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David Wastle's POSSESSIVENESS for his kitten

David Wastle's POSSESSIVENESS for his kitten

Maheen Shakeel


"Kate, a highly accomplished and dedicated doctor, is a master of self-control in every aspect of her life. Engaged to her medical school sweetheart, she seems to have it all together. Yet, there's an unspoken yearning deep within her. One fateful night, Kate's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the enigmatic underworld figure, David Wastle. Their passionate night together awakens something within her that she never knew was missing, setting off a series of events that could change her life forever."

Chapter 1 1

As the man, known for his enigmatic presence and a reputation that sent shivers down the spine of those who crossed his path, walked out of the sprawling shopping mall, he did so with an air of devilish confidence that was impossible to ignore. He had an aura, a palpable energy that seemed to wrap around him, creating a force field of both attraction and intimidation. People instinctively moved aside as he passed, the mere shadow of his presence casting a chill over them.

He was flanked by his loyal guards, a group of individuals who shared his commitment to secrecy and his penchant for swift, ruthless action when necessary. These were not men to be trifled with. Their dark suits and dark glasses mirrored the sinister elegance of their leader, and they moved with an almost military precision, ensuring no one got too close to their employer.

Just as they reached the exit of the mall, a signal from his phone interrupted the silence. With a casual yet swift motion, he retrieved the device from his pocket and brought it to his ear. His voice, deep and commanding, resonated with authority as he engaged in the conversation.

The guards surrounding him remained vigilant. Their watchful eyes scanned the surroundings, ready to spring into action at any sign of trouble. They were used to the unexpected, and they were well-prepared for any eventuality. Their loyalty to their enigmatic leader was unwavering.

Meanwhile, curious onlookers couldn't help but steal glances at the scene. Some recognized the man, albeit from afar. They exchanged hushed whispers and nervous glances. His reputation had a long reach, and while many may have heard of him, few had seen him up close.

The man's conversation on the phone was intense, his brows furrowing at times, emphasizing the seriousness of the matter at hand. It was clear that he was engaged in a discussion that held significant weight. For him, every decision was a calculated move, and this conversation was no different.

As he continued to talk, his guards maintained their unwavering stance. They were a formidable force, ready to protect their leader at all costs. Their presence sent a message of power and dominance, a clear statement that in this world, they were forces to be reckoned with.

The mall's patrons, who had initially halted to observe the intriguing scene, soon realized it was in their best interest to move along. The aura surrounding this man, his guards, and the mysterious phone conversation was a clear indicator that they did not want to get entangled in whatever web of intrigue surrounded him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was in reality just a few minutes, the man concluded his call. He replaced the phone in his pocket and, with a subtle nod to his guards, continued his journey out of the mall. The world may not have known the details of that conversation, but they could feel the impact of his presence and the weight of his decisions. It was a reminder that in a world of secrets and shadows, some individuals walked a path unlike any other, guided by their own rules, and dictated by their own destiny.

She couldn't help but be drawn to the man holding the sniper rifle, the tension in the air palpable as the situation unfolded. Her gaze shifted from him to the tall, expressionless man engaged in conversation with one of his companions. His rugged handsomeness was undeniable, yet his demeanor exuded a chilling coldness that sent shivers down her spine. His white wool turtleneck shirt emphasized his broad shoulders, and his well-fitted blue denim jeans accentuated his long, appealing legs.

As the gunman's finger tightened on the trigger, she felt an inexplicable urge, an involuntary pull towards the enigmatic man. It was as though this was her sole purpose at that very moment. With a burst of speed she didn't know she possessed, she sprinted towards him. He registered her approach and swiveled his ice-cold gaze towards her. His eyes were void of emotion, and for a moment, she questioned the wisdom of her impulsive action.

In a daring move, she pushed him forcefully, and he staggered back, his tall frame crashing to the ground. She, too, lost her balance and ended up sprawled on top of him, their bodies entangled. His piercing green eyes bore into her, blazing with fury, the coldest she had ever witnessed.

With his strong grip on her slender arms, she couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear. In the same moment, a sharp noise rang out as something struck the lamp above them, causing the glass to shatter. Instinctively, he raised his hand, shielding her head and incurring an injury in the process.

Anger simmered in her voice as she scolded him, "Have you lost your mind? You nearly got shot, and you were just gibbering around!" His expression remained stony, and his focus was fixed on her.

However, her attention was quickly diverted to his injured hand. It was bleeding, and she couldn't bear to see him in pain. After retrieving her small bag that had fallen during her sprint, she retrieved the first-aid kit. She skillfully and professionally tended to his wound, her nimble fingers working with precision. He watched her intently, his eyes never leaving her. Their unbroken gaze left her heart racing, as if she'd been sprinting for hours. She bit her lip, feeling an undeniable attraction to the captivating man before her.

Once she had bandaged his hand with care, he continued to fix her with his penetrating gaze. Their silent connection held an intensity she couldn't ignore. As her heart thudded in her chest, she looked away, muttering, "It's done," and then briskly walked away, not wanting to engage in further conversation.

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She fails in love...... but Her Dream came true. When she fly from Pakistan to all over The United States. An ambitious, excellent , gorgeous yet innocent , religious , talented , black eye beauty's next goal is to be independent and support her family as well. She want to use her talent. Simple! isn't it ??? No! Life is not a piece of cake. Even having degree , talent , confidence , beauty with brain ,,, she is unable to have a job. Why? Because of her 'back round'. 2 years have passed since she came here. But it's like she has wasted these years. Now it's time to fly Back!!! ————————··· People - or should I say his own mother - have turned a soft heart boy into a frigid , bitter , cold heart and savage men. A young selfmade billionaire , a sinfully sexy body and face , a successful business men and with a black hurt heart is just spending his life with his father, brother and only a friend. He restricted himself from having any kind of relations with people except business - specially women. His hater towards women is increasing day by day. His broken heart is all cold no emotions all emotionless, but if you just try to know him you will found emotions a cold hearted men who have a golden heart. He was living his life without love, without life patner it was like a body without soul....... ————————··· Then she enters in his life. His black heart betrayed him. It pumps faster and skip beats when it is under the gaze of that black eye beauty. But his brain is telling him something else...... ————————··· HASHTAGS

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