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Not Until I Met Him

Not Until I Met Him



Scarlett Brown is a 23 year old beauty with her mother who is her only family slowly dying of cancer. She barely had enough to take care of herself and her terminally Ill mother. She became desperate when she was given a 90 days suspension from work with no other source of living. Damien Blackwell, Chicago's top billionaire is put on the knife edge by his Nana who demands he got married or loses his inheritance and the right to call her his Nana. A business arrangement is just the thing he needs to get his Nana off his back. The last thing on Scarlett Brown's mind was getting married but she'll do anything to keep her only family alive. She couldn't afford to turn down Damien Blackwell's offer, not when the money Could save her mother. As Damien and Scarlett becomes embedded in each other's world, would they be able to hide their feelings for each other? Would they be able to uphold the most important clause of the contract?

Chapter 1 one

I walked into the dimly lit bar, with the weight of the world crushing on my shoulders. I looked around, and stared at the series of people who at that moment, didn't care about the world out there. Some where there to drown away their sorrows like me, and some to just have fun.

I walked towards the bartender and took a seat, removing my bag and placing it on the table. I angrily kicked off my stilettos, these things were another sure way to commit suicide.

" What would you like to have ma'am?'' the bartender asked me

" Give me a glass of your strongest alcohol.

No in fact give me the entire bottle''

" Right away ma'am''

I took a long sip of my drink and gazed out the window of the dimly lit bar. The city lights shimmered in the distance, but all I could focus on was the pain in my chest. I kept questioning the universe why I was born so unlucky.

I lost my dad and only brother to a car accident 4 years back, don't ask me how that felt, because it was the worst year of my life. My mum has been laying in the hospital for 6 months now, cancer slowly feeding on her life and I could do nothing about it.

The treatment fees were ridiculously high, and the money I earn isn't enough to take care of the both of us, not to talk of taking care of the bills of a cancer patient. I was barely keeping her alive with the little I got, she was the only family I've got afterall.

Let's not even talk about my love life, because it seems I was made to marry the devil when I get to hell. My past relationships have been anything but healthy. I couldn't seem to find anyone who really did love me. If my unluckiness was to be weighed on a scale, it would be on a hundred.

I just wasn't meant for anyone. It was among the reasons I was here drinking my pain away. My boyfriend of 2 years apparently woke up this morning and decided I was no longer useful to him.

I took the frustration to work and a client kinda got on my bad side, and I guess it is safe to say he happened to be on the receiving end of my frustrations, and that got my superiors to suspend me for 3 months. Isn't that great?

I took another gulp from the bottle and dropped it on the table with a huge sigh. Apparently, I was half way through the bottle and I didn't even know.

" It's not pretty for a beautiful lady to drink

directly from the bottle"

I whipped my head up and stared at this stranger that was already sitting on the stool beside me with a drink in hand. When the hell did he get here?. I guess this is what happens when you're too lost in your pain and you're trying every possible best to stop your tears from spilling. I ignored him and took another gulp from the bottle. I ain't no nightstand.

" Am I being ignored?"

I paid no attention to him and just continued to wallow in my sorrow, taking gulps after gulps.

"Damsel in distress ey. This world isn't fair"

I still ignored him but as I was about to take another gulp from my bottle, it was snatched from my hands. I turned my head toward the snatcher, and it was annoying Mr stranger.

"That's enough alcohol you've had. This bottle is very strong, and I don't think going home as a drunk girl is safe on these streets"

I stared at him for a while, and that was when I even noticed any of his features or clothes he was wearing. He had on a pair of black sneakers, black pants, black leather jacket and a black undershirt with a black face cap. Who is he now?? Black panther??

I scoffed and tried snatching my drink back but he held my hand and I was forced to look him in the eyes. Holy fucking cow!! If I wasn't in this mood, I'll probably be drooling over his eyes alone, because if I added the face I would be fucking him. He had the most piercing set of forest green eyes I've ever seen. There's just something about them that makes you drown in them. Focus scar!! I mentally slapped myself.

" Mind your own business Mr black"

I took my drink back and tried taking a sip, and again it was snatched from my hands

" I didn't know you could talk"

" So you think because you have a drop dead gorgeous face, you can walk into this place and place your handsome butt in my business?"

I promise, I wasn't the one talking. It's the alcohol, yes, it's definitely the alcohol. He chuckled deeply and ohh God I was almost a melting ice cream from the sound of his chuckle.

" You think I'm gorgeous?"

" Any girl will drool over you and try to fuck you the slightest chance she gets"

What the hell am I blabbing about? Stupid stupid acohol. It's only a miracle I'm not hovering all over him or laughing stupidly

" Well, would you?"

" Would I? Pfft oh please I wouldn't even dream of missing the chance"

That wasn't what I wanted to say. I sure I'm saying all these for someone who just got her heart broken. He laughed and shook his head.

" You're drunk. How about I get you a bottle of water to drink. You need to sober up so you can head home."

" I came here to drink and get fucking drunk to forget my pains, not sober up. So please Mr fine face do well to mind your business"

I took the bottle back, and this time I succeeded in downing the whole bottle. I felt the burn in my throat, and I loved the feel of it. I was becoming numb to my emotions. I placed the bottle on the table and just stared on. My eyes were slowly getting droopy. I gently place both my arms on the table and place my head on it

" You know you can't sleep here right?"

" Shut up Mr Fine face. I'm trying to get a nap and please mind your Goddamn business. I'm not sleeping, just a l..I..tt..l..e n...a....p"

And those were the last words I said before I passed out on a bar table, a literal den of predators with a gorgeous stranger right beside me.

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