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Done Chasing You

Done Chasing You



"Hi zan, I made this for you" I said to the man in front of me. His friends and my brother are with him. "Tsk," He said and took the cake I baked. I smiled because this was the first time he took it when I gave it to him. But my smile immediately disappeared when he threw it away. I heard a lot of laughter and whispers saying that I'm poor if there are too many cheeses. I want to cry but I don't want to look weak in front of them "W-what did you throw away?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "Can you please stop chasing me, cyn? How many times do I have to tell you that I can't love you back! i don't love nor like you, cyn. i love someone else and that's crystal" my sister... "W-why is he, z-zan? b-why is he still my brother?" I asked while trying to hold my tears. "Easy because she's different from you, cyn. she's everyone's ideal girl, she caught my attention. I love her more than my life. and you? Your an attention seeker, a slut, bitch, I can't love you back because I don't love you" He said. Why? Why is pain pain? After all, who am I? I was touched by beauty. Because if you compare me to my sister, I lose, she's beautiful, she has everything that I never had.

Chapter 1 1



As soon as I left, I ran,

sh.t what is the pain pain??

I was just running until I realized that a truck was coming.

everything seems to slow down.

until I felt sick and i found my self bathing in my own blood.

'I guess this is the last, zan iloveyou'


"BABY, Are you okay?" I asked my boyfriend, Zandro.

"Yeah." His answer was cold as ice.

when Agatha left, she became like that btw it's been 3 years since that happened, and we didn't see Agatha for three years, why am I with her?

"Babe, where are you going?" I said and bit my lower lip.

I saw him staring at my lips,

I came to where he was and hugged him but he immediately pushed me away.

I looked in the mirror and laughed.

'I hope you're dead, Agatha and don't ever come back because zandro is only mine.'



it's been 5 years but until now I still don't remember anything, i dont know who I am. for short I lost my memory.

But I'm happy because...



I went down and caught up with mom yes someone took care of me.

"Good morning mom, dad, brother, sister, and youngest" I said.

"Good morning, kid" - Mom

"Good morning too, ugly" - brother

"Good morning, beautiful sister" - youngest

"Good Morning, lia" - dad

"Morning, youngest" - sister.

that's the family I have, we live in the province, I met a lot of new friends.

The people here are all kind and treat each other equally.

Whether you are poor or rich, rich or poor, as long as you are kind, they are also kind.

I learned a lot, I met a lot, I also have a lot of friends.

I'm just a simple but beautiful girl, I'm Hailey Aurelia Soriano, just nineteen years old.


C H A P T E R|ONE 1.1


I am HERE in the river bathing with my friends.

"Hey Iley, come here, I have something to say," said my friend Ara

She's Arain Sophia Bonifacio, she's the talkative and starving one in the group Shh.

"oh? what do you say, rain?" I asked when I got close to him.

"There's your crush," he said and pointed at Cedric.

He's Cedric Santiago my crush hehe.

"Hey, stop lia, Ara if you don't want to be spanked" Jasmine suddenly interjected.

She's Jasmine Xandria Octavia is our tomboy.

"yes tsk." Ara promised.

"HEY LET'S PLAY A QUICK GAME HEY" Lara suddenly shouted.

She's Lara Loraine Dela Cruz is artistic and grumpy.

"Sister Lia eat" I looked at Vennice when she spoke.

She's Vennice Alvarez is the youngest of the troupe

I took what he gave me and said "Thank you, Ven".

"KYAHHHH HAILEY KOO" Xaxi suddenly shouted and ran to hug me so the ending we both fell into the water.

I heard the laughter of our friends huhuhu.

Btw she's Xacia Zrya Monterial is the loudest among us so we call her Xaxi that's all.

he helped me and we laughed together.

"Damn it hurts" he said with a laugh.

he's abno BWAHAHAHH.

"Omagasshhh, lia. You're just here," said the gay man.

He's/she's Mario(Maria) Ferrer is our gay friend.

"Yes why?" I promise.

"I'm not looking for you, you know I have a problem" He said.

"Eh? share?!" I said with a mix of questions.

He was bothered by the gossip but it was good because there is always gossip BWHAHAHA.

End chapter one!

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