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The Mafia King Prisoner.

The Mafia King Prisoner.



19 years old Vanessa Anderson,is sold off to Dominic Alexander.A powerful,ruthless,cold and vengeful billionaire mafia boss.whose not only known to be notorious but also feared by many. His heart was void of any emotion which turned him into a monster. Vanessa is sold off to the Mafia boss by her parents who not only borrowed money from him but also betrayed him. She faces discrimination by her own parents,and is forced to adapt to a world of brutality,corruption and violence. What will happen when Vanessa looks for ways to escape,will she escape successfully?what will happen when Dominic's men try to rape her,will she be able escape?What will happen when Vanessa goes to an Unknown village and meets a man she finds caring will the man betray her?Will Dominic be able to open his cold heart?Will Dominic be able to protect Vanessa when an enemy of his kidnaps her?

Chapter 1 A busy day.

Vanessa pov:

Today was hectic as usual,I had to run so many errands for my boss,I just want to go home and have a good rest and I really hope mum and dad will be asleep before I get home, if not I am not gonna have my peace of mind.

On my way home after work, I walked down the road leading to my house. The street light's helped me because it was past 9 and it's not really safe to walk alone by this time, but I am used to it all.

When I got home,I opened the door quietly, so I do not wake mum and dad if they are asleep already.

I walked quietly to my room because it was dark,I guess they were asleep. As I walked quietly to my room I heard whispers coming from mum and dad's room. Out of curiosity I walked quietly to their room door and I kept my ear really close to the door so I could hear what they were talking about.

I heard arguments 'why are they arguing' I took my ear closer to the door so I could hear very well

"I don't know what to do anymore I guess we have no choice but to use our only option if not we are all gonna die in his hand"I heard my dad voice 'what's happening are we gonna die' I thought deeply to myself.

"Why did u have to get involved with that man, whyyy have you got us into this mess,I don't wanna die we have to do it make sure to talk to him let him know u can repay him back ok"I heard my mom's voice she sound so serious and scared.

I heard footsteps walking towards to door,I ran as quietly as I could to my room.

'What could possibly be going on right now' I had this thought stuck on my mind unable to sleep

'what's going on in this house? as dad got into trouble again' dad loves gambling while mum just buys cloths or useless stuff with the money dad borrows or my money,I work day and night for this family but I get nothing in return only curse and trouble.

For the last five months dad has been spending a lot of money gambling I literally do not know where he got so much money to spend looks like he borrowed money again, "ahhhh fuck what's wrong with this family" I screamed inside my pillow so my voice could not be heard.

After many turns and thinking,I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next day I woke up extremely early so I could get the fuck away from this house but to my greatest surprise I saw my mum and dad sitting in The parlor, as if they where waiting for me.

As I passed by them I said my greetings and walked towards the door.

"Wait" I stopped on my track immediately as I heard my dads voice. I slowly turned my back to face them "yes dad" I answered.

"I want you to come back on time today by 6"he said.

"Why?Are we expecting visitors?" I asked because we barely get visitors.

"Indeed we are, so make sure to be here on time if not u do not want my anger Vanessa" he looked at me with a serious face as if telling me 'if u don't come back on time you are a dead meat.'

"Ok dad,I will get going now "I said to them and moved out immediately.

I am not ready for any more talk. Could this be related to what I heard Last night? I don't think so,I just hope it's not.

When I got to work, the restaurant was filled up as usual. I walked to the staff room to get changed,I wore my work dress and went out.

The restaurant was buzzing with people. "Vanessa" I heard my name being called.

I looked towards the direction I heard my name being called from, and saw my boss waving at me to come to his office.

When I got to his office I saw him sitting at his chair, flicking his pen in his hand.

"hello sir u called for me" I said to him

"Yes Vanessa,I want you to run an errand for me,I need you to go to the market and get these items" he said to me passing a piece of paper to me.

"alright sir" I took the paper and went through the contents.

"Be back on time, take my card, you know the pin" he said giving me his card.

"Yes sir" I took the card from him "sir I will be leaving work by 6pm today,I have important matters to attend to" I said to him.

"Alright no problem, you may leave now" he said dismissing me off. I took my leave and went to the market,After getting everything I needed I went back to work.

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