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Enslaved by the alpha king

Enslaved by the alpha king

k josh


Never expected my mate would turn out to be a wicked alpha and comrade to me. At age 15 my both family leaving me to cater for all in my family until my stupid mate showed up over night and spoilt my future plans but all hope didn't get lost until my twin brother showed up. I defended my self and my siblings against my boyfriend.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Staying at South America with my step sibiling after my parent and stepmom death. Have worked in various places and get scaked cause of my wicked mated comrade Simon


" Simon you can now clap for yourself for letting me get scaked from three places in two month" I said through my cell phone to Simon

" Leah,you know I love you that why I did so"he said with an unpleasant laughter that made my eyes filled with tears

" I must hang up now " I said with a sobbing voice

" Don't try so, unless" I immediately interrupted him with a voice filled with anger

" Unless what. Haven't you done enough" I shouted out as if Simon was with me

" Come to California with your sister" he said with a commanding tune

" Fuck you b*tch" I responded and ended the call with tears rolling down from my eyes like an ocean

" Senior sis,why you crying again" Lovie my younger sister asked packing her bags

" It nothing" I wiped out my tears with a hand towel I held on my hand to clean my tears

" Why are you packing your bags?" I asked coming closer to her with a smile that wasn't from my heart

" Just searching for my new dress" Lovie replied with a serious look on my face

" Who bought it for you?" I asked looking at her with a smile

" Peter got it for me" Lovie replied stretching herself like one who woke up from a deep sleep

" Which of the Peter's?" I asked assisting Lovie in packing her dress

" Your Co worker at the store" Lovie answered

" What wrong with you ?" I shouted out loud at Lovie with anger without minding any thing

" Excuse me, senior sis you don't live my life for me hope you know that" Lovie yelled back at me making me feel ashamed

" But you are still little to be in a relationship" I said with a calm tune

" Excuse me am 16 and you just senior me with only but 2 years hope you know that" Lovie responded with a ride character

" But....... Don't worry" I said feeling bad

" Who is he?" Lovie asked looking at me with a werid look

" Who is who?" I got confused immediately with the question

" Can I get some privacy" Lovie asked immediately as her phone rang immediately

" Who's that calling you by this hour" I asked trying to get out words from her mouth

" My boyfriend of course" she said trying to push me away

" Peter" we both said together

" Some privacy please" Lovie said with a commanding tune

" Sorry" immediately Lovie step aside to a part of my apartment to talk with Peter in a low tune

******{ Next day }

" Lovie! Lovie!!. It already morning so you can wake up" immediately I got interrupted by a knock on the door

" Whose that,hope that isn't the landlord" Lovie said in a low tune after waking up from her sleep

" Am scared also" I said in a low tune as the door knock get more harder

" Peter gave me 50 bucks" Lovie said in a calm tune

" I barely have 50 bucks here in this house" I responded with same tune

" Fuck you" Lovie said revealing her middle finger

" You are dead you little b*tch" I said putting my hands in a killing manner

" Does anyone leaves here" a voice from outside said still hitting on the door

" Yeah. It sounds just like Peter" Lovie said jumping down from the bed with a smile

" Am coming" I said walking towards the door to peep

" Doesn't look like him or anything similar to him" I said to Lovie with a calm voice

" Then whose there?" Lovie shouted out with no fear around her saying

" Don't know" I said opening the door to let the stranger in

" Who are you?" I asked not evening letting the strange person to take a sit nor enter the apartment

" Am Steve Potter" the strange young teen replied with a smile

" Who are you?" Lovie asked again with an aggressive tune

" My grandma said my sister and my step sister stay at Brazil south America" Steve said handing over a piece of nite to me which contains my home address

" Sis, can we see in private" Lovie demanded me pulling me into the apartment

" He bears dad name" I said putting my finger into my mouth

" Yes and he also looks like you" Lovie added dragging my hands out of my mouth

" But grand ma has been died at least a year now" I said looking at Lovie in a strange manner

