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Rejected by My Kids' Father

Rejected by My Kids' Father

XC culture


Every time he thought about that day, he felt more guilty, because if he didn't drink and sleep with her, he won't refuse her so mercilessly the next day. Then she might not leave.

Chapter 1 I lost my happy family

"Katherine, it is time, don't let me repeat it a second time. "

I decided to ignore my brother's voice whose voice gave me a headache.

Louis screamed again, I considered that if I didn't want to thing gets worse, I'd do it now, not later.

Usually, he asks me to do something, but sometimes, I was too tired to ignore his words. And he usually does it himself, as a result, I must clean all the mess he made.

And I guessed that there was nothing worse than this because I'd already see through it. M y bed which I broke two weeks ago. And it is obviously too big. I didn't ask my brother for another because I already knew the answer to that. I didn't ask anything from him anymore because I couldn't depend on him too much that was what he quickly taught me after that.

I slowly walked downstairs and just walked into the living room. When my brother cast his always cold look at me, I felt a familiar strange feeling through my soul which made me afraid to look at him. There was hatred and anger that couldn't be ignored in his deep blue eyes.

I remember what it used to be. These eyes were filled with happiness and much love. Louis used to smile more, tell his joke more. Now he's emotionless and cold more. I knew that all the things were overshadowed by the darkness, and there is no more brightness in my life.

My brother Louis Morgan was my best friend and my closest family even if he was five years older than me. He gave me biscuits, sweets, and all I wanted with his own pocket money, even if I didn't use mine to buy something for him.

And I asked him to take me out with his friends, he wanted me to be alone and beg me to stay at home, but because of my tears, he never leaves me alone at home eventually.

Sometimes when we argued, he always be the one who apologize first and never hold grudges. All the things were perfect until I was twelve.

In the morning, I got a feeling that something bad would happen and I couldn't explain why. I tried to stay at home, pretending I was ill, but my father looked through me, my plan was wrecked.

After school, my best friend Hebe and I had to walk home. Hebe was talking about some boy that wanted to date with her. She may notice my bad mood, so she started to cheer me up.

Suddenly, her eyes were focus on something behind me. I waved my hands in front of her face to catch her attention. Hebe slapped my hand away, I tried to see what she was looking at, but she held my shoulders stopping me, this made me want to see more.

Her eyes snapped to mine, and her mouth was gaped open.

"I think we should come back home now Katherine, there is nothing happen. "she said.

There was nothing more than what I couldn't see, and I tried to turn around again, but Hebe held me determinedly.

I pushed her using all my strength, and curiosity killed the cat.

What I saw changed my whole life. I never saw what I saw. Maybe I should have just let her hold me and I could be happy forever.

I couldn't feel anything, just the sudden burn that rushed to my heart as my brain felt cold, spinning around. All I knew was that how sweaty my palms were and how dry my throat was. I wondered that whether I could hear my heartbeat.

I saw a man and a woman standing feet away from me. If they were anyone else, I would say what a beautiful couple in love. The woman had her arms wrapped around the man's waist looking up at him whilst he was staring down at her with so much love. And I couldn't be more familiar with her long blonde hair which was shiny as ever.

I watched they walked to the passenger side of the car standing and kissing. The man opened the door for her. She laughed and pulled him down for another kiss and then entered the car. I stood there seeing they drove off.

It really hurt me so. I would have smiled warmly if they were someone else. I had no idea who that guy was. I know exactly the woman that kissed the stranger was my mother. A woman I thought I knew, a woman who was married to my father, a woman who I called her mother.

Hebe stood next to me to comfort me, but this couldn't help me get rid of these mess.

All I knew is that my life changed forever.

I was so anger that my mother was married to my father who loved and supported her form bottom of his heart. I didn't know what to do. Just look what she did. I felt overwhelmed and I cried. I couldn't deal with this feeling which was messy and painful. Hebe just pulled me into her arms and tried to comfort me. I knew that was all she could do but I couldn't stop crying. She led me to her house because she knew that I didn't want to come back home to face all of these alone. I knew clearly that this would destroy my father and my brother who loved my mother so bad. So, I made a decision that would ruin my life and I should know it would be this much. I determined that I would to keep this ridiculous secret myself.

By the time I arrived at home, there were so many tears on my red face, I couldn't stop crying, because every image of my mother and that man would flash in my head, and it hurt me again.

When I arrived the front of door, I tried to take deep breath to relax myself, pretending nothing happened. But I underestimated how worried my father was about me, I didn't even enter my room before I was in his hug. The more he did, the more my eyes starting to burn with tears. I warned myself just clam down, don't cry again. But it didn't work.

I cried. I cried in my father's arm, I cried for my mother was cheating. I cried for my father didn't know this mess but loved her so. I cried for my brother thought that he had a responsible mother. I cried for myself knowing there was no more happy family. I was so regret that I turned back seeing this shit. Why I was the one who knew the truth.

"What's wrong? Are you cry for your date?" he asked.

