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The Hybrid Mate

The Hybrid Mate



SYNOPSIS Lumina Xy was an Omega with a confusing DNA. Being treated unfairly to their pack she felt like an erupting volcano that sooner or later will blow. An Omega should be submissive but she's not one of them. she likes to be in control and respected, which she doesn't got as she was an Omega's daughter and an unshifted she-wolf. But something happened that made a drastic change in her life. She's now at the top. She became a feared and dangerous Alpha in the south. but that doesn't change the fact that her hands is full of blood. Blood. Torture. Death. She always faced those, when she's on the way of fulfilling her desires. Guiltiness is slowly tearing her sanity. She is slowly falling in the abyss of misery. She is drowning in pit of insanity. "You brought out the best of me, the person I buried in my distant memory. But, I'm a bomb waiting to explode, and I don't want to destroy you with me. " -Lumina

Chapter 1 1

chapter 1: AN OMEGA'S LIFE.

Lumina POV

Being an Omega means being looked down by your peers. You will be treated like a freaking dirt in every possible way. But I never blame my parents though. They give me love that every children would envy. They were supportive and kind. i wouldn't wish for more except being treated fairly in this damn pack.

All the Omega here has been treated so badly that's why I hated this pack especially the ruthless Alpha.


It's still 4 in the morning but I- I mean we Omega's are obligated to wake up this early to do household chores. so when they wake up there is no Omegas on sight.

After we finished our task here, we will be go to the farm while the boys has to go hunting.

Like my usual routine, I started cleaning the backyard while the other Omegas distance their self from me. despite our rank being the same - I was also look down from them as I can't shift yet. They think I'm the lowest of the lowest. Which is annoying and shameful at the same time.

"You still have a face to really face to admit what, after you've embarrassed Yourself." Sarah's harvest will last. an Omega that you imagine who luna.

I just raised my eyebrows and continue on swiping the ground.

"The thickness of your face turn your back on me!" She shouted angrily as she hurriedly walked towards me.

I raised my head with a confused look written on it.

"First of all, I'm not turning my back on you. Secondly, my face has been thick for a long time but your make -up isn't even thicker," I bitchly utter.

Being a bitch is already on my nerves.

The other Omegas laugh silently as they were trying to conceal their laughter with my remark.

although the sun isn't rising yet, the moon is giving us perfect light to brighten our surrounding with the help of a one, two, three, four solar light.

"You!" She was annoyed and started slapping me when Mama Beth suddenly came.

"Early in the morning you are fighting again Sarah, it's almost six o'clock, don't you want to punish us all? "Mama said modestly even though the truth is still far away. Mom and her reasoning is indeed weird but thankfully it made Sarah left and do her own business .

"Mom, I can do that," I said then sniffed. she just went home and then squatted down to mess up my hair. As a good daughter I bend my knees a little so she can reach my head.

I'm 6'1 while my mom is 5'7.

I also have a waist length white hair which is unusual for a wolf. i'm a bit tanned given that I work in the farm with the sun rays penetrates my skin. Actually, all of us (Omega) were tanned. "Rank suck."

Back to my self portrait, I have this sharp golden eyes and a red heart shaped lips and a pointed proud nose.

while my mom has this black wavy shoulder length hair and a brown gentle eyes with a not so pointed nose. They say I look nothing like my parents but I never give a freaking damn as they treated me so lovingly.

"Stop giving me such look Lumina. It won't work on me. let's hurry up before they wake up. " She said then turned her back on me.

It's already 5 in the morning when we finish. It took me a while cleaning the whole freaking yard A.L.O.N.E as everyone loathed my existence itself. I don't know why though. but I don't give a freaking damn .... which is a lie. I really do care cause I think they must and should respect me and it's hella weird as an Omega to feel this way.

"Daughter! Come on," Mom called attention. i just nod and when i arrive in the front yard i saw a bunch of Omegas getting ready to set off. We enter in the forest together as they find a comfortable place to shift.

men pull their shirts off in front of the crowd while women hide in the big trees as they strip off and readying their self to shift while me ....

My eyes are looking down while playing my hand enough to conceal my envy Infront of their annoying grins. Tskk!

my Dad appear in his brown wolfy form with a height of 5 and 2ft and a dark black eyes. Usually my dad has a brown eyes but it would change when his wolf take over him. After a while my mom also appear with her gray Wolfy form with a height of 5ft and her eyes were already green. i just stared at them with fascination.

"Who are you going to ride my dearest princess," My dad Jack mind link me.

"Amm... Your majesty, will I have the honor to ride on your back?" I politely ask while holding my laughter as I bow down.

"You really know how to play with me, huh," Dad laughed using our mindlink.

"Of course, we both love drama anyway," I said smiling then stood behind him. Some of the wolf already left so Dad and Mom do their best to catch them up. the feeling of riding a wolf with the speed of 500km per hour is awesome. I wonder if I can also run as fast as them.

As we reached the farm I immediately jumped off and waited for my mom to shift in her human form while my Dad left already together with the other men to hunt.

as I saw my mom smiling at me fully dressed, I wave my hand and greeted her with a smile.

"You've been so slow," I said laughing. Dad and I came first.

She just laugh and pinched my nose.

We girls do our daily routine. we harvested some fruits and vegetables from our farm while others do the cleaning.

At 11 a.m. we already stop from all of our work as we take a rest. I'm now laying at my mom's lap while eating the apple I harvested earlier.

