again after many years of solitary. For one night he forgot about his revenge plans and was genuinely happy. This was the only property that belonged to his family that he knew off and this was where he was going to live now. Overall, the night was a success. After the last guest was gone, he was left with his fiancée and her family and that was when the instincts of his revenge came back.

The fact that Gerald was still seated in the room comfortably made him want to puke. "Congratulations brother in law" Dylan walked up to him. "Thanks man" he plastered a fake smile on his lips. "I really want to see how you will turn this into a major profit Alex" Gerald said from where he sat down which made Alex ball his hand into a fist. Was this old man kidding him right now? Did he think everyone was money minded just like him? "You don't need to worry father, I will make sure to give you a good show" "I will be anticipating" after he was done talking, Gerald stood up and kissed his daughter goodbye while exchanging shakes with Alex. After a brief conversation, he walked away with his son and the couple was left to themselves. Alex closed his eyes and rested his head on the headrest, he was very tired and Clarrisa could see it from his face. "You should really get some rest, Alex. You look so stressed out. "No baby" he finally sat up, "we promised to celebrate our wedding news right? I can't go to bed and leave you" even if he badly wanted to rest, he didn't want to give her the inkling that he didn't care about her which he didn't by the way. "It's okay" she clasped her hand over his, "I totally understand and moreover I need to get home to discuss a few things with my mum. I purposely told my dad and brother not to say anything about the wedding seeing how tired you were. So just take some rest okay? I will call the cleaning company to send a few persons to take care of this mess here" "Thank you so much baby" he gave her a peck on the cheek and she blushed, Alex knew how to be romantic and she never got used to it yet. After he was sure she already left, Alex slumped on the sofa and picked up his phone. The person from the other end answered on the first ring. "Hello" "How are you feeling now?" Alex asked as he leaned back on the couch, "sorry i couldn't call you since, was kind of busy with the party" "Did it go well?" Bianca asked from the other end, "I couldn't help you with anything and I am sorry about that" Alex massaged the space at the back of his neck before standing up from the sofa, he was suddenly feeling sad and missing his family. It was harder than he thought, it was so hard not to feel like crying, especially when you are standing in the same place where your family was massacred. "Hey Alex, are you there?" Bianca asked again and he jolted back to reality, he must have zoned out again. "It's fine B, everything went fine and I already announced my wedding" The lady from the other end was quiet for a while, she was not in support of the wedding and would never be in support of it but it was more like a foundation for what Alex had planned. "Are you okay?" She finally inquired after a while, "you know you can tell me anything right?" Alex closed his eyes and went back to the sofa, he didn't know what to say or how to say it. "I'm I doing the right thing?" He finally asked, "am I wasting too much time?" "Look Alex, you are doing perfectly fine okay? I would have loved to be there for you now but Gerald is hot on my trail. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't worry okay? I will help in any way I can" "Thank you so much B" "You are welcome boo" His lips finally curled into a smile, she was his happy pill after all. "How's Williams and your daughter?" "All good alex, now take some rest okay? Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for you" "Sure" After a while he ended the call before picking the remote from the table and he pressed a button. "Breaking news" the newscaster's voice reached his ears, "the business tycoon, Alexander Chase, has finally announced his wedding to take place next weekend, on the fifth of July 2023. The business guru has revealed this during his housewarming party which took place a few hours ago and he used that opportunity to invite a few friends to the wedding, the wedding which is slated to hold in the biggest cathedral in America has been the talk of the country for a while now and everyone is anticipating how big it will turn out to be" A loud chuckle escaped his lips as he switched off the television again and he continued to laugh. Humans were a funny breed and he couldn't help but keep laughing. Here he was concerned about how to get revenge and they were all excited about his wedding? Were they kidding him? "A wedding of doom" he allowed the words to roll out of his mouth as his eyes darkened. anytime he remembered Gerald, his blood always boiled, "Get ready to have the biggest wedding of your life, risa" he muttered again while balling his hand into a fist. **** The drive home was not so pleasant as Gerald kept receiving calls upon calls, he had not been able to find Bianca and he was getting apprehensive about it. The fact that Alex didn't even seem suspicious of him made him less comfortable, he wanted to find her and end her before anything else happened. The last thing he heard was that sus was in the hospital but now she was nowhere to be found and even her best friend didn't look like he knew her whereabouts either. "Dad" Dylan prodded him and he turned his attention to his son who had a questionable look on his face, "why do you look so lost dad? You have been like this since we left Alex's" Gerald placed one of his hand on his son's shoulder, if only Dylan was more like him. If only his only son was as ruthless. "I am fine, just tired" "Are you sure? You don't look fine though" "I am fine Dylan, quit asking me questions" Gerald said through gritted teeth and turned his attention to the rear window, a lot was on his mind but he wanted to find Bianca at all cost.

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