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Alpha's First Love.

Alpha's First Love.

Golden Writer


"The only daughter of Jeffrey, always in a mask huh?" Melvin said as he tried to remove the mask She was wearing " Don't you dare, am not a cool girl" Ariana said, struggling to set free her hands which were tied up "Don't play smart girl, you're in my custody now" Melvin said still looking through those eyes visible in her mask Melvin the son of the Strongest Werewolf and the head of a park, who later took after his father as the head of his park, captured the only daughter of Mr Jeffrey a Werewolf when in a fight. Ariana wasn't a cool girl, she had there a fierce face, She wasn't the type to mingle with except with her best friend who was a guy and a member of her park too, he was Justin, a bad boy at everything and is always eager to split blood everywhere

Chapter 1 1

"Ariana slow down or you might choke on the sandwich" Justin smirked

Ariana was a little embarrassed so she quickly wiped up her mouth and looked up at him through her lashes as her blue eyes sparkled like the night sky

After staring at each other for a while they both started laughing out loud

Justin soon stopped but Arianna didn't seem to notice that, so she couldn't stop laughing. Justin had his eyes fixed on her

the whole time.

Ariana and Justin were friends from childhood, that were close and does things together, making her father sometimes try to get them engaged but Ariana would bluntly refuse, saying "she wasn't ready to get married until the conflict with the whole werewolf pack in New York City is settled"

"Justin I'm really hungry right now, so can you spare me off your teasing till I'm done," she said still smiling

"Yes ma'am," he said sarcastically


But she didn't mind because that's just typical Justin, he had always been the one she had done everything with, he had stood by her since she was little, one would think he was her brother or her lover, but he is just the son of the General, the messenger of her father. He wanted to protect everything that he had and wanted to own.

"It's time for the meeting of the werewolf warriors, Justin, you go ahead, I will join you all, I need to change '' Ariana burst out in a commanding tone. Everyone knows her that way, she wasn't a girl to joke with, she had been like this since she was little, and she imitated it from her mother

"alright," Justin responded and left. Ariana went into her room, went to the bathroom, and took a quick bath, she applied lotion on her body, she sluggishly went to her closet

"What should I put on? '' She asked no one in particular while gazing at all the clothes in her closet. She brought out black long tight trousers and a black crop top, a black big leader jacket, and matching black sneakers, putting them all on, she looked at her reflection of herself in the mirror and smiled inwardly

"What a beautiful day to start with a beautiful lady, but all along it's going to be a busy day, First I have to talk to the werewolf clan warriors about getting set for an attack, then am going to go talk to Father about why he asked me to get ready for a war, then am going to go in the lushes and train on my own for some time, before I head back home for more clan affairs" She listed out as the touch the left tip of her fingers with her right hands, She was about heading out when it stroke her mind that she was about forgetting something, she walked back to her dressing table, Different kind of mask were they with different colors, she picked out a black one and wore it, it was covering her whole face "perfect" she muttered

"let's begin"

She stumped out of her room and walked majestically to the meeting hall which was located on the fourth floor of the building. Getting to the room, it was a little bit noisy but immediately after seeing her everywhere kept calm

"Am sorry I didn't come here in time" Justin said, immediately he ran inside the room and saw Ariana already there

"Stop the formalities, Justin, It's making me uncomfortable" Ariana cautioned. She had warned Justin times countless to stop addressing her with huge respect because she was the daughter of an alpha

"According to my father.." She began without formal greetings

"We have an obstacle. It is said that they are the strongest pack in New York, and they are in huge conflict with us. That doesn't mean we can't overtake them, if we train harder we can be stronger than our nemesis, we should not back out, they can attack at any time so we need to be ready, we need to stand up high on our feet, and lead. The training hall would be opened now and everyone is allowed to move freely in and out"

"Thank you, Alpha Ariana, we would do our best" One of the warriors said, making Ariana nod

"The pack princess is very competitive and we need to stand beside her, we need to follow her footstep, she has led us to victory many times so we need to make her proud of us, we also need to get the trust of Alpha Jeffrey, and make our pack the best" Justin addressed, Ariana smiled at him, he was the only one who usually calls her pack princess

"We would try everything possible to make both Alpha proud, you don't need to worry Justin, as far as we have Alpha Ariana and you, we would surely have victory," Another man said

"We don't have time, cause we don't know when they would attack, I don't think we should attack first, because I don't know much about the pack, but I would find out something"

"Enjoy yourself, the meeting is over," Ariana said and walked out, with Justin trailing beside her

"How was I in there, do I look fierce?" She asked

"This isn't the first time you are addressing them, You look cool but a little fierce but that is the spirit of a pack Queen, I don't think there is any lady who is as fierce as you are, good in handling armed things, or good in Physical skilled fighting" Justin indirectly complimented her

"You never can tell, the world is big, you may meet one, one day, and she would beat your ass up, then you would fall in love with her and get married to her, just like in the movies," Ariana said and laughed out, but Justin didn't, he felt sad

"I have to leave you here, I need to go talk to Dad about something important, I will join you later, tell me If anything suspicious happens like a girl beating you up" Ariana laughed and went away, but Justin kept looking at her until she was out of sight.

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