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Married to that Playboy Billionaire

Married to that Playboy Billionaire



That Billionaire that I was forced to marry is my ex-boyfriend. I know that he is a playboy, so while living with him under one roof, I tried my best not to fall in love with him again, but it is true that we can't force our hearts not to fall in love with the one we don't want to be in love with. I have fallen for him again, but I wish I hadn't. If what happened to us in the past is painful, this is much much worse that planning for revenge has crossed my mind. Revenge, not only with him but also with the two people I also loved.

Chapter 1 Stop the car

"No! I don't want to marry that man".

"Axel. Darling", Mom tried to hold me, but before she could do that, I backed away from her.

I shook my head at her. "I am just fvcking 20, mom", I tried not to cry in front of them but failed. I can feel my tears running down my cheeks.

Fuck. When will this end? It's tiring to cry every day. When will mommy and daddy stop forcing me? I want to be back to our old relationship. We're just having fun. There is nothing like this. That we almost fight everyday just because of this fucking arrange marriage.

"I said I don't want to be married yet but why are you two forcing me to marry that man", I pointed to the door as if the man I was referring to was there, even though there was no one standing there. "Tell me! Why?".

but mommy couldn't answer, and she just looked away from me in tears. My chest tightened even more because of what she did.

This is what always happens when I ask them for a reason. They have been pressuring me for several days, but they never gave me a reason. Our restaurant is fine, and it is not going to bankrupt, we're not going to be poor, so that cannot be the reason why they're going to arrange me with the son of a billionaire that I'm not even sure if their friend.

I looked at my father, who was sitting on the long sofa behind Mommy, so he would be the one I was going to ask. I was hoping that he would tell me the reason right now, but he was not looking at me. Instead, he was looking in another direction without any emotion on his face.

I laughed. "No one will still answer me?", I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes tightly as they were both still silent.

"Tell me, please", I begged them, still closing my eyes tightly, but when none of them spoke, that's when I lost it. I approached the nearest vase I saw and hit it with my hand, causing it to fall and break on the floor.

"D-Darling", I heard mommy crying to stop me, but I didn't stop and went closer to another vase, violently taking it from its place and throwing it on the floor without a second thought.

"AXELIANA ROSE RIVERA", I heard Dad shout when I was about to approach another vase that I saw to break it too. But instead of being afraid of his shouting, I looked at him and bravely met his eyes that were angrily looking at me. If earlier he was sitting, now he is standing with his fists clenched as if he were ready to attack me if only Mom didn't stop him.

"George, sit there", Mom gently pushed him back to sitting, but he just stood up immediately. "George, what the hell?".

I violently wiped my tears from my eyes and bravely met his evil gaze. "What, Dad? You're going to hurt me? You're going to punch me."

"Axel, enough", Mom stopped me, but I didn't budge.

"Alright, come here and hurt me, Daddy. Hurt me if you feel that the pain that I'm feeling right now is still not enough because of the way you two forced me", I shouted at him.

"Axel, I said that's enough", Mom stopped me again, but I still didn't stop.

"I thought you two loved me, but what you're doing right now makes you look like useless parents.", the pain I felt increased even more when mommy violently approached me and gave me a strong slap on my left cheek.

My head tilted because of her slap. Her face was immediately filled with regret for what she had done to me.

"D-Darling", mom tried to reach and hold me, but I immediately stepped away from her.

I don't want this anymore. I cannot take the pain anymore. I took a few more steps away from them. I could see the shock on Daddy's face because of what he saw that Mommy did while Mommy still looked at me with regret.

"I'm sorry, A-child. Please don't go away from mommy. I didn't mean to, child. Mommy loves you", she cried, and her eyes were full of regret.

"I hate you, Mom and Dad", I finally said to them, and I violently wiped the tears from my cheeks before turning my back on them.

I don't want to be here. The more that I stay in this house, the more I get hurt.

