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Hidden Affection

Hidden Affection

Celestine Pery


Left with no other option but to hire a new secretary, Liam a very good-looking but strict CEO of Liam Tech Company decided to try his luck with a new secretary. Mia the new secretary, is very beautiful but always poorly and shabbily dressed and also clumsy which makes Liam dislike her. Liam and Mia later fell in love but decided to keep it a secret for fear of criticism. An ex-girlfriend of Liam suddenly appears to make life miserable for Mia. Mia later found out that she was pregnant without knowing how or who impregnated her. How will she break her pregnancy news to Liam? Will their relationship still survive with the issue of unknown pregnancy?

Chapter 1 The first meeting

Movement here and there filled the whole office, some trying to arrange their tables properly, some putting away the foods they were eating,others looking into the mirror to see if they are looking presentable.Within a twinkle of an eye , everyone satat steadily in their desk looking straight on the screen of their computers. A very muscular figure entered the office,looking all shiny, with vibrant hair,a well defined jawline and handsome face, his look is the dream of all women. Immediately he reached the center of the office , a deep voice echoed," a meeting in 20 minutes".

Liam, a multimillion CEO of a renounced tech company in the city of Los Angeles was left with no option but to hire a new secretary since the old secretary has resigned. Rumor has it that no secretary of Liam lasted for a month,it was only Miss Mary who lasted as his secretary for five years. Liam was so worried about her leaving but his pride made it look like he doesn't care.

Everyone was seated in the meeting room wondering why an emergency meeting was called. Liam enters with his face fixed to his mobile phone and starts speaking, "the reason for this meeting is to announce that Miss Mary, the secretary of the company has resigned and a new secretary will be filling her position immediately, i think she will be here in five minutes time".

Immediately he stopped talking. A curvy, beautiful but shabbily dressed lady appeared through the door of the meeting room.With a scattered voice, she said, my name is Mia, the new secretary. Silence and tension filled the room for some minutes until Liam spoke, in a very harsh manner, " be seated and get to work, take the minutes of this meeting". After the meeting, the other worker welcomed Mia and showed her to her desk.She knocked and entered into Liam office to hand over the minutes she had taken, she mistakenly missed her steps and fell on Liam's desk, causing the files on the desk drop on the floor.

Shit, Liam said, "I do not work with clumsy people,fix yourself or say bye to this company, leave my office this instance before I lose my anger the more!"

Mia left the office with so much fright, but when she narrated the incident to her colleagues , they all laughed,saying that was her welcome address.

After work, Mia seems rather worried than happy, she fears that she didn't make a good impression on her first day.The next day, she woke up very early hoping to be the first at work and at least make some good impression. She came to work later ,meeting an office full of people including her boss, she was rather the last person to report to work.That day was actually a very happy day for Liam since he is expecting some investors to come and inspect a new machine he has manufactured. Mia who was also curious of what the machine looks like went into the manufacturing room to see the machine,she was so amazed when she got there, she kept the water she was drinking on a table closer to where the new manufactured machine was and went to take a look at other machines,upon her returned she noticed that the water has mistakenly poured on the new machine, at the same moment Liam entered the room with the investors and saw what Mia did.The machine became faulty so nothing was there to show the investors again.The investors left without investing into Liam's machine. Liam later told Mia that sacking her will be a very simple punishment for her instead she will work for some months without pay.

Days went by quickly and Mia adapted to the company and Liam's harassments. One fateful day, she was assigned to arrange a pile of folders and some other work. Due to the work load on her, she was the last person to leave the office. She got home and slept deeply,the next day she woke up to several missed calls from Liam and other colleagues, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the missed calls,when she tried calling them back, her phone died. She hurried to the office and saw all her colleagues and Liam with some police officers. Her colleagues informed her about an attempted robbery at the office, she was later question by the police officers since she was the last person to leave the office.After the police officers left, Liam who was already boiling with anger shouted in Mia's direction, "you incompetent of a person, do you know how much money and energy i invested into this company,how dare you show up here and trying to make me lose my hard work! Why does misfortune and disorder follow you everywhere you go, leave my company and do not show your filthy self to me again".

Mia, who was confused as to what exactly happened, was in tears and shaking. She moved to her desk,packed her belongings and walked out of the company. When she got to the main entrance she turned and looked at the building with tears in her eyes.

The company that day was filled with silence since everyone got used to Mia being around, they also felt that, Liams decision was too hasteful and unjust. That same evening, a colleague of Mia confessed that he was the one who returned to the office in the evening to pick something and mistakenly left the door open. Everyone was shocked by his confession especially Liam since he realized he blamed and sacked Mia unfairly.

A worker at the company who is also Liam's friend and old classmate pursued him to go and apologize to Mia and if possible ask her to return to the company but he refused. After Mia's departure, the secretaria position was left vacant because Liam's was trying to prevent another Mia from coming to his company and so, he disqualified every single person that applied for the position.

Mia on the other hand decided to get some rest before starting another job hurting.One evening as she was returning from shopping, she noticed a shadow following her, the shadow followed her till she was about to enter her house.

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