Sofia, an agent sent Uncover on a mission to inquire about evidence and schemes of an operation in a company allegedly said to be run by a Mafia Boss and his black market dealings. After falling in love with the cold, heartless Alexander Royce. Will she go through with her mission or leave it for love?
Driving with curious gazes at the scenes that passed by, a phone call breaks the silence.
"You disappeared on me. We had an appointment".
She replies unfazed "Work calls''.
Dr Amy sighed with a tone of concern, "Sophia, it is usual to be traumatized by what happened''; Death is a normal occurrence''.
Sophia with certainty in her voice, "I didn't know her, it's not a bother at all".
She was like me, nice, cold and empty with no one except a sad house plant which is better than what I have.
She died alone and peacefully.
Dr Amy feels remorseful, "Sophia, stay focused, no big moves or changes and free your mind''.
Sophia on the other end of the call feeling unusually calm about the whole burial crusade that has just been finalized.
Dr. Amy has no further comments, "Let's check in tomorrow''.
Sophia, "Yeah''.
Arriving at her agency, she walks in boldly leaving her audience in awe of her successful mission.
Sofia takes a breath and walks into the office, "It's been a while Chief''.
Without moving her gaze, she comments. "The agency has been dealing with three major issues this morning. Robbery and hostages at The YK Bank, Rising prison breakout at the National Prison Lockout and of course the Underworld dealings of drug exploitation and slave trade. And now I can't even get a good coffee''.
And yet, you lost control of the mission, the target dead, and then you had to eliminate four men. What a special day isn't' it'.
Sophia unfazed, "I like what you are doing with the office though''.
Chief with a curious grin fixed on her face, "Are you developing a sense of humour''.
Sophia waited patiently for another assigned job to take place, she needed something to get her mind busy.
Chief reserving all comments to give Sophia knowing she won't yield to any of them. "Alexander Royce, the young billionaire and mafia boss, has been a slippery one to catch, he deals with more drugs than the pharmaceutical world. I want him to face the law as soon as possible''.
Sofia's eyes fixed on the lines of the pages of the new case with more interest than normal. "Is he related to the drugs and cocaine that's now rampant in New York?''.
Chief's eyes, keened on the case subject cause it had been her lack of sleep for a while now. "Yes, and that's why I need you on this case as fast as possible, you will go undercover as an intern in his company and gain access to him, I want evidence to pin him down''.
Sofia without a hint of doubt replies, "Yes ma'am, as always dead with evidence. Bodies don't talk back''.
Chief, with a vein popping at the back of her neck due to her past frustrations. "Bring him alive and no screw-ups this time, follow protocols or I will assign you a permanent partner for this case''.
Sophia replies, "Sure Captain, Stay rested''.
Leaving the office with yet another troubled file on her hands, she will take this case as a breeze in a vacation that she needs.
With several thoughts pilling in her head, she tries to unravel the case of Alexander Royce, the young billionaire who yields power in different areas due to unrivalled personality and ruthless aura that seems to be unmatched by business tycoons and even the underworld associates.
Another sudden call brings her back to reality, "Yes, who's speaking?''.
"It's your Vet, you have to come down for your dog, it's a bit complicated actually''.
Sophia sighs, the only other thing she cared about in this life is her friend for life, who has now fallen ill due to lack of care.
She blames herself, she has been out for weeks on a mission without leaving her dog in safe care.
"I will be on my way''.
Pacing into the hospital, anxious to finally meet with her dog and its vet, she rushes up to meet the elevator and collides with an owner and his cat.
Finally, meeting up with the doctor in charge, "How is Roxy doing now?'' she asks patting the dog softly while checking its eyes.
"She is better right now, but she has to be taken care of properly, leaving her without any care can be dangerous to her well-being.
If there's no one, the hospital takes this type of service, till you are around to fend for her.''
Sophia stares at Roxy with a questioning look on her face as if she is asking the dog for a reply to what the doctor just said, "There will be no need for that, she will cope with me as always. We got each other."
The Vet had no other words, "Okay, that will be all for now, you can take her home".
Sophia drives back home, seated at her side her able ally, Roxy, tongue loose out in the air and ears flying in different directions without a thought of what will happen tomorrow.
Sophia takes a peek at her dog and turns back to the sightings outside her window, but her gaze suddenly falls back to the case file she had collected from the Chief.
The thoughts of her new mission as an intern and the target being Alexander, the ruthless tycoon unlocked a slight fear in her she wasn't used to for a long time.
With hopes that it was only a feeling, she drives back home.
Chapter 1 The Mission
Chapter 2 The Meet
Chapter 3 It's Blue
Chapter 4 Maybe
Chapter 5 If Only
Chapter 6 Tricks
Chapter 7 Spy on me
Chapter 8 You Again
Chapter 9 For Tonight
Chapter 10 Dare me
Chapter 11 Alone with me
Chapter 12 I Don't Like You
Chapter 13 An Angel
Chapter 14 The Wrong Person
Chapter 15 Still Mine
Chapter 16 Hot Mess
Chapter 17 Another Shot
Chapter 18 Damned... finally
Chapter 19 My Liege
Chapter 20 The Dance
Chapter 21 Like A Dream
Chapter 22 A Mistake
Chapter 23 Just Him
Chapter 24 In those moments
Chapter 25 Bodies, Blood and Bullets
Chapter 26 Till Whenever
Chapter 27 In YC City
Chapter 28 Fate's Games
Chapter 29 This Motherfucker
Chapter 30 New Life