Since they started telling me that they were going to marry me, I have never been happy in this house. Back then, if I had a problem or was hurt, mommy and daddy would greet me with a hug every time I came home and the pain that I was feeling would vanish like a bubble. When I'm crying, just a hug from mommy or daddy makes me feel at ease. I was happy immediately. But now, since they told me that, I haven't experienced all of that. I never experienced the joy of coming home because they would only tell me about getting married to the man that they chose for me.

"Axel! Don't turn your back on us. We're still talking to you; don't be rude", I heard my dad shout, but I pretended not to hear anything and continued leaving the house.

I'm still wearing my nightgown, but I don't care anymore. I don't want to go back inside the house because they will only force me with that stvpid fvcking marriage.

I honked so loudly that Manong Pedro opened the gate in a panic. I almost hit him because I was trying to get out of the house in a hurry.


"Axel, that's enough", Elyse tried to grab the bottle of beer that I had just opened, but I quickly dodged it from her.

"Elyse, you see, I'm still drinking", I complained to her, annoyed, before bringing the bottle of beer to my mouth. I was about to drink it again when Elyse successfully snatched it from me.

"That's enough. You're so drunk, Axel", her voice could be heard with annoyance.

"I hate you ahh", I leaned my back against the back of the sofa and closed my eyes tightly. "I'm not drunk yet Elyse".

I chose to go straight here in Elyse's house because I know she has a lot of alcohol here, and she is alone here because her parents are both in Cebu while her older brother is in Manila. At first I was thinking to drink in a bar but I'm afraid of going their alone.

Earlier, she's letting me drink because she knew what I was going through. She even accompanied me, but maybe I had really drunk too much, so she's stopping me right now.

"In that state you're still thinking that you're not drunk? OMG, are you going to kill yourself with alcohol? If you want to die, just tell me, and I'll kill you myself", even though my eyes are closed, I knew that she was cleaning because I heard the sound of her putting the bottle away.

I didn't answer because I already know that she's right, I was really drunk. But it's still not enough. I want to be so so drunk that I will fall asleep immediately. So that this pain that I'm feeling right now will stop even just for a while.

"It would have been gone. I was so close to forgetting about that playboy man then this will happened", I murmured. "Fvck, why him? why would mommy and daddy forced me to marry a man that is also my playboy ex", I felt my cheeks get wet from tears.

The memories that I tried to forget for almost two years are now all coming back to my mind one by one. The only man that I allowed to enter my life but broke my young heart into pieces. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw how he cheated. Not only once but many times. I tried to forget them all, but when I was about to succeed, this sht happened.

Fvck! My bad luck in love.

I opened my eyes, and when I didn't see Elyse, I quickly stood up. I almost fell a few times, but because I really wanted to get out of here, I forced myself to stand up.

"Axel, where are you going? Hey! come back here", I heard Elyse shouted, but she was too late because before she could catch up with me, I already got into my car and immediately turned it on.

"A-Axel, open this.", I saw the fear on Elyse's face, but I just laughed at her. I honked so loudly that she jumped and got away from my car, so I took that opportunity and drove my car away, quickly.

When I got a little further away, I slowed down before lowering my window glass. I put out one of my hands and waved at Elyse, who is almost crying of fear.

With the speed I drive, I won't be surprised later if there is a police car following me. But I don't care. I would even be happy and might even stop my car to be arrested and go to jail so that this stupid marriage can't really go on.

It's midnight, so there aren't many cars. If there is one, I'll honk loudly and quickly overtake. Still laughing my ass out.

Whoo. It's fun.

A loud horn behind me stopped me from laughing. It didn't just honk once because but the driver did it several times.

I was about to stop my car, thinking it was a police officer, but when I saw that it was not and recognized the owner of that car, I sped even more.

Gavian. It's Gavian's car. Fvck. He's my playboy ex-boyfriend and the one who I am forced to marry.

I sped up even more, but because his car was faster than mine, he was able to reach me and got beside my car.

His car window was open, so saw the anger on his face. "STOP THE CAR, AXEL. NOW", he shouted.

I don't want to obey him. I don't want to stop the car, but. . . I did.

Fvck. Wth.


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Married to that Playboy Billionaire

Chapter 1 Stop the car