" Let test him" Lovie said moving towards the bed

" How can can we do that . We barely even know a bit about him or anything similar to him" I responded demonstrating to Lovie as a college teacher

" But his handsome" Lovie said with a really harmful look

" Control yourself baby girl" I said moving closer to the door and letting him inside my apartment helping him to sit on a little sofa beside Lovie

" Thanks" Steve responded sitting on the sofa with a smile

" Okay" I also replied with a smile

" We have lot of questions for you" Lovie said with a bad and rude character

" Am all ears"Steve responded with an hurt voice

" Lovie" I yelled out her name with any

" Excuse me senior sis,,, I have my right" Lovie said trying to shut me up

" So,back to the questions. What grandma name" Lovie added with much pride

" Am a werewolf like you both ". Steve says adjusting his sitting style

" How?" I and Lovie both said in a surprising tune

" Grandma told me all about our family and it mystery" Steve said feeling balanced

" That not enough prove fur us to believe you are our brother" Lovie said in a more polite manner this Time

" What else" Steve said with lot of boldness

" What pack are you in?" I asked him in a flabber gasted manner

" Alpha pack! Any problem" Steve said with more and more boldness from his voice

" Not good" I said in a depressed tune

" Who's your pack leader ?" I asked keeping myself in suspense

" Simon and he stays at California" he responded dropping his bag he carried around on the ground ( bare floor)

" What pack are you in?" Steve said pointing towards me who look depressed

" Omega" I responded with a was voice

" Same" Lovie said

" Nice" Steve responded with his usual smile

" Back to the questions" Lovie said standing up from the bed she sat on

" What Grandma's name, my mom name and dads name including Leah's mom" Lovie asked looking at Steve's straight into the eyes

" Grandma name is Florina while Leah mom's name is Kate" Steve immediately got interrupted by my words

" But my mom got only me before death" I said with tears stock in my eyes

" My mom died when am at age 15" Steve said with a sad expression

" Then how old are you now?" I asked in curiosity cleaning my tears

" 18 years of age" Steve said adding a smile on his face wiping away the sad expression

" That not possible" I said with a surprise tune

" Can he possibly be your twin brother" Lovie said with a loud and annoying laughter

" That a big lie" Steve said with a sad expression on his face

" Yeah,that a big lie" I added in support of Steve claim

" Still confused" Lovie replied heading back to the bed

" Am more confused here or is this the wrong apartment or neither the wrong place" Steve said standing up with his bag to take his leave

" No,I don't think so" I said running after Steve and held him on his wrist

" His 18 and you are also 18 so you both can possibly be twins" Lovie said with a cool look

" Grandma said anytime I see you I should hand this to you" Steve said searching his bag and handed another piece of paper to me

" What that?" Lovie asked pointing towards the paper I held on my hand

" I think it a letter" I said trying to Know the paper opening

" It a letter but I don't know what the content" Steve said looking straight into my eyes with a smile

" It says read in silence" I said to myself with a worried looking smile

" Steve Potter is your twin brother you were both separated from at a very tender age to your different pack and it was also a taboo for a member of the Omega pack at that Time to give birth to different gender at a go. Please my cutie accept him as yours" I read out loud to everyone ears despite the warning in the envelope

" That all" Steve said with a flabber gasted look on his face

" So,we are both related" Lovie said going to sit behind Steve

" You are my twin but I can't still can't believe it" I said rubbing my hands all over my head and sat on my bed

" Peter,am on my way to your store. I have a surprise for you" Lovie said as her phone rang out

" Fuck nature" I yelled out laying flat on the bed

" Please is there any food in this house am currently starving" Steve said placing his hands on this tummy

" Bread and jam" Lovie said standing up from the place she sat

" Can you get that for me" Steve pleaded with a cute girlish smile

" Go find the kitchen and serve your self" I said picking my phone up form the little cupboard at my bed corner

" We aren't your slave sisters" Lovie said moving towards the bathroom

" Let me go prepare for job hunting as usual" I said deeping my whole focus into my phone

" Hmmm" Steve reacted standing up from the chair he sat on

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