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Stranger's Love to Freedom

Stranger's Love to Freedom

B. Colingenic


Amber Brown, a soft-spoken but confident girl in the small town of Graven, has her life spiraling out of control when she gets to know that's Paul Fisher. Her longtime finance is a werewolf, and he just found his mate. Born a normal human without any knowledge about the supernatural living around her, she breaks down in fear and anger at what life has thrown at her at the best point in her life. Justin Harlow, a new rouge werewolf in town, is driven from his pack, and now without a pack or home, he moves to a small town called Graven in another country to have a fresh start. Amber, now driven with fear and anger at werewolves for their deceitful ways towards love, feels lost, and she wonders where to start from with everything happening around her and even considering leaving town, but it seems the universe has something different planned for her with the lost stranger Justin Harlow, who seems more confused with life than her. Fate brings Amber and Justin together, and they resonate with each other's pain, but each has a secret to keep. What happens when midnight talks on life develop into something more than they bargained for, including people they didn't expect to find?

Chapter 1 Unplanned Events at Dinner - Amber's POV

The air in the room of my little home was thick with tension and I couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness while the sun peeked through the blinds, casting a faint glow over the small town of Graven. Nestled in the heart of a picturesque valley, the small town of Graven boasts an idyllic charm that instantly captures the hearts of newcomers. Its cobblestone streets wind through a forest of ancient oak trees, their branches creating a comforting overhead canopy. Warm and welcoming, the people of Graven, greet each other with smiles and visitors with open arms.

In the heart of this charming but enigmatic town, one cannot help but wonder if the friendly smiles hide more than they reveal.

Beneath the facade of tranquillity, lies a web of closely guarded secrets as whispers and hushed conversations echo through the town's quaint cafes. The locals gossip about the recent scandal in town, often livened with words of hurtful gossip and ridicule towards me but their faces are laced with smiles. In the heart of this charming but enigmatic town, I couldn't help but wonder if the friendly smiles hide more than they reveal.

I'm not like other girls my age. My raven-black hair frames my porcelain face, and my eyes, a shade of deep forest green, hold an aura of warmth and courage within. I've always felt special but I could never quite wrap my head around the reason for such belief. I'm a young and ambitious woman who just turned 24, eagerly preparing for my dream wedding with my fiancé, Paul Fisher. Everything seemed perfect in my life up until a week before the wedding when Paul abruptly called off the engagement during our pre-wedding dinner and my world came crashing down right before my eyes. It felt just like yesterday when I was happily drinking and enjoying dinner with my friends to celebrate our future home.

**Night of the Dinner**

''I'm so excited for you to meet my old friends from college tonight.'' I said, gushing at another dress the girls will be wearing to the dinner.

''I know, you've been saying it for weeks now, Amber.'' Paul mumbled from where he was on the couch.

''We would have been able to meet them if you came along with me this afternoon.'' I replied while trying to see what he was doing to my cat again.

We had been preparing for our pre-wedding dinner for two weeks and although Paul wanted a small intimate wedding, my friends kept clamouring to come making us change our plans.

''I just wanted us to enjoy some time together, besides I don't know them.'' Paul said.

''You know Rose, and you could have invited your friends if you feel it would be too girly for you.'' I answered, saving our poor cat from his clutches.

''Let's just have a short dinner okay? You know we have to meet the Mayor tomorrow.'' His words reminded me of the town's mayor I had only met a handful of times despite growing up in the little town.

''I know, we'll just eat dinner, and talk, and the girls will be going back to their hotel.'' I was already feeling regretful of the fact I couldn't join them for the nightlife, but I understand certain sacrifices should be made when getting married.

''We've been through so much together, and it feels just like yesterday we started planning this life.'' gently holding my hands he said. I noticed he had been a little distant lately, but I'm sure it's the stress from all the wedding preparations.

*Doorbell rings*

I opened the door to welcome my friends, who were all smiles and ready for the pre-wedding dinner.

''Amber! We can't believe your big day is almost here!'' Sarah said excited.

''I'm so happy you all could make it. It means the world to me.'' I replied, ushering everyone in with a light smile.

''You look radiant, girl! We're going to have a blast tonight.'' Rose said while hugging me on her way in. She paused for a moment, but I just ignored it.

''We've missed you so much, Amber. It's been way too long.'' Jane, the group clown, said while laughing on her way in.

''I've missed you all, too. Let's make tonight unforgettable.'' I replied, leading everyone to the dinner table where Paul was already waiting.

I heard Rose introducing herself to Paul, and I was happy they were already getting comfortable in my little home. As I walked into the dining room with Jane and Sarah, I noticed a weird energy in the air. Extending her hands with a warm smile, Rose greeted Paul: ''Hi, I'm Rose. You must be Paul, Amber talks a lot about you.''

''Yes, that's me. It's great to finally meet you, Rose.'' I noticed he held her hands for too long, and I began to feel worried.

Paul was introduced to each of Amber's friends and he greeted them warmly, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries. He tried to engage in conversation with them discussing their shared memories with Amber and expressing his excitement about the upcoming wedding.

Amber's friends in turn, were welcoming and happy to meet the man who had captured their friend's heart. They engaged in friendly banter, sharing anecdotes from their college days and relishing in the joy of reuniting with Amber.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere seemed to lighten, and the tension that had hung in the air earlier began to dissipate. Paul's efforts to connect with Amber's friends were successful and the group started to enjoy the evening more.

Amber couldn't help but feel relieved that her friends and Paul were getting along. Her initial worries had subsided, and she was able to focus on the joy of the occasion. The night had taken an unexpected turn, but it seemed to be back on track.

**As the rest entered, they exchanged stories and laughter, and shared their excitement for my upcoming wedding, blissfully unaware of the impending disasters. **

[End of Chapter 1]

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