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The Heart Will Know.

The Heart Will Know.



Author: MsInkySplatter {I acknowledge this is my own original work, Copyright infringement may result in story deletion or account closure.} Xiao Dan went to Xian tao office and Shu Ying went to meet the owner of Qingxian Company and have a good talk with him. As Xiao Dan walked inside he met the ugly grin on the agent's face. He wanted to vomit but still kept his calm face."What do you want?" Xian Tao pointed to the books on his table before he answered."Picked these books and put them back on the book shelves." Xiao Dan wanted to roll his eyes but still do what this agent wanted him to do. This is the Sequel of [My Man is Always an Impotent.]

Chapter 1 THE EUNUCH [Arc 2.7]

Xiao Sheng almost rolled his eyes when he saw the perverted look on Jiu Jie face but he still kept the polite smile on his face, Jiu Jie called the waiter to order something for the both of them to eat and even buy a white wine.

"System later will you be able to put that aphrodisiac on his wine?." Xiao Sheng asked the system in his mind as he was laughing at the man's corny jokes.

[Host I can do that safely and sound] The system said proudly.

"Okay then if he finally chugged down the wine, immediately put that medicine." Xiao Sheng said'

"I didn't know that my older cousin hired a beauty like you in his garden."Jiu Jie said as he tried to flatter the little guy in-front of him.

Xiao Sheng smiled mockingly in his heart when he hears it and wanted to say isn't because the two of you are not close he shook his head and smiled make his cheeks blush."You're flattering me, How can i be called beautiful when i'm a man."

Jiu Jie laughs at the little guy's remark and says."I can't help but to call you beautiful because that's what I see."

Xiao Sheng laughed and take a glance on the guy who's looking intently at him which makes him gulp, da** he looks like he's ready to kill jiu jie."Well aren't you such a sweet talker Jiu Jie?."

Jiu Jie laughs and shakes his head."Not at all, Not at all."

Xiao Sheng smiled at him and looked towards the food that this man ordered for the two of them. Such a waste if only he was eating with his man than with this guy."Thank you for the food." And the two of them started to eat a little because he decided to please his jealous man later.

Jiu Jie poured the two of them with wine."Wine?."

Xiao Sheng thanked the man who took a sip on his wine glass and smile at him as he emptied the wine glass in just 5 seconds."Does it taste good?."

[I did it!] The system said happily and if he was just a human he'll be clapping his hands already.

"Very Good."Xiao Sheng praised his system which makes it more happy.

Jiu Jie closed his eyes tight and shake his head when he suddenly got dizzy but he still tried to give a smile to this little guy."It taste good, but i'm a little bit dizzy."

Xiao Sheng finished the wine on his table before he stood and acted like he was worried and asked the man if he needed help and Jiu Jie nodded his head, Xiao Sheng helped the man to stand and guide him to walk he went to their car.

Wang Feng take his cousin when he saw him already lost his consciousness and put him to the back seat and pulled the little guy to his arm who's smiling at him."I'm jealous."

"I know."

"I want to kiss you."

"I know."

"I want to f*** you right now."

"I... Know?." Xiao Sheng was stupefied and laughed. He leaned forward to his man and gave a peck on his lips before he moved away and entered the co-pilot leaving the stunned man outside."Are you coming or not?."

Wang Feng immediately closed the car door on the back and went to the driver seat and drove the car towards the hotel where his wife was staying.

When they reached the hotel Wang Feng called his bodyguards and tell them to carry his cousin and laid him beside his wife. His guards immediately followed his order and carried the man inside.

Xiao Sheng looked towards the boy who's holding a camera in his hands and smiled."Don't be nervous, this is your chance to give him what he deserves."The boy nodded his head and sighed before he bravely followed the guards.

Xiao Sheng leaned his body on his man and instantly there's a hand holding his waist."Now we can only wait for his success."He then suddenly yelped when the man suddenly carried him and went towards the monitor room.

He's Ling shi a famous live streamer. He met Jiu Jie accidentally at the mall. The two of them had a nice conversation, gave each other their mobile numbers and always sent messages.

Not until when the man invited him to a dinner he's not aware that the man put an aphrodisiac on his wine he sent him to a hotel and starts to do something that it was out of his consent.

Now someone called him and introduced himself as Xiao Sheng. He asked him if he wanted to take revenge on the man named Jiu Jie and he immediately accepted it and now he's standing in-front of the hotel room where that man is with a woman.

He waited until he heard the loud moans and banging before he opened his live stream. He puts his index finger to his lips before he whispers."Look guys, I can hear something inside. Do you want to know who's inside of this door?."

(Our ling-shi really looks handsome!!)

(Is the person inside famous?)

(I want to know!!)

(I'm like a fish dying without water tell us already!!!)

Ling Shi laughs before he change the camera now its facing the door he put his hand on the doorknob and slowly opened it."Its not lock."

(Really shameful 555)

(555+ Now i'm really curious who's the people inside)

Ling Shi opened the door complete and silently walked towards the two people having S** on the bed.

"Ah... Hui Fen... Why are you so tight?."

"Don't stop... Ah... faster."

(Hui Fen!!?)

(Isn't that the Goddess Fen?)

(Isn't Wang Feng a incompetent? how can he can have s** with the goddess?)

The lights suddenly went on and the viewers finally could see the two person on the bed, they all saw jiu jie above hui fen who's both naked they can even see the meat of the man between their goddess legs, And the man didn't even stop from moving his hips.

(D*** isn't that Wang Feng Cousin Jiu Jie?!!)

(What the F*** A-ling this is not good for your eyes!!)

(What a sl***!!! his man can't make her happy so he seduce his brother-in-law?!!)

(5555+ Take a Screenshot everyone!!)

Ling shi finally gasped."Isn't this the famous Actress Hui Fen?! and wait Jiu Jie?!! the cousin of Wang Feng." The two suddenly stop and jiu jie pulls the bed cover to hide their body.

"Who are you?!" Hui Fen asked furiously with her red face.

"Ling shi?." Jiu Jie confusedly asked when he recognized the face of the boy in-front of them.

Ling Shi smirked at him and raised his eyebrows."Hello Jiu Jie, how are you? it's been a while."

Jiu jie suddenly panicked with them when he saw how this boy smirked.

(Had Ling Shi met this shameless guy before?)

(Ling shi? where did you met him tell your mothers)

"You I... I deleted it already. What do you want from me.?" Jiu Jie asked as he panicked.

Ling shi laughed and felt his eyes getting red and tears starts to fall to his cheeks and raised his right hand to slap the man.''I want my virginity back!!." All of his supporters were left astounded when they heard what the boy said.


(S*** sister this man needs to go to the prison)

(Our baby, I was literally crying right now!)

(This bastard deserves to die!!)

A lot of comments from his supporters are all about wanting Jiu Jie to die, Ling shi calmed himself and gave another slap to the man."You're disgusting." He left the room and ended the concert.

The weibo blows up all night making the operators work overtime, Jiu Jie and Hui Fen names are on the top trending all night, Jiu Jie opened his weibo and saw the disgusting remarks about him and hui fen.

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Other books by MsInkySplatter

My Man Is Always and Impotent.

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