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A Promise to Keep!

A Promise to Keep!

General Wa-Gitau


"A Promise to Keep" explores the profound significance of promises made and cherished within the context of love and commitment. Through the lives of two individuals, Eunice and Josiah, the narrative celebrates enduring love, unity in adversity, and the power of vows that transcend time.

Chapter 1 Dedication & Introduction


To My Dearest Love and Wife, Eunice

In the book of life, where chapters are penned,

One stands out, a love that will never end.

Eunice, my heart's companion, my guiding light,

In your love, I've found my eternal delight.

For 31 years, hand in hand we've trod,

Since that day, beneath the heavens of God,

Our holy matrimony, on December's eve,

A promise made, a love that'll never leave.

Through life's grand tapestry, in every scene,

You've been my rock, my constant, my queen. In your arms,

I've found my sanctuary, my peace, A love that never fades, it only does increase.

Our journey's been filled with laughter and tears,

With every passing day, our love perseveres.

Through trials and triumphs, side by side we've stood,

A testament to a promise, our love understood.

Eunice, my love, my confidante, my friend,

With you, I've found a love that has no end.

On this 31st anniversary, I simply say, "Thank you,"

For the love you've given, for a love so true.

In poetry and prose, my heart does declare,

For your love, Eunice, I'm beyond compare.

May our love's story continue, through all that we face,

With gratitude and love, in this sacred space.

So, here's to us, to our love's endless dance,

To the cherished moments, to every chance.

Eunice, my love, my heart's jubilation,

Thank you for 31 years of love's dedication.


In the tapestry of life, where love and commitment intertwine,

there exists a story that transcends the ordinary-a story

A Story-of promises made and kept,

of hearts bound together through the ebb and flow of time.

This is the essence of "A Promise to Keep."

In these pages, we embark on a heartfelt journey through the lives of two souls,

Eunice and Josiah, whose love story serves as a testament,

to the enduring power of promises within the realm of love.

This book is a celebration of their love,

a love that has weathered life's trials and triumphs,

a love that has grown deeper with each passing year.

"A Promise to Keep" is a tapestry of prose,


and narrative that explores the profound significance of promises within the context of love and commitment.

It takes you on a voyage through the various chapters of their lives,

each one marked by promises made and cherished.

Through the pages of this book,

you will encounter themes of communication,

forgiveness, acceptance, and resilience-

themes that have woven the fabric of Eunice and Josiah's love.

You will witness their love as it evolves,

deepens, and solidifies over time,

illustrating that love, when nurtured and honoured through promises,

can withstand the test of time

and emerge even more beautiful and profound.

But "A Promise to Keep" is more than just a love story;

it is a legacy-

a legacy of wisdom and inspiration meant to be passed down through generations.

It invites you to reflect on your own relationships and the promises you've made,

reminding you of the enduring significance of those commitments.

In dedicating this book to our enduring love,

we celebrate the 31st anniversary of Eunice and Josiahl's holy matrimony-

a milestone that speaks not only of commitment

but of a promise to cherish and nurture our love for all the years to come.

As we turn the pages of "A Promise to Keep,"

we are invited to witness a love that transcends time,

a commitment that endures,

and a promise that is etched in the hearts of two individuals,

bound together in the most beautiful of unions.

It is a promise to love,

to cherish,

and to keep,

regardless of what life may bring-

a promise that shines as a beacon of hope, assurance, and enduring love.


In the tapestry of life

where love is the thread that binds us all, there exists a story-

-an extraordinary story that weaves together

the profound significance of promises

and the enduring power of love.

It is a story that transcends the boundaries of time,

a story that unfolds within the pages of "A Promise to Keep."

This book is more than just words on paper;

it is a testament to the enduring nature of love and commitment.

It is a tribute to the promises we make to one another,

promises that shape the course of our lives and the depth of our relationships.

Within these pages, you will encounter the love story of two ordinary individuals,

Eunice and Josiah.

