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Hacked a trillion dollar acount; Now all the ladies wants me

Hacked a trillion dollar acount; Now all the ladies wants me

emmanuel feany


A poor boy known as Edward Morgan who got abandonned on the streets by his parents and everyone treated him like trash because he was poor. Edward got fed up with the way people treated him so he used his intelligence to hack a trillion dollar bank account. With Edward getting rich all of a sudden,the pretty girls around the city began to move closer to him. Unknown to Edward,the bank he hacked belonged to the mafia bossess and they already organized a search party for him.

Chapter 1 Grinding all my life

The early morning sun filtered through the narrow square window, casting intermittent flickers of light across the confined space.

Within its walls, only a single bed, a compact closet, and a modest study table found their place.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The room resonated with the rhythmic percussion of a computer keyboard, as a man donned in crisp white pajamas hammered away with unyielding resolve, his eyes reflecting unwavering determination.

"What am I missing?" the man murmured, removing his small eyeglasses, his bloodshot eyes rimmed with dark, weary bags. He pondered, "I keep encountering the same failed outcome, even after laboring through the night."

"Once more, I shall attempt a fresh code," he resolved, placing his glasses back on, his gaze fixed firmly upon the computer screen.

Before him, a cascade of numbers and letters danced, metamorphosing with each keystroke.

After minutes of fervent typing, the alphanumeric cascade transformed, now displaying a progress bar with a countdown.

[5 hours for the extraction to be completed]

'Same vexing outcome! I cannot squander five hours of my day only to meet with failure once more,' he ruminated, vexed by the recurring outcome that had plagued him for months.

Every time he believed himself on the cusp of achievement, the same 'Extraction process' ensued, culminating in 'Failed to extract.'

He rose from his workstation, making his way into the narrow bathroom.

A brisk shower and swift dressing followed.

Moments later, he emerged, clad in a blue uniform, complemented by black trousers and stout black boots.

'Darn it, I'm late, yet again!' he fumed inwardly, hastening from the snug quarters.


Edward Morgan, a 23-year-old, emerged from a crucible of poverty.

Discovered on Brickwoods' streets as a babe by Sheila Forbes, her compassionate heart led her to adopt him into their family.

Mr. Forbes harbored misgivings about his wife's altruistic act, acutely aware of their straitened circumstances.

Edward's proficiency in technology bestowed upon him a unique gift - mending and restoring battered electronics that littered their home.

In turn, Mr. Forbes treated the boy with unspeakable cruelty, relegating him to a subhuman existence, while showering his biological children with love and respect.

The envy stemming from Edward's gift, in stark contrast to his own offspring's lack thereof, fueled Mr. Forbes' animosity.

Sending Edward to a modest boarding school beyond Brickwoods' borders, Mr. Forbes, in ostensible benevolence, claimed to cherish the boy's education.

In reality, it was a ploy to banish him from their home forever.

Observing Mr. Forbes' true motives, Edward acceded to his father's wishes, severing ties and setting forth into the world.

Through sundry odd jobs, Edward managed to secure a one-room sanctuary he could call his own.

Edward tried his best to fit in and feel among,but still ended up getting isolated because of his poor background.

Edward was tossed around like a rag doll by his peers,but there was nothing he could do other than comply.

The only person who gave him attention was a girl named,Kate Sinclair. Kate also came from a poor background like Edward and had no one by her side. Until she met Edward.

Edward and Kate spent time together and share the little they had together,but Edward could see in her eyes that she wasn't satisfied by the little he gave her and he needed to go extra length to make her happy.

Two years elapsed, punctuated by toil in bars, malls, and eateries, culminating in the acquisition of a computer - the linchpin to his hacking odyssey.

Edward deployed his technological acumen to infiltrate bank accounts, diverting funds to his own coffers.

These ill-gotten gains sustained him, staving off want and sheltering him from the vicissitudes of life.

Yet, $5 and $20, gleaned weekly from his neighbors' accounts, proved insufficient to fulfill his desires and those of his newfound paramour.

Hence, a quest was born - not to pilfer his destitute neighbors, but to infiltrate the coffers of Brickwoods' magnates.

The spoils, if won, would afford him the means to dote upon his beloved and showcase his transformation from penniless wretch to prosperous paragon.

Months passed, yet success eluded him. The formidable fortifications guarding these accounts dashed his illusions, cementing the cruel reality - destiny consigned him to perennial penury.


Arriving at the towering edifice teeming with bustling denizens, Edward encountered a fellow guard, a bald-headed compatriot attired in the same uniform.

"Dude, where've you been?" the guard queried, his voice a curious blend of concern and camaraderie. "I covered for you, as usual."

Edward, still catching his breath, managed a reply, "I lacked the funds for public transport, so I ran all the way."

"Don't sweat it," his comrade reassured, before resuming his post.

Edward adjusted his uniform, poised at the entrance.

For Edward, serving as a security guard in a bustling mall was a bittersweet experience.

He encountered faces from his past - all now ensconced in wealth and privilege - while he toiled tirelessly, relegated to the role of a common sentry.

Surveying the entrance, his eyes locked onto a sleek, obsidian Mercedes Benz, its windows darkened. Recognition struck swiftly.

"The scoundrel's back," he seethed internally, casting envious glances at the opulent vehicle and its owner.

smooth, polished surface reflects light, giving it a glossy appearance. The dark hue adds a touch of sophistication, emphasizing its refined design.

The Mercedes-Benz logo, a symbol of quality and prestige, is likely prominently displayed on the front grille.

Overall, it exudes an air of class and luxury, making it a statement piece on the road.

The driver's door swung open, revealing a striking young man. Ebony hair framed a chiseled visage, draped in a jet-black suit, pants, and gleaming shoes. Malcom Munrow.

Brickwoods' Vice Mayor's progeny. Edward's gaze shifted to the passenger side, where he glimpsed a shapely leg clad in crimson stilettos.

As the lady emerged, her identity was laid bare - Kate, his girlfriend.

The same woman for whom he toiled ceaselessly, day after day. Bitterness surged, his blood simmering with impotent rage.

There was naught he could do, for how could he hope to vie with the Mayor's scion? Kate sauntered past him, seemingly oblivious, her arm entwined with Malcom's.

Fists clenched, tears welled in Edward's eyes.

'How long must I bear this indignity? Poverty is not my fault; I am no indolent wretch.'

'Perhaps God reserves His bounty for the affluent, for He has never heeded my pleas,' Edward reflected, the indifference in her eyes piercing him like a blade.


At 9:54 pm, Edward returned to his diminutive abode, wearied and spent from the day's toil.

Collapsing onto the bed, he sought solace in slumber, hoping to dull the gnawing hunger in his belly.


A shrill chime emanated from his pocket, jolting him from the edge of reprieve.

'I've finished my shift. Why are they messaging me?' Edward mused, retrieving his phone from his pocket.

As his eyes scanned the screen, his jaw plummeted in disbelief.

[Transfer successful]

[Your account has been credited with 750,000,000,000,000]

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