"Mi Señora, can I have this dance?" said the man to Melanie who immediately accepted him. "Bye, Avah. Go have some fun!" Her friend giggled and then they went to dance floor. To the ocean of wild people. Avah sighed and then fumbled with the small cellphone in her pocket. She stood up to get it but in an unexpected event something hit her causing her to throw away her cellphone. "Oh! I'm so sorry, lady! I'm really sorry." The man said in drunkenness. "It's okay." She reciprocated with a good smile and then knelt down to reach for the cellphone. Just as about to picked her phone up, a masculine hand was fast to gather it from the ground. "Is this yours?" That's a very nice man. She just nods. "You're a collector or classic phones huh? I'm Davien. You are?" Avah picked up her cellphone. "A-Avah. My name is Avah."
1: Avah D. Rodeo
IT'S three o'clock in the afternoon again. The loud sound of the bell can be heard again in Manila, Quiapo. Avah held up her personal rosary as she walked the long way to the altar of the convent. She was also wearing the white uniform of the Sisters in the convent. Next time, her white dress will be black because she will finally be a full -fledged nun.
When she reached the first long chair in front of the altar she sank down. It was there that she began to pray the Rosary which, although it was long, she never tired of reciting the holy prayer.
From childhood until now, when she was twenty-six, she did it every day until three o'clock. It is as if it is a disease that even though she has a good reason not to do it, she still lives it in her mind even when she is not in front of Jesus.
After she prayed, she went out of the church to help her fellow Sisters in cooking snacks for children like her, which the Catholic Church takes care of.
As Avah was walking, she heard Mother Segunda's voice. The good woman who cared for her when she was a baby. Mother Segunda was still a sister then, now over time she is in charge of the entire association of nuns in the convent.
"Sister Avah." The old nun, with her age and old age, had wrinkled her skin and her body parts were drooping just like her cheeks.
"Mother Segunda, good afternoon." Avah greeted the approaching nun.
"Did you just finish praying the Holy Rosary?" Mother Segunda asked with a smile.
"Yes, Mother. I also pray that the ceremony that will make me a nun will be facilitated." Avah promises as they continue to walk. Now they are in the garden where the young people are playing and their bitter laughter keeps the catholic church alive.
"Regarding that matter, I wish I could talk to you."
"All right, Mother. What do you want to say? Has God heard my prayer and has the ceremony expedited?" Avah said happily that the joy was obvious in her voice.
"I know it comes from your heart to choose to be next to God over anything in the world. I also know that this is what you have been waiting for and looking forward to. But Avah, you have not yet fully seen the beauty of life outside. of the Convent because all you see are the unpleasant. "
"No matter how beautiful the world outside the Convent is, I will not trade my real home. And God's home is my only home, Mother Segunda." Avah smiled as she looked intently at the images of the holy Saints and Apostles of Jesus.
"Whatever you say is my decision, Sister Avah. You must leave the Convent one day in two weeks." When Avah heard this, she immediately stopped and turned to the nun. Shock was posted on her gentle and beautiful face. "During that time you meditate, imagine there is another kind of life besides serving in the Convent. I am not driving you away, Sister Avah. In fact I really want you to be here as a full -fledged nun. But when it comes out I'm like you before I tied up with God I saw the beauty of the outside world. I want you to see it too, and then you decide. When the second week comes and this is what you want, nothing else can stop you from being appointed to you as a true nun. "
The two just stopped in the middle of the garden. No matter how loud the children's laughter was, Avah didn't seem to hear it because of what the nun had said.
"But Mother Segunda, my decision is complete. My dream is to become a nun. You don't have to let me out to meditate!" The maiden's plea.
"Sister Avah, as I said. Whatever you decide or publish will not change my decision. All the nuns here have gone through the same ordeal, but many have also found true happiness outside of the Catholic Church. Avah , trust God. Whatever happens over your outside speech, think that it is God's will. And whatever your decision may be, you are still a full -fledged nun in my eyes. " There was a sweet smile on Mother Segunda's lips as she said everything to the girl. And in the girl's silence, Segunda knew that she had convinced the girl.
The day passed quickly, even though Avah wanted to stop the time she knew it was madness. She was carrying one of her suitcases. The suitcase was loaded with her bibles, scanty clothes, rosaries, and her other sacred items.
Behind Avah were her companions inside. They all watched Avah leave with a streak of sadness in their eyes.
She was only one step away from the Convent. Fortunately, she had saved a little money that she could use in the first week.
"Sister Avah, take it with you on your departure. You need it more." Mother Segunda handed over an old and small cellphone called Nokia 3210.
"Thank you, Mother Segunda. Thank you brothers and sisters. I promise I will come back here and when I return I will never leave again."
"Be careful, Sister Avah. We'll wait." Another Sister who was a few years younger said to her.
"All right Avah, may Lord Lumika guide you." Saying goodbye to Segunda.
Avah smiled at everyone and then she took one step towards the outside of the Convent yard. When she came out, the big wooden door closed and only then did she feel alone.
She stared at the cellphone and then remembered that she had pinned the number of her young man in the Convent on the page of her bible. She immediately snatched the bible from the pocket of her suitcase and immediately saw the friend's number given to her when their paths met in the Church.
She immediately called it and only after a few rings someone answered on the other line.
"Hello? Who's this?" The friend said
"I-it's Avah." She was embarrassed to introduce herself here.
"Avah? Who's Avah?"
"Avah Rodeo,"
"Oh my god! Is that really you? Avah from the same orphanage?"
"Yes, I am. I called you because you are the only one who knows and has contact with me. I-I went out of the Convent and I thought... that maybe I can stay at your house for two weeks."
She Quickly agree, "Yeah, sure!"
To be continued...
Other books by Zebbie Zebbiee