I saw how judgmental their eyes looks while looking at me. i'm the only female wolf who's in her 16 yet can't even shift. They must be thinking how could I remain peaceful despite the 3 years delay of my shift. Perks of being surrounded by love from parents.

Suddenly there was a wild growl coming from the forest.

everyone is panicking except me who's still eating my apple cooly. I don't know but no matter how dangerous the situation is, I remained calm and unbothered. So much guts from an unshifted Omega.

The growl was coming from Gamma's Son Michael together with his underlings. what else can this shit find?

I remained calm while chewing the remaining apple on my mouth while my mom tried her best to hide me behind her back.

As soon as Michael started to shift in his human form and put his clothes on in front of the crowd. some girls giggles as Michael's body is like an well sculpture art but for me? He is just nothing but a piece of twig.

"Where is Lumina?" He ask angrily as he hurried to step towards mama. Is he dumb or what? What's the use of him being a wolf if he can't even smell me? Psh!

i immediately stood up towering my mom whose a little smaller than me. I lower my gaze, not wanting to see his eyes full of hatred.

"You bitch!" He was angry and then pulled me with my hair. I feel like my scalp is going to be pull off from my skull. i immediately closed my eyes as my heart rapidly beat.

"Mi-mi Michael le-let go of my daughter!" Mama was confused. Her voice was full of fear and worry.

"Mom I'm alright," I said using our mindlink.

"Oww, should I?" Michael slapped me sarcastically.

i remained silent as I welcome the pain on my cheeks created by him.

He threw me away at the same time he approached mama.

He grab my Mom's hair before pulling her next to me.

"Don't you know what your bitch daughter do to my laundry?" he said. "She just ruined all my f*cking clothes together with my tuxedo that I'm about to wear for todays event! You stupid m*therf*cker!" He said while step on mama's face on the ground.

"I didn't do it! I swear! Please let my mom go," I beg while kneeling.

i lower my pride and I'm still willing to do so for my family.

He didn't listen instead he just smirk before pulling my mom's neck and let her stand. "This is your fault bitch! See what I'm about to do with your precious mom," she said smiling. he pulled my Mom's waist before licking her neck.

I heard a lot of gasp. Even though they hate me, they didn't hate my Family. I can sense their pity through our packlink.

I'm sure that Dad can sense that his mate was being molested. With the thought of that-

all the strings that hold my sanity suddenly snap and all I can see is nothing but a pitch black.

To be Continue...

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Other books by HoneyBunchy

The CEO'S Purchased Wife

The CEO'S Purchased Wife



"Leave her Roxane and it's an order." Roxane released me immediately when she heard what the speaker said. I immediately fell to the floor chasing my breath, my tears still falling because of what Roxane did to me. "What is this Dad? Why did you stop me murdering this bitch?" she looked in my direction and stoned me with sharp looks. I just ignored her and turned to my uncle in surprise. There is nothing wrong with me here in this house so why would my uncle bother to save me from Roxane hurting me? "You can take revenge from her later princess." he said softly to his daughter and applied his gaze to me. "And for you Hazel I need you to be ready in next thirty munites. Mr. Velasquez will be coming home and we have a very important meeting. I want you to serve him your best." i rub my face with my palm to remove the tears on my face and go to comfort room to wash my face. Then I changed the dress I was wearing with a long skirt and plain top. I prepare some light snacks and drinks for the guest. after more than an hour, my uncle called me and told me to prepare something to eat. I entered the living room with the tray and saw Roxane and her aunt looking in my direction. I just ignored them and looked at the man sitting in the center of the room still with the same attitude and ego. I gave him a strained smile and set the tray down on the table. Mr. Velasquez gives me the same evil smile which Roxane gives me when she wants something from me. I feel bad for her but I just tried to ignore her. I had intended to leave but I heard my uncle coming along with the words that shocked my world. "Hazel, meet your future husband. He has purchased you as his wife." W-what? i c-can't be. His purchased wife.

Billionaire's Heiress

Billionaire's Heiress



"You heard what the doctor said earlier, you should rest and take care of yourself more for my baby." he said when the doctor left. No emotion can be seen on his face but I can read the concern in his eyes. I smiled because I felt like he was my husband who was worried about his son and me. But I'm not.. I'm not his wife. He has a wife. I'm just carrying his baby on my womb, that's all my role in his life. I'm just a surrogate mother of their child. "What do you want to eat?" I couldn't stop smiling widely when he asked that question. His voice sounds sweet. I shook my head as I reached for his hand that was resting on the hospital bed, but he suddenly avoided it as if it had been burned by my hand. I felt a pain in my heart. I looked up at him, "I don't want anything else, just don't leave me." "I'm sorry, I have to go. my wife is waiting for me, just call me if you need anything or something bad happens." He warned. I was about to turn away from him when I suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. "F-ck!" He sat next to me, when he faced me, I immediately put my lips on him. I pressed it even more when he grabbed my shoulder to push me. "Why did you do that, Kzea?! I have a wife!" He yelled in a serious and dangerous tone. I tried to hold his hand but he immediately stood up and pointed at me, "Stop this! Whatever you're thinking, stop it, I love my wife, I love Caia. I will never trade her for you." He spoke with full conviction that made my heart ache. "Lav, please, I'm sorry, forgive me." I'm sobbing please, I'm afraid of his eyes. "I love you, please. Love me the same way you love him, even just now. Even until I give birth, love me, please." His lips curled, obviously unable to believe what he heard from him. "You're crazy. I will never do that to my wife." His voice became more serious. "I'm just doing this for you because you're the surrogate mother of my child, that's all."

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