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She was confused. Why would it be her of all people? He was turning her insane and she sort of love it. "You are mine and the sooner you learn to abide with that, the better" he said as he stares deep into those blue eyes

Chapter 1 1

It was dark, everywhere is completely dark. The last thing I had remembered was going home alongside Emma and Damon but everything else has completely faded out. A cloth was tied around my face; my hands were also tied.

"Get up, you piece of shit" Someone said before opening the door and dragging.

"This should be fun; I wonder who the mighty mate of this worthless being is?" One voice said while another laughed.

I was forced on my feet and someone pulls the cloth off my face.

"Hello sweetheart, you are about to witness the most thrilling moment of your life" The lady who pulls off the cloth said while laughing manically.

"Why don't I doll you up for most likely the last moment of your life?" She said while smiling at me making my stomach turn in disgust.

This isn't going to be good.

"Please, I think you have the wrong person, I don't know you guys and have done nothing wrong" I said quivering in fear.

"Hmm.... Poor baby, the only wrong you have done is coming into this world as a mate to an Alpha" She said and I look at her in confusion.

Am sorry but did she just say Alpha and mate?

"You seem confused, don't be. You will understand soon enough." She said before forcing me to wear a dress, a very revealing one might I add.

"What do you people want from me?" I asked as she leads me towards the stairs.

I can hear and people clamoring around and whatever they are doing, I know they are up to no good.

The lady started to push me forward to the direction of the noise.

As soon as I walk in, chatter and whistles fill my ears. I was beyond embarrassed, I was dressed in transparent clothes for many to see, I feel shivers all over my body and was trembling in fear. They made me stand in front of the podium and everything try and fall in pieces.

It is an AUCTION.

But why am I being auctioned for, why was I being sold as if I was a commodity?

Everyone around started to get noisy and excited while I was starting to feel cramped and very uneasy.

"We start at $1 million" Said the voice of the host as the bidding starts putting my face into that of shock and confusion.

Why is this happening to me?

I just want to go home and feel like all this is a dream.

"$2 million" Someone yelled making my heart race.

"$3 million" Another said and at the time, I wish the ground would just open up and swallow me.

"$5 million" Someone said and at this moment I was more than nervous, my eyes start to fill up with tears and fear of the unknown danger I am about to face and also resentment against the person or people who made me end up here.

"Brilliant" My eyes catch the attention of the man who said the word in a particular seat reserved for VIPs.

"She looks like a kitten about to bite her lord" He said with a devilish smile on his face before he raises his bidding card and said...

"50" the entire auction hall falls silent as all eyes fall on him.

If a pin drops in this hall, one would definitely hear it.

What kind of person would want to spend 50 million bid on a woman? A woman he barely knows at that

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