Our journey is not one of fleeting moments or superficial affections;

it is a journey of promises made and cherished-

-a journey that has spanned the years,

growing deeper and more profound with each passing day.

"A Promise to Keep" is a celebration of love in all its forms-

a love that knows no boundaries,

a love that perseveres through life's trials,

and a love that continues to evolve and deepen,

defying the constraints of time.

Through prose and poetry,

we explore the themes that define our love story:

communication that bridges the divide between hearts,

forgiveness that heals even the deepest wounds,

and acceptance that celebrates imperfections as unique and beautiful.

But this book is not merely an exploration of Eunice and Josiah's love;

it is an invitation-

-an invitation for you,

the reader,

to reflect on your own promises and commitments in the realm of love.

It is a reminder that the promises we make to one another are not mere words;

they are the foundations upon which lasting and meaningful relationships are built.

As you journey through the chapters of "A Promise to Keep,"

you will find inspiration and wisdom-

--a legacy that transcends the pages of this book.

It is a legacy meant to be passed down through generations,

a legacy that emphasizes the enduring significance of promises

in the beautiful tapestry of love.

In dedicating this book to the 31st anniversary of Eunice and I 's holy matrimony,

we celebrate not only our commitment but also Our promise-

a promise to love,

to cherish,

and to keep,

regardless of what life may bring.

Our love story is a testament to the enduring power of promises,

And it is an honour to share it with you.

So, as you embark on this journey through "A Promise to Keep,"

May you be inspired by the love,

the commitment,

and the promises that shape our lives and illuminate the path to enduring,

meaningful connections.

Why This Book Matters?

"A Promise to Keep" matters

because it delves deep into the heart of one of the most fundamental aspects of human existence-

--love and commitment.

In a world filled with transient connections and fleeting relationships,

this book stands as a reminder of why enduring promises in the context of love are not just meaningful but profoundly significant.

Here's why this book matters:

Celebration of Love:

In a world often filled with negativity and strife,

this book celebrates the beauty and power of love in all its forms.

It reminds us that love, when nurtured through promises,

can be a source of immense joy and fulfillment.

Commitment in a Disposable Age

In an era where commitments are sometimes treated as disposable,

this book emphasizes the importance of unwavering commitment.

It illustrates that promises made and kept can strengthen the bonds between individuals, fostering relationships that stand the test of time.

Lessons for All Ages

The book's exploration of themes

such as communication, forgiveness, acceptance,

and resilience offers valuable lessons for individuals of all ages.

It provides insights into how these elements can enrich and deepen our relationships.

Inspiration and Hope

"A Promise to Keep" serves as a source of inspiration and hope.

It showcases a love story that has persevered through life's trials and tribulations,

offering reassurance that lasting, meaningful relationships are possible.

Passing Down Wisdom

The book's legacy aspect ensures that the wisdom

and inspiration it contains can be passed down

through generations.

It encourages readers to reflect on their own commitments and promises,

fostering a deeper understanding of their significance.

A Reminder of Love's Endurance

In a fast-paced world where change is constant,

this book reminds us that love has the power to endure and deepen with time.

It highlights the timeless quality of love,

showing that it can withstand the test of time and

evolve into something even more beautiful.

A Celebration of Human Connection

Ultimately, "A Promise to Keep" is a celebration of human connection.

It underscores the importance of the bonds we form with one another

and the promises that bind us.

It reminds us that these connections are what gives life its deepest meaning.

In a world that often emphasizes material pursuits and external achievements,

this book redirects our focus to what truly matters-

--the connections we form,

the promises we make,

and the love that sustains us.

It matters because it speaks to the core of our humanity,

offering a glimpse into the profound significance of promises in the context of love and commitment.

"A Promise to Keep" is a beautiful Endeavor.

Prose poetry allows us a lyrical and narrative exploration of the themes of love and commitment.

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