I avoided his gaze. Because I felt guilty that I knew the secret and I couldn't tell the truth to him. I shook my head and bowed my head. I was afraid of telling the truth.

"I'll be there for you, and I am waiting for the time when you can tell me what's up, I'm wondering who hurt my little princess." he whispers.

The more he said, the more I felt like death by a thousand cuts.

"Mother..." I shut up my mouth, but it was too late. I didn't realize that I have said it out loud.

"Don't lie to me Katherine. Just tell me the truth." he said rising his voice.

"I can't dad! I can't. "I cried out pushing him away from me.

" Just tell me. I'm her husband, it is my right to know."

I thought he was right. He should know what happened. But I still kept quiet.

"I am about to call your brother and we may start a family meeting."

"No dad!" I screamed.

"I saw mum kissing a man." I said with despair.

I saw my father face changed, replacing the concern look with a blank one. I could see the pain in his eyes, and I really wanted to bear his burden. He just looked deep into my brown eyes making sure whether I was telling the truth.

Then I heard a sigh from him. shook his head. He walked to his coat, muttering something under his breath. Louis walked in at same time.

"Go to bed Katherine. Louis take care of her." My father says but he didn't look back to us.

"Where are you going dad?".

"For a walk." Then he was gone. And I didn't realize that it was the last time I saw him.

" Off to bed, do what father say." My brother said.

"Ok." And you will cry like me, even if you are a boy.

"And if this is something about date, you could give some advice." I knew he was joking but he pulled me into a tight hug. I was about to cry. He kissed my head and watch me go to bed.


The shouting took me by surprise, and sudden pain that rushed to my back made me moan out loud.

"What the hell Louis?" I asked.

" What the fuck did you do to father?"

"What do you mean?" I was confused that the manner he treated me.

"You'd better tell me the truth now. I don't want to hurt you."

"What did you tell dad?" he repeated again, I didn't know what happened, but his attitude made me nervous.

"You should calm down. "I tried to comfort him.

"DAMN! YOU EVEN DON'T KNOW! DAD IS DEAD!" he yelled loudly.

Seeing his dark blue eyes turned into dark cold purple and hatred was written in his eyes. These really hurt me the most, but I'd spent forever to know what he meant. My lung felt like they were compressed, quickly losing oxygen. I looked at him with my mouth opened, almost begging him to tell him he was joking. I even pinched myself making sure all of this wasn't a dream.

"What?" I couldn't believe what him said.

"Alpha said there are some rogues around, and I can't feel him no more. He's not in the territory." I have never seen my brother cry. I knew he was not lying.

"He can't be dead. No! I don't believe. He will be here later and come back just he used to be. Yeah...."

Louis shook my shoulder. He's nails dug into my skin. "DAD IS DEAD. I am not lying!"

My father is gone. I shouldn't tell him. It's my fault. I am the one to blame. I shouldn't let him walk out of that door. If I tell Louis the truth, whether he would walk out? Will he die like father and leave me forever? I can't tell him, I can't lose him anymore.

"I said...I told him...."

He just looked at me with tears in his eyes. He was waiting for me to say something.

"I can't tell you. I can't tell you" I repeated myself again and again.

He's eyes went cold, and his lips formed a sneer. "Fine! Keep your bloody secret. You're no longer my sister, I hate you. "he spat.

My vision blurred; my castle crumbled overnight. I felt like I was a crumpled-up piece of paper lying here.

Time won't fly, the tear, the pain. I never forget this day, the day I lost my father, my brother, my happy family. I'd never be the old myself, I lost her too, and she would never come back.

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Rejected by My Kids' Father

Chapter 1 I lost my happy family



Chapter 2 He protected me



Chapter 3 My mate



Chapter 4 We will see each other again someday.



Chapter 5 You treated her like a slave



Chapter 6 I am rejecting you as my mate



Chapter 7 I would sure be killed like my father.



Chapter 8 You would always be my beta



Chapter 9 You are going to be a mother.



Chapter 10 I am not weak anymore



Chapter 11 You are going to have a baby again



Chapter 12 She will kill you



Chapter 13 Why was Louis trying to get killed



Chapter 14 Maybe that's a good thing



Chapter 15 I forgive you



Chapter 16 Louis needs his mate



Chapter 17 She's a bitch



Chapter 18 What should I do



Chapter 19 You're a good fighter and trainer



Chapter 20 Is he dating me



Chapter 21 A punch in the face



Chapter 22 You rejected her, how could you!



Chapter 23 You can't leave me here!



Chapter 24 I'm scared.



Chapter 25 If I refused him, I will be the evilest person.



Chapter 26 I am going to kill him!



Chapter 27 Protect me



Chapter 28 Watch your mouth



Chapter 29 I do.



Chapter 30 We will happen



Chapter 31 I'm leaving



Chapter 32 Maybe I liked him a long time ago.



Chapter 33 You are the cutest person ever



Chapter 34 No one believes me



Chapter 35 You will not have chance to do this



Chapter 36 I love you too much to let you go



Chapter 37 The Epilogue
