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Mafia's Redemption

Mafia's Redemption



Nicholas a man with so many hidden past, and an Italian mafia known for his ruthlessness. Rose a girl who is caring, inquisitive, loving and forgiving. She have always been dreaming of a particular blue eyes man, and she was wondering the reason for that. What happen when she actually met the blue eye man that is always in her dream physically? What happen when her curiosity also lead her to the blue eye man? What happen when her curiosity also make her follow the blue eye man? Will she be his redemption or will she be a disaster to him? Will she be able to help him with his hidden trauma? They are all in the story don't miss out? 😜😜😜 XoXo

Chapter 1 ONE


I was walking down the street on a cold and windy evening, then I found myself moving down a dark alley.

On reaching there, I found a man leaning on the wall of the alley, but his face was invisible to me because of the darkness that was roaming the alley.

I could only faintly see his figure. Then he pulled something from his pocket, but I could not see it. Then I saw a faint light. I realized that what he pulled out from his pocket was cigarettes and lighter. He lit the cigarette, and through the faint light of the lighter and cigarettes, I saw his face. Damn, I couldn't take my eye off his face because I have never seen someone as beautiful as he is. He has a deep blue eye. The small light coming from the cigarette made his blue eye more attractive. I couldn't take my eye off him. As I was planning to talk to him, I heard something ringing.

I woke up thinking about why I have always dreamed about the blue-eyed man. For the past month, my dream has been about encountering him on different occasions.

I checked the time at 7:35 and I realized I was getting late. I need to quickly get ready for work. Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Rose Cambelle. I am 21 years old. I have a little brother, age 9, and my mother.

I lost your father when I was 9 who died of cancer. I have been hustling to take care of my mom and little brother. I work as a waitress in a canteen. I quickly get ready for work. On reaching the canteen, I quickly enter the changing room and change into my working clothes. As I was coming out, I bumped into my friend Mark. Mark and I have been friends since we attended the same high school and we graduated. At the same time, both of us are not able to continue because of money and we have responsibilities to tend to.

Mark and I exchanged pleasantries, and we started serving. I decided to rest small because I have been serving nonstop since.

Rose go and served table 12. I went there and saw a boy and a girl around the age of 19. They looked like high school lovers. I ask them what they would like to order, and I wrote it down. After fifteen minutes, I gave them their order, and they responded politely, unlike some rude teenagers.

We worked till everywhere was becoming dark; it was already getting darker outside. We were about to close when suddenly we saw about five men dressed in black suits entering the canteen. All of them were neatly dressed, and their cologne smell filled the atmosphere.

My boss told me to attend to them because I and Angelina were the only ones remaining in the club and the rest had gone home because their shift was over. On getting to their table, I was fidgeting and conscious of myself because their presence was scary and at the same time screamed power.

On reaching their table, I ask them what they would like to order. Four of them lifted their heads up except one; they were all looking gorgeous. I had them speak Italian to each other before they responded to me. They ordered chicken and red wine. I first brought the wine before bringing the chicken. As I was about to leave, the fifth person raised his head up; he had been busy on his phone since they got here.

His deep blue eye pierced through my green eye like he was looking through her soul. He was looking so fucking beautiful. He has a small stubble under his chin. In my twenty-one years of life, I have never encountered someone as good-looking as he is; he is looking like a model from Victoria Secret. Then I remembered my dream: the blue eye I have always been seeing. The eyes are so similar to the one in my dream. I kept looking, memorizing his face and figure. He opened the first three buttons of his shirt. The tattoo in his chest was visible. I was basically drooling until he cleared his throat and said, What are you still waiting for? You can go. His voice was so angelic.

Afterward, they went out of the canteen. As I was going home, I noticed a figure standing in the shadow of the alley across the street. The faint light of the cigarette caught her eye. Her heart skipped a beat. I can never forget these blue eyes. It looks like she's in her dream, but no, this was happening physically. Rose felt an inexplicable draw towards this mysterious man.

Summoning her courage, she approached the alley, and as she got closer, her pulse quickened.

She could sense the aura of power and danger that surrounded him.

The faint glow from the lit cigarettes partially revealed his profile; she caught a glimpse of his face, and she gasped.

The mysterious man turned around slowly, and Rose breath hitched his rugged features, chiseled jawline, and stormy eye together to create an irresistible enigma.

She didn't know if she should run away or stay, but before she could decide, he spoke with a gruff tone: Who are you and why are you following me? Rose stammered nervously. I'm not following you, I just...... Ernmmmm, I saw you here, and I couldn't resist coming close.

His expression remained cold, but there was a flicker of curiosity in those blue eyes. "You shouldn't be here; it's not safe," he warned.

I know, but I can't explain it. I've seen you before in my dreams. Rose confessed, surprising herself with her honesty.

His eye narrowed, and he examined her skeptically.

"Dreams, you say?" Yes, for as long as I can remember, you've been in my dreams always with those captivating blue eyes, "she said, her voice growing more confident.

His tough exterior seemed to soften just a fraction, but he quickly masked it. "Dreams are meaningless, and they don't concern me. Now, leave before you get hurt.


Despite his warning, Rose couldn't let go of the feeling that their connection was more profound than he cared to admit.

There was vulnerability behind his gruff exterior, and she was determined to undercover the secret he hid so well from the moment on. Rose found herself entangled in a dangerous dance with the mysterious blue-eyed man; she was determined to break the barrier he created.

He was chipping away at the barriers he had built around his heart.


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