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Accidentally in love with the Mafia Lord

Accidentally in love with the Mafia Lord

Author Miriam


Lillian Moretti, a detective was assigned on the job of investigation Luca Romero, a mafia boss. They meet at first, but Lillian doesn't know he is the one. Lilian falls in love with Luca, and when she finds out that he is her target, she has to choose between her love for Luca, or her commitment to the force.

Chapter 1 One

Liliana rose from her bed as soon as the alarm screamed 5:00 am, she yawned loudly as she stretched her hands wide.

"Good morning world," She said as she arranged her bed, after the arrangements, she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She smiled in satisfaction as she rinsed her teeth with water.

"Another busy day," She murmured as she went through her wardrobe, searching for which cloth to wear. After a while, she picked a blue shirt and a black pants.

She went to her dressing table to redo her hair, she packed it into a ponytail. She applied a light makeup on her face, then smiled. She stood up from the dressing table, heading towards the kitchen.

She opened the fridge when she got to the kitchen, expecting to find something to eat that morning. But she was disappointed at what she saw.

"Not again," She cried without tears, there was nothing in the fridge, not even a single fruit. She closed the fridge and went out of the kitchen, feeling frustrated.

"Who knows when next I'm going to fill you," She murmured as she carried her bag and went out of the house. She locked the door before leaving.

She had no car, which meant that she was going to take a taxi to the office. She flagged down a taxi and got into it.

"Good morning, ma'am," the taxi driver greeted.

"Good morning Sir," She replied and beamed a smile at him.

"Where to?" He asked, and she told him her destination, the driver then took off to her office.

- - - - -

"Lily's here!" Ada screamed in joy when she saw Liliana, she ran quickly and hugged Lily.

"Good morning, Lily," Sam greeted as he opened his hand for a hug. Lily smiled and hugged him.

"Good morning, Sam," She replied and broke the hug.

"We all miss you," Ada said and hugged Lily again.

"And I missed you all too," Lily replied. She was assigned to a job which took most of her time, she was given a leave for a week just to investigate the case of a murder.

Now, she was back with the results. She smirked proudly as she thought of her adventure while investigating the murderer secretly. She went through a lot, but got the information she needed.

She went to her table with Sam and Ada following behind her. She shook her head as she laughed at how childish her friends were acting around her.

She knew they missed her, but they were overdoing it, but she didn't blame them as who wouldn't miss someone like her. She finally sat down to eat the food that was already nearly arranged for her to eat from.

"How has work been?" Sam asked, starting up a conversation.

She looked deeply into his eyes, and she couldn't get what the intense stare was for, but she shrugged it off.

"Trust me, it has been better and stressful." She replied gently, taking a sip of drink, but didn't touch any food.

"Why aren't you eating." Ada asked, outing her lips:

She did spend a lot of time making these for her, and she thought that she probably didn't like it.

"Nothing, I'm not just hungry, but it doesn't mean your food is not good." She replied with a smile, but still didn't touch a single piece of the food.

Her whole mind has been on her latest mission; she couldn't wait to report to her boss and tell her what she had gotten. She worked so hard and she was certain that she just bagged a promotion.

"Can't you tell us more about your work?" Ada asked with a full smile plastered on her face.

"That will be later guys since I have so much to say," She replied. Just then, Clara, Lily's best friend, came in. She was sweating profusely, she walked over to Lily's desk.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked, looking alerted, Clara was panting heavily as she held her chest.

"Nothing much," Clara replied. "I was running because I was late for work," She added.

"Lily, the boss requests for you to be in his office now," One of her colleagues said, Lily hissed in annoyance while Clara chuckled at her friend.

"Get lost!" Lily snapped and stood up from her seat, she wasn't sure what the boss wanted again. She got to his office and knocked, she was ushered to come in. "Good morning, Sir," She said.

"Take a look at this," The boss threw a file on his desk to her, Lily took the file and read through it carefully. Her brows creased as she read through the file. She dropped the file back on the table when she was done reading it.

"Why am I being shown this, Sir?" She asked, hoping he won't assign her to the task. It was a boring task, to investigate a house robbery. Isa tsk! She had always preferred a dangerous and adventurous tasks, not some house robbery.

"You know what to do, detective Moretti," The boss replied.

"I don't know, Sir," Lily replied, feigning ignorance. The boss exhaled loudly as he stared at it with interest.

"You don't know, or you don't want to investigate the house robbery?" He asked.

"I'll pass, Sir," She said. "I've just resumed work after a week task that I was assigned to, don't you think I need to rest sir?" She asked. The boss smiled a little and brought out another file, he threw it on his desk.

"You've always wanted this," He said and smirked, Lily frowned and picked up the file. She grinned widely as she read it. Finally, the task she has always wanted has been assigned to her.

"Is there any other thing I need to know about him?" She asked with a smirk.

"Read through the file, that's the only thing we could gather for now." He replied.

"Luca Romero," she murmured as she fumbled with the file. "I'm coming for you